19 septembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

Vulcan Update: New organization features and new calls for capabilities

Please find attached the latest Vulcan updates and highlights. More specifically:

  1. Understanding how you can edit and enhance your organizational profile
  2. New calls for capabilities from Government organizations, including SOF needs for advanced communication capabilities;
  3. Updates on ongoing technology assessment activities and upcoming experimentation events

It takes a Network!

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  • DISA releases draft solicitation for $11.7 billion IT contract

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    DISA releases draft solicitation for $11.7 billion IT contract

    Andrew Eversden WASHINGTON — The U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency released its draft request for proposals Sept. 4 for a single-award contract potentially worth $11.7 billion to consolidate the networks at 22 Pentagon agencies. The 10-year, indefinite delivery, indefinitely quantity contract from DISA, called Defense Enclave Services, will transition many so-called fourth estate agencies to common IT systems under a single vendor. Fourth estate agencies are Defense Department entities that do not sit squarely under the military departments, such as the Missile Defense Agency or the Defense Logistics Agency. DISA's effort is meant to reduce redundant IT costs, improve cybersecurity and standardize IT support services among the fourth estate agencies. “DISA desires to partner with industry to provide commercial Information Technology (IT) services, decrease redundant IT costs, enhance cybersecurity posture, and standardize IT services across disparate networks,” the draft RFP stated. “Defense Enclave Services will unify the 4th Estate's Common Use IT systems, personnel, functions, and program elements associated with the support of those systems and technologies under a Single Service Provider (SSP) architecture managed, operated, and supported by DISA.” Under the draft RFP, the single provider will provide “all required transition, infrastructure, network operations and management engineering and innovation, cybersecurity, and technical refresh support services" under nine performance areas. Migration to a consolidated network will take place in two phases. Agencies involved in the first phase will complete “integration and sustainment” by fiscal 2025, and those involved in the second phase will complete migration by fiscal 2026. The network will include the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network and the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network. DISA estimates the performance period will be from Dec. 7, 2021, to Dec. 6, 2031, with a four-year base period and three two-year options. According to a pre-solicitation industry day script from August, five agencies will be part of the first task order: Defense Media Activity, Defense Technical Information Center, Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency and Defense Microelectronics Activity. Those five components include 20,000 users, 81 global sites and 40,000 end points, the presentation stated. DISA has been under pressure from lawmakers and top Pentagon officials in recent years to find ways to save money. Last year, DISA officials told reporters that the agency's Fourth Estate Network Optimization initiative would provide cost savings to the agency. The initiative was directed by the deputy secretary of defense in August last year. Phase one agencies include: Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA-HQ) Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency (DPAA) Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) Defense Media Activity (DMA) Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA-Field Sites) Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Defense Human Resources Agency/Defense Manpower Data Center (DHRA/DMDC) Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Phase two agencies include: Defense Health Agency (DHA) Defense Legal Services Agency (DLSA) Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Defense Technology Security Agency (DTSA) Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) Personnel Force Protection Agency (PFPA) Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) Joint Service Provider (JSP) According to the posting on beta.sam.gov, the final RFP will be released the last week of September. https://www.c4isrnet.com/it-networks/2020/09/08/disa-releases-draft-solicitation-for-117-billion-it-contract/

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