12 février 2023 | Information, Autre défense

Trousse d’information pour les fournisseurs : Comment obtenir une attestation de sécurité

Cette trousse d’information fournit un accès rapide et facile aux ressources et aux outils conçus pour aider votre organisation à obtenir une attestation de sécurité avec le Programme de sécurité des contrats (PSC) de Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada.

La trousse passe en revue les étapes que votre organisation et vos employés doivent suivre avant de soumissionner ou d’exécuter des travaux dans le cadre d’un contrat du gouvernement fédéral comportant des exigences de sécurité. Sous chaque étape, vous trouverez des liens vers des ressources, des guides, des vidéos et du matériel de formation en ligne.

Ces ressources et outils donneront à votre organisation et à vos employés des conseils pratiques sur la manière de réaliser les activités d’enquête de sécurité, remplir les formulaires connexes, et se conformer aux exigences du PSC.


Étape 1 : Exigences de sécurité et types d’attestation de sécurité

Comprenez quelles sont les exigences de sécurité et quel type d’attestation de sécurité votre organisation pourrait avoir besoin pour soumissionner ou exécuter des travaux dans le cadre d’un contrat du gouvernement fédéral.

Étape 2 : Parrainage

Découvrez comment votre organisation doit être parrainée pour faire l’objet d’une enquête de sécurité auprès du PSC.

Étape 3 : Enquête de sécurité sur l’organisation

Découvrez les principales étapes que votre organisation devra franchir et les principaux formulaires qu’elle devra remplir pour faire l’objet d’une enquête auprès du PSC.

Étape 4 : Enquête de sécurité sur le personnel

Une fois que le PSC a effectué l’enquête, apprenez comment votre organisation peut demander le niveau approprié d’enquête de sécurité sur le personnel pour les employés admissibles.

Étape 5 : Sous-traitance

Découvrez comment demander une enquête de sécurité pour les sous-traitants afin de vous assurer qu’ils satisfont aux exigences de sécurité d’un contrat du gouvernement fédéral.

Étape 6 : Maintenir la conformité

Comprenez ce que votre organisation et vos employés devront faire pour rester conformes aux exigences de sécurité d’un contrat du gouvernement fédéral.

Renseignements supplémentaires

Si vous avez des questions ou si vous avez besoin d’une aide personnalisée, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec le centre de service à la clientèle du Programme de sécurité des contrats.

Pour savoir où envoyer vos documents remplis, consultez comment soumettre les demandes, formulaires et autres documents pour la sécurité des contrats.



Sur le même sujet

  • Avoiding past mistakes: Are the Army’s modernization plans on the right course?

    27 août 2019 | Information, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Avoiding past mistakes: Are the Army’s modernization plans on the right course?

