9 novembre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

Updated - Dassault makes it official – Rafale is out of Canadian fighter jet competition


Dassault Aviation has officially confirmed to Agence France-Presse that the firm has pulled out of Canada's future fighter program. The company had planned to offer the Rafale but decided against competing the aircraft because of the extensive Canadian requirements for interoperability with U.S. forces, according to a number of news reports, citing sources. The Canadian government confirmed the withdrawal after the news report became public. “On November 8, the French government officially notified Canada of its withdrawal from the competitive process to replace Canada's fighter jet fleet,” said Public Services and Procurement Canada spokesperson Rania Haddad. “We will continue to work closely with the remaining eligible suppliers to ensure they are well positioned to participate in the ongoing competition.”


Sur le même sujet

  • Le Canada annonce un deuxième engagement conjoint au maintien de la paix - La force opérationnelle aérienne sera envoyée à la mission des Nations Unies au Mali

    20 mars 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

    Le Canada annonce un deuxième engagement conjoint au maintien de la paix - La force opérationnelle aérienne sera envoyée à la mission des Nations Unies au Mali

    De Défense nationale Le 19 mars 2018, Ottawa (Ontario) — Défense nationale/Affaires mondiales Canada Le Canada est résolu à b'tir un monde plus paisible et plus prospère. Pour assurer la sécurité de nos citoyens, et de celle de nos alliés, il faut lutter contre l'instabilité et les conflits partout dans le monde. Le soutien du Canada à l'égard des missions de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies aidera les collectivités vulnérables et marginalisées à se construire un avenir meilleur. En novembre dernier, à Vancouver, le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé qu'il reprenait les opérations de la paix, notamment au moyen : des Principes de Vancouver – qui visent à mettre un terme au recrutement et à l'utilisation d'enfants‑soldats dans le monde; de l'Initiative Elsie – un projet pilote qui vise à accroître rapidement le nombre de policières et de femmes militaires déployées dans le cadre d'opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies et qui s'appuie sur l'expertise et l'engagement politique d'un groupe de pays partageant l'ambition du Canada en matière de changement; de toute une gamme d'engagements conjoints et de capacités militaires – qui visent à tirer parti de l'expertise canadienne. Le premier engagement conjoint, soit l'envoi au Centre de soutien régional des Nations Unies à Entebbe, en Ouganda, d'un aéronef C‑130 pour offrir une capacité de transport aérien tactique, a été annoncé à Vancouver et les préparatifs en vue du déploiement sont en cours. Dans le cadre de la reprise des opérations de la paix par le Canada, l'honorable Harjit Sajjan, ministre de la Défense nationale, et l'honorable Chrystia Freeland, ministre des Affaires étrangères, ont annoncé aujourd'hui un deuxième engagement conjoint du Canada : soit le déploiement d'une force opérationnelle aérienne auprès de la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA) pour une période de 12 mois. La force opérationnelle aérienne comprendra des hélicoptères Chinook pour assurer une capacité urgente de transport et de logistique pour la MINUSMA, et des hélicoptères Griffon pour assurer une escorte et une protection armées. De nombreux employés des Forces armées canadiennes accompagneront la force opérationnelle pour offrir du soutien, et le Canada est résolu à promouvoir l'égalité entre les sexes dans ses déploiements. Ainsi, le Canada contribuera aux efforts de 57 pays partenaires de la MINUSMA visant à instaurer un climat de paix et de stabilité au Mali et au Sahel. L'annonce d'aujourd'hui