10 septembre 2023 | Local, Terrestre

'We could hear the burning': Canada's top soldier remembers the Battle of Medak Pocket | CBC News

Thirty years ago this week, Canadian soldiers on a peacekeeping mission fought a pitched battle against Croatian forces near the town of Medak in the former Yugoslavia. Today, military members marked the anniversary of the Battle of Medak Pocket with a low-key ceremony at the national peacekeeping memorial in Ottawa.


Sur le même sujet

  • Ukraine buys Canadian sniper rifles – delivery expected soon

    11 novembre 2019 | Local, Terrestre

    Ukraine buys Canadian sniper rifles – delivery expected soon

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN Sniper rifles from PGW Defence Technologies of Winnipeg will be arriving soon in Ukraine. The company, with support of Global Affairs Canada, sold 50 LRT-3 sniper rifles to Ukraine's military, according to the Canadian Forces. Ukrainian government officials say the rifles are expected in the country very soon. Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Vasyl Bodnar said in an interview with Ukrinform, the country's national news agency, that he believes the sniper rifle deal “will open the door to expanding the range of cooperation” between Ukraine and Canada on military equipment. Ukraine is also seeking armoured vehicles and other equipment from Canada. Canadian Forces personnel are working with Ukrainian snipers predominantly through a basic sniper course. They are mainly developing the Ukrainian instructors, but do provide some mentorship to the students, noted Canadian Forces spokesperson Capt. Leah Campbell. This is basically through watching and providing feedback to the students, she added. “Weapons that the students are using are provided or purchased by the Ukrainian Government,” explained Campbell in an email. “CAF personnel are not currently working with LRT-3 .50 caliber rifle. However, we are always responsive to our Ukrainian partners training needs and can adjust as appropriate.” In December 2017, the House of Commons defence committee recommended the government provide weapons to Ukraine, provided it demonstrates it is working to eliminate corruption at all levels of government. Senior officials from Ukraine's ministry of defence told the defence committee they would welcome arms from Canada, including anti-tank weapons. They told the committee that the Ukrainian military's sniper equipment was obsolete. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/ukraine-buys-canadian-sniper-rifles-delivery-expected-soon

  • CF-18 Demonstration Team celebrates RCAF centennial with 20-city performance schedule - Skies Mag

    6 décembre 2023 | Local, Aérospatial

    CF-18 Demonstration Team celebrates RCAF centennial with 20-city performance schedule - Skies Mag

    The schedule begins May 18 in Comox, B.C., and wraps up Sept. 30 in Leamington, Ont.

  • 20 M$ de financement disponibles pour les prototypes innovants

    18 janvier 2021 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    20 M$ de financement disponibles pour les prototypes innovants

    Volet mise à l'essai maintenant ouvert Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que notre volet mise à l'essai accepte maintenant les candidatures. Nous disposons d'un budget de 20 millions de dollars pour tester vos innovations pré-commerciales en phase finale dans des conditions réelles avec des partenaires gouvernementaux. Vous pouvez recevoir jusqu'à 550 000 dollars pour tester votre innovation standard (non militaire), ou jusqu'à 1,15 million de dollars pour tester votre innovation militaire. Cet appel à propositions du volet mise à l'essai se termine le 5 février 2021 à 14h HNE. En savoir plus Qui est admissible ? Nous recherchons des produits et services innovants aux niveaux de maturité technologique (NMT) 7 à 9. Nous avons lancé deux appels à propositions simultanés pour les : PME canadiennes Non-PME : un propriétaire unique, un individu, une grande entreprise, un organisme à but non lucratif ou une institution universitaire Lisez tous les critères d'éligibilité ici. Ventes directes pour les PME Nous introduisons une nouvelle fonctionnalité du programme pour les PME ! Les PME qui réalisent un premier contrat de test peuvent être admissibles à notre liste de sources d'innovation. Les PME qui se qualifient pour notre liste de sources d'innovation: seront admissibles à vendre au gouvernement du Canada sans autre concurrence pendant une période de 3 ans seront admissibles pour des contrats supplémentaires (jusqu'à un maximum de 8 millions de dollars par contrat) Visitez notre site web pour tous les détails concernant les appels à propositions du volet mise à l'essai.

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