    By: Jen Judson WASHINGTON — To avoid past mistakes that have all but crippled the Army's ability to procure new equipment, the service should ensure its top modernization priorities are aligned with its emerging warfighting doctrine, which could mean rearranging some of its top efforts, conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation is arguing in a new report. The assessment comes at a time when the Army is preparing to release a new modernization strategy in short order. “From 2002 to 2014, for a variety of reasons, nearly every major modernization program was terminated,” the report's author Thomas Spoehr writes. Spoehr is the director of the Center of National Defense at Heritage. His former Army career was partly spent helping to develop the service's future year financial plans. Spoehr acknowledges that with the advent of a new four-star command — Army Futures Command — the programs envisioned to modernize the Army “are well-conceived,” but urges the services to look through a lens of how its priorities measure up in Multi-Domain Operations — a concept under development that will grow into its key warfighting doctrine. Spoehr also warns the Army's leaders that there needs to be a balance “of the lure of technology with the necessity" to buy new equipment. The service is steadfastly marching down a path to modernize and develop its capability in Long-Range Precision Fires, Next-Generation Combat Vehicle, Future Vertical Lift, the network, air-and-missile defense and soldier lethality, in order of importance. But Spoehr is proposing to drop NGCV and FVL to the bottom of the list because they would serve less effective roles when carrying out operations in an environment where territory is well defended against enemies like Russia and China. “The need for long-range precision fires and a precision-strike missile with a range of 310 km, for example, is grounded in the need to strip away Russian surface-to-air missile batteries and gain access,” Spoehr writes. “The linkages of other programs and initiatives are not as obvious and would benefit from an Army effort to make the connections either more explicit or reconsider requirements.” Spoehr points out that it's not clear, for example, how a Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft and a Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft “might survive against near-peer sophisticated integrated air defense capabilities like the Russian's capable Pantsir-S1 SA-22 system. “Even if the aircraft's speed is doubled or tripled, it will not outrun the Pantsir's 9M335 missile,” he writes. “Nowhere in the MDO concept is a compelling case made for the use of Army aviation, combined with a relative youth of Army aviation fleets,” he adds. Instead, Spoehr said, the priorities “should be based on an evaluation of current versus required capabilities, assessed against the capability's overall criticality to success, and all tied to a future aim point-2030, by a force employing MDO doctrine.” This means, he argues, that the Army's network should be prioritized just below LRPF, followed by AMD and soldier lethality. Ranked at number five and six would be NGCV and FVL, respectively. According to Spoehr, “nothing has come forward to suggest that there is a technological advancement that will make a next generation of combat vehicles significantly better.” Additionally, the Army should not try to force the key requirement of making its Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle replacement — the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle — robotically operated or autonomous until the network matures to support the capability, the report notes. The Army needs a network “that is simple, reliable and less fragile than its current systems,” Spoehr says. “These capabilities may need to come at the expense of capacity,” which the Army appears to be doing, he notes. Spoehr also suggests that the Army invest less in hypersonic offensive capability and more in defensive capability. But ensuring effective modernization of the force and avoiding past failures is just as much a management challenge as it is overcoming technological and cost hurdles. One of the phenomena Spoehr observed during his time serving in the military, particularly at the Pentagon, is what he calls “groupthink,” where those who spend time together begin to think alike and make decisions without those around them questioning actions. Additionally, subordinates tend to avoid disagreeing with those in charge. Groupthink has been the culprit when it comes to major failure in development and acquisition programs in the past, so the Army should “zealously promote critical thinking and avoid groupthink,” Spoehr writes. The service should “promote a free and open dialogue in journals and forums” and “exercise caution when senior leaders endorse specific system attributes or requirements to avoid closing down discussion.” The report acknowledges that the Army “is making a concerted effort to change to meet the future,” such as standing up AFC and aligning its future doctrine with materiel solutions more closely. It's important the Army keep sight of what it's actually trying to do with its future capability, the report warns. “Rather than seeking to match and exceed each of our adversary's investments, the Army must focus on enabling its own operational concepts and seeking answers to tough operational and tactical problems,” it states. Elsewhere in the overarching analysis, Spoehr recommends growing the force, as well ensuring its effective modernization to include roughly 50 Brigade Combat Teams and an end-strength of at least 540,000 active soldiers. He suggests reducing investment in infantry brigade combat teams in favor of armored BCTs, but also to keep capability to fight in a counter-insurgency environment as well, such as keeping the Security Force Assistance Brigades. The third such formation is preparing to deploy to Afghanistan. The Army also needs to grow faster and must find ways to resolve recent problems with recruiting, Spoehr said, recommending that the service grow at a rate faster than 2,000 regular Army soldiers per year. And force allocation should also be reconsidered, Spoehr argues, recommending that the Army should create a new field headquarters in Europe and, when appropriate, do so in the Indo-Pacific. Overall, “the task for the Army is no less than to develop a force capable of deterring and defeating aggression by China and Russia, while also remaining prepared to deal with other regional adversaries (Iraq and North Korea), violent extremist organizations, and other unforeseen challenges,” Spoehr said. What's hard for the Army is that it lacks “the certainty of a single principal competitor” — the Soviet Union in 1980s, during the last buildup, for example, he noted. Because of the complicated global environment, Spoehr advocates for the Army to shift from thinking about a 20-year lead time for new, transformative capabilities and instead take a constant iterative and evolutionary approach to building the force. Under AFC, the Army is attempting to do just that. The Army can't wait “until the future is clear before acting,” he adds. “When dealing with a 1-million-person organization, equipping, training, and leader development typically takes at least a decade to make any substantive change,” Spoehr said. “The Army must therefore make bets now to remain a preeminent land power.” https://www.defensenews.com/land/2019/08/22/avoiding-past-mistakes-are-the-armys-modernization-plans-on-the-right-course/