s'ajoute aux programmes importants de développement, de paix et de sécurité que le gouvernement mène dans la région. Au cours des prochains jours, le gouvernement enregistrera son engagement auprès de l'ONU, et les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) lanceront le processus de planification en collaboration avec l'ONU, leurs partenaires et le pays hôte. Citations « En tant que membre responsable de la communauté internationale, nous reconnaissons l'importance du travail en collaboration avec nos partenaires pour promouvoir la paix et la sécurité. Je suis certain qu'avec l'appui de nos négociations diplomatiques, le déploiement de la force opérationnelle aérienne pourra améliorer grandement la situation dans la région. » Le ministre de la Défense nationale, Harjit S. Sajjan « L'engagement conjoint annoncé aujourd'hui permet au Canada d'offrir son expertise pour b'tir un monde plus sûr et plus pacifique. Nous sommes résolus à améliorer l'efficacité des opérations de la paix des Nations Unies, ce que nous faisons en travaillant avec les pays partenaires pour accroître la participation utile des femmes au moyen de l'Initiative Elsie sur la participation des femmes aux opérations de paix, en mettant en œuvre les Principes de Vancouver pour mettre un terme au recrutement et à l'utilisation d'enfants‑soldats, et en offrant de la formation spécialisée pour répondre aux besoins des Nations Unies. » L'honorable Chrystia Freeland, C.P., députée, ministre des Affaires étrangères Faits en bref Au cours de la réunion des ministres de la Défense sur le maintien de la paix des Nations Unies, que le Canada a accueillie à Vancouver en novembre 2017, le Canada s'est engagé à améliorer l'efficacité des opérations de paix de l'ONU de diverses manières. Le Canada a pris une série d'engagements conjoints de grande valeur dans le cadre desquels des capacités militaires seraient déployées au cours des cinq prochaines années à tour de rôle avec d'autres pays membres lors de rotations planifiées et prévisibles. Parmi les capacités promises, on compte : une force de réaction rapide ainsi que l'équipement connexe; une force opérationnelle aérienne composée d'hélicoptères polyvalents armés de taille moyenne; le transport aérien tactique de soutien nécessaire pour combler les lacunes des Nations Unies quant à leur capacité à transporter du personnel, de l'équipement et des fournitures à leurs missions. L'Initiative Elsie pour les opérations de paix est un projet pilote dirigé par le Canada qui a pour objectif de tester de nouvelles façons d'éliminer les obstacles à la participation des policières et des femmes militaires aux opérations de paix. Le Canada mènera cette quête en vue de réaliser une percée, en travaillant en étroite collaboration avec un groupe de contact composé de pays qui feront profiter le projet de leur expérience, de leur expertise et de leur engagement politique. Un ensemble adapté d'aide technique et de formation sera offert à un ou deux pays partenaires sélectionnés, et un mécanisme financier novateur sera conçu pour encourager la réalisation de progrès au sein des pays qui affectent des policiers et des militaires aux opérations de l'ONU. Personnes-ressources Byrne Furlong Attaché de presse Bureau du ministre de la Défense nationale Téléphone : 613-996-3100 Courriel : byrne.furlong@forces.gc.ca Relations avec les médias Ministère de la Défense nationale Téléphone : 613-996-2353 Courriel : mlo-blm@forces.gc.ca Adam Austen Attaché de presse Cabinet de la ministre des Affaires étrangères Courriel : Adam.Austen@international.gc.ca Bureau des relations avec les médias Affaires mondiales Canada Téléphone : 343-203-7700 Courriel : media@international.gc.ca https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/nouvelles/2018/03/le-canada-annonce-un-deuxieme-engagement-conjoint-au-maintien-de-la-paix---la-force-operationnelle-aerienne-sera-envoyee-a-la-mission-des-nation.html

