15 mai 2024 | International, Terrestre

US and Japan sign agreement to co-develop hypersonic interceptor

The Japanese government has flagged hypersonic missile defense as an urgent capability, citing recent developments in the region.


Sur le même sujet

  • Le ministère des Armées se félicite de l’amélioration de la disponibilité de ses aéronefs

    11 janvier 2022 | International, Aérospatial

    Le ministère des Armées se félicite de l’amélioration de la disponibilité de ses aéronefs

    En décembre 2017, la réforme du Maintien en condition opérationnelle aéronautique (MCO Aéro) entérinait la création de la Direction de la Maintenance aéronautique (DMAé), sous l'autorité directe du Chef d'état-major des armées (CEMA). Sa t'che vise à simplifier la chaîne du MCO Aéro en regroupant tous les marchés de maintenance relatif à un type d'aéronef précis dans un contrat dit « verticalisé », lequel est ensuite notifié à un prestataire unique, avec une obligation de résultats à la clé. En mai dernier, la DMAé avait indiqué que 82 Rafale étaient disponibles en février 2021, contre 70 un an plus tôt. Des progrès avaient également été constatés pour les 67 hélicoptères d'attaque Tigre de l'Aviation légère de l'armée de Terre (ALAT), 31% d'entre eux ayant été considérés « disponibles » en 2020, contre 26% en 2017. Cependant, les points de référence ne sont pas les mêmes qu'en mai 2021. Ainsi, selon ces dernières, 55% des 98 Rafale en dotation au sein de l'armée de l'Air et de l'Espace (AAE) au premier juillet 2021 auront finalement été disponibles (contre 53% en 2018, sur une flotte de 102 appareils). Avec les prélèvements devant être effectués sur la flotte de Rafale de l'AAE afin d'honorer les commandes passées par la Grèce et la Croatie, l'amélioration de la disponibilité des appareils restants est un impératif. Opex360 du 10 janvier

  • Air Force moves to enact space acquisition reforms, despite hold up of legislative proposals

    6 août 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Air Force moves to enact space acquisition reforms, despite hold up of legislative proposals

    Nathan Strout WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is trying to move ahead with reforms to how it acquires space systems, even as a report outlining significant legislative changes has gotten held up by the Office of Management and Budget. Released in May, the Department of the Air Force report recommends nine specific proposals to improve contracting under the newly established U.S. Space Force. While most of the changes can be undertaken independently by the Department of Defense, three recommendations would require legislative action by Congress. But according to Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration Shawn Barnes, the report has yet to get past OMB, which oversees the President's budget proposals and ensures legislation proposed by agencies is consistent with the administration. “[It's] still not on the hill. I'm a little frustrated by that, but I think we're very close with OMB at this point and I think we're just about there,” said Barnes during a July 30 call with reporters. “There are a couple of sticking points, but I'm not going to talk about those directly here.” Barnes continued on to say that OMB had no issues with the vast majority of the report. And while the Air Force has to wait for legislative action on some recommendations, Barnes said they are already moving ahead with internal reforms, such as establishing a distinct Space Force budget. “We're in the process of figuring out how to implement those actions within the alt-acquisition report that don't require any legislative change, and of the somewhat less than ten of those specific actions, probably six of them are within the Department of Defense's ability to get after. So we're building implementation plans for that,” he said. The most important recommendation in the report, at least according to the Air Force, is budgetary. They want to be able to consolidate Space Force budget line items along mission portfolios, such as missile warning or communications, instead of by platforms, allowing them more flexibility to move funding between related systems without having to submit reprogramming requests to Congress. This was a point of contention between the Pentagon and legislators last year, as the Air Force issued repeated reprogramming requests to secure the funding needed to push up the delivery date of the first Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared satellite. Barnes insisted that managing funding at the portfolio would give the Space Force more flexibility to react to program developments without sacrificing transparency. While funding would not longer be broken out at the program level, it could still be expressed at a lower level, he said. “We would still be breaking it down at a subordinate level but what we would hope is that we would have the ability to still move money from one of those subordinate levels to another, and that's where we can have that transparency,” he explained. https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2020/07/30/air-force-moves-to-enact-space-acquisition-reforms-despite-hold-up-of-legislative-proposals

  • Babcock to provide helicopters and support for the French Navy

    28 février 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Babcock to provide helicopters and support for the French Navy

    February 27, 2020 - In a contract led by the French Armament General Directorate (DGA) for the French Navy, Babcock, will work in partnership with Airbus Helicopters (AH) and Safran Helicopter Engines (SHE) to provide four H160 helicopters, helicopter modifications and through-life support. The H160 is a part of the interim fleet which will replace the Alouette III before the Guépard's entry into service. The aircraft will be used by the French Navy on demanding Search and Rescue (SAR) missions and will be based at two locations in North and West France. Babcock is the global launch customer for the H160 helicopter. This 10-year contact commences operations in 2022 and represents a milestone in the French MOD procurement process as it is the first time that a contract includes both hire and purchase of a brand new aircraft and its global support. This contract marks a significant step in Babcock France's deepening collaboration with French military forces after the Jet Fighters Modernized Training Programme (FOMEDEC) signed in 2016 for the French Air Force. It confirms Babcock's military air expertise and commitment to support France's armed forces. Military Aviation Director for Babcock France, Pierre Basquin said: “We are very proud to be part of this innovative project with our partners. All together, we will provide both the H160 to the French Navy with a high level of availability and allow the DGA to prepare for the entry into service of the Guépard.” Working closely with the DGA, Navy, AH and SHE stakeholders, Babcock is now driving forward with mobilisation activities. With a strong framework already in place, we will ensure the customer's faith in our trusted to deliver culture is well placed. Babcock Aviation is focused on defence and emergency services operations. Our mission is to save lives, protect communities and support the defence of nations. View source version on Babcock: https://www.babcockinternational.com/news/babcock-to-provide-helicopters-and-support-for-the-french-navy/

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