  • ‘There could be turmoil’: How Canada is bracing for the U.S. election

    2 novembre 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    ‘There could be turmoil’: How Canada is bracing for the U.S. election

    By Mercedes Stephenson & Marc-André Cossette Global News With the U.S. presidential election just days away, the Canadian government is steeling itself for the weeks of uncertainty that could ensue if the result is unclear or contested. In the corridors of power in Ottawa, planning for this election started early, according to a senior government official who requested anonymity. Those preparations have been intense, generating a flurry of briefings and threat assessments, as Canada braces for all scenarios. Much hinges on how U.S. President Donald Trump will react on Election Night and the weeks that follow. Throughout his presidency, Trump has shattered expectations of normal political behaviour. He now appears willing to defy one of the most basic of democratic norms, having refused to say unequivocally whether he'll accept the results of the election if he loses. John Bolton, Trump's former national security adviser, warns the president won't leave graciously if defeated. “There could be turmoil,” Bolton said. “If he thinks confusion and chaos can help him hang on, can help affect recounts and contests, I think there's every prospect he'll engage in it.” U.S. election highlighting need for ‘unified' response In the aftermath of the election, multiple sources told Global News that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his team will lean heavily on Canada's embassy in Washington and especially on Ambassador Kirsten Hillman. Her predecessor, David MacNaughton, said Hillman has likely been in near-daily communication with the Prime Minister's Office, funnelling information that she has gleaned from her contacts in the White House, Congress, the U.S. State Department and American security agencies. Back in Ottawa, the prime minister will want premiers and opposition parties on side too, MacNaughton said. “When we're dealing with something as important as our relationship with the United States, we need to be unified,” he said, citing the non-partisan Team Canada approach that was taken when renegotiating NAFTA. “That's what's going to be necessary, regardless of what happens with the outcome of this election.” But so long as there's any doubt about the result, the prime minister would be wise to keep his powder dry, said Roland Paris, Trudeau's former foreign policy and defence adviser. “Canadian prime ministers rarely have anything to gain by involving themselves in U.S. domestic politics, and they often have quite a bit to lose,” he said. Aside from reaffirming Canada's confidence in the U.S. electoral process, the federal government will do all it can to avoid being drawn into the political firestorm raging south of the border. Preparing for civil unrest and the ‘nightmare scenario' Still, multiple sources said Canada can't ignore the possibility of civil unrest and violence in the United States. For 10 years, Ward Elcock served as Canada's top spy, leading the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). He said there's no question that Trump's heated rhetoric has fuelled the resurgence of far-right extremism in the United States: a phenomenon that poses a serious threat as Americans decide who should lead their country for the next four years. “There may well be some people who do weird things in the aftermath of the election, particularly if — as seems likely at this point — Mr. Trump loses and loses badly,” Elcock said. “There may be some of his supporters who do get pushed into violent scenarios that are hard for us to imagine.” Just one month ahead of the election, a report by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security called white supremacists “the most persistent and lethal threat” in the country. That threat is on Canada's radar too, according to Thomas Juneau, a professor of international affairs at the University of Ottawa and a former analyst with the Department of National Defence. “One scenario that is always a nightmare scenario for Canada is the issue of security threats coming from Canada, crossing the Canadian-American border and reaching the U.S.,” he said. “The fear on our side is always that the response on the American side will be to close the border, which economically would be devastating for us.” Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a senior national security source told Global News the federal government is quietly assessing the risk that election-related violence in the United States could spill over into Canada. As a result, Canadian intelligence agencies will closely monitor potential flashpoints. Those include border states like Michigan, where the FBI recently foiled a militia plot to kidnap the state's governor, and Washington, where waves of anti-racism protests may have attracted more far-right extremists. ‘Not our first rodeo' managing U.S. disruption: experts Despite the uncertainty swirling around the election, experts agree that ties between the Canadian and American defence and intelligence communities likely won't be affected. “The underlying relationship is very strong,” Elcock said, describing it as one of interdependence. “We may be a smaller partner, but we're not necessarily just a bit player,” he said. And what if Trump were to issue wild orders in the post-election chaos — demanding, for example, that U.S. agencies cease all intelligence-sharing with allies? Several intelligence sources said the U.S. defence and security apparatus likely won't take orders that it considers illegitimate. “The United States is not disintegrating,” Elcock said. “It may need a period of rest and rejuvenation after Mr. Trump passes from the scene, as inevitably he will at some point. But the reality is most of those organizations are still there and they're still capable.” In other words, Trump may be disruptive, but the U.S. military and intelligence community is still run by professionals who won't toe the president's line if he goes rogue. No matter what happens on Nov. 3, the overwhelming consensus appears to be that Americans will find a way to endure. “This is not our first rodeo,” Bolton said. “We've had bitterly contested elections before and we've gotten through it — and we'll get through this one, too.” See this and other original stories about our world on The New Reality airing Saturday nights on Global TV, and online. https://globalnews.ca/news/7432158/us-election-canada-preparations/

  • Rheinmetall Canada Awarded a Major Land C4ISR Program Support Contract by the Government of Canada

    29 mars 2019 | Local, C4ISR

    Rheinmetall Canada Awarded a Major Land C4ISR Program Support Contract by the Government of Canada

    The Government of Canada has recently awarded Rheinmetall Canada a major support contract pertaining to Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR). The frame contract is currently worth up to CAD 57 million. The contract will take place over the next five years and will be expensed using a task mechanism over this period. The contract is part of the sustainment of the Land Command, Control, Communication, Computing, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) program and as the prime contractor, Rheinmetall Canada is to provide ISTAR in-service support services (ISS). “At Rheinmetall Canada, we are delighted to provide an important part of the ISTAR program” said Mr. Stéphane Oehrli, President and CEO of Rheinmetall Canada. “This contract represents a great opportunity to showcase our knowledge and capabilities in this high-end area of advanced technology”, he added. The ISTAR capabilities of the Rheinmetall Group are well established around the world. The goal of the ISTAR ISS contract is to provide the Canadian Armed Forces with an ISTAR Command and Control Information System (C2IS) capability. Rheinmetall Canada will maintain and enhance the specialized capability through the support contract. Rheinmetall Canada was selected under a competitive process where Value Proposition and the Industrial and Technological Benefit Policy (ITB) were applied. As one of the few companies to have reached over 1 billion dollars in ITB transactions since the inception of the policy, Rheinmetall Canada has put forward an outstanding Value Proposition. The Canadian supply chain of Rheinmetall Canada will benefit from this contract over the next years. About Rheinmetall Canada Rheinmetall Canada is a proud member of Germany's Rheinmetall Group, one of Europe's largest suppliers of systems and equipment for the armed forces. With approximately 300 employees at locations in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa, Rheinmetall Canada has demonstrated expertise in the development, integration, and production of platform-independent systems for more than 30 years. https://www.rheinmetall-defence.com/en/rheinmetall_defence/public_relations/news/latest_news/index_19712.php

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