  • Defense industry worries Congress will punt budget deal into 2021

    18 septembre 2020 | Information, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Defense industry worries Congress will punt budget deal into 2021

    Joe Gould WASHINGTON ― As Congress readies a stopgap spending measure this week, the defense industry is girding for a long-term funding patch that could delay both new procurement programs and needed fiscal certainty into next year. Democrats say they are considering whether to offer a continuing resolution that would stretch 2020 funding levels into next February or March, or whether to go along with a stopgap through mid December, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is seeking. Trade groups said this week that passing a CR by the Sept. 30 deadline is better than a government shutdown, but they warned that because CR's ban most new start programs, that will add more turbulence for firms already suffering from pandemic-related economic shocks. “As threats continue to multiply and the COVID-19 crisis continues, sustained and stable funding in national security takes on new meaning for the U.S. military and the defense industrial base that supports it,” Aerospace Industries Association President and CEO Eric Fanning, said in an email to Defense News. AIA represents roughly 340 manufacturers. “Relying on continuing resolutions, for any length of time, removes that stability, undermining the shared supply chain and endangering the solid progress made in readiness and modernization over the last several years.” Defense advocates say continuing resolutions of any length are inefficient for government and disruptive to the budget certainty that businesses need in order to make decisions, but the pandemic and sagging economy add new wrinkles. Smaller defense firms, many hit by cash flow problems related to the pandemic, were of particular concern to shipbuilder Huntington Ingalls Industries, which was among large firms that accelerated millions of dollars in payments to help small suppliers over recent months. “The effects of a long term continuing resolution can be harmful to the defense industrial base by delaying or prohibiting work,” HII spokesperson Beci Brenton said in an email. “Our greatest concern with a long term CR is the impact to our thousands of suppliers located in all 50 states who are already impacted by the COVID pandemic.” Despite a longstanding deal on the budget top lines, only the House has passed full-year appropriations bills, which means Congress will need more time to pass an FY21 appropriations package. Congress would likely need to draft a CR this week and pass it next week to avert a government shutdown. That's just what House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told reporters this week that House leaders are planning. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., say they have agreed to a “clean” CR, free of policy riders. It's not expected to include COVID relief funds, but further details have not been announced. Beyond timing, the defense industry is also watching which anomalies Congress includes to permit select new start programs. The White House sent Congress a list that included the Columbia-class submarine and new W93 submarine-launched nuclear warhead, as well as funds to ramp up the new Space Force ― along with select federal programs across multiple agencies. The National Defense Industrial Association's senior vice president, Wesley Hallman, said delaying new starts means delaying new revenue streams for companies and, for some, new hiring decisions. “How many new starts are planned for 1 October, I can't tell you, but if we go to March or February there are more new starts over that entire period,” Hallman said. “If it's bad in October, it's really bad if it's going into March.” Professional Services Council president and CEO David Berteau, whose group represents services contractors across government, said his member are worried about long delays for a budget deal. “Our members are always concerned because it slows down new contract awards, and it adds uncertainty to every program manager ― not only in the Defense Department, but across the federal government ― because they don't know how much money they're going to get or when they're going to get it,” Berteau said. The duration of the CR has special political dimensions this year. If the bill runs through December, President Donald Trump and a Republican-controlled Senate would negotiate over the final spending package. Depending on the outcome of the election, a CR that stretches into the next calendar year could be negotiated by a President Joe Biden or a Democratic-led Senate, which would give Democrats more leverage. Berteau was concerned that Biden, like Trump in 2017, would not enter office Jan. 20 ready to immediately hammer out a budget deal. It took until that April for Trump to sign a deal, and it took President Bill Clinton ― who entered office under similar circumstances in 1993 ― until that June. “If you don't get it now, history says you won't get it for six months,” said Berteau, “and that's debilitating for industry.” “Our members are always concerned because it slows down new contract awards, and it adds uncertainty to every program manager ― not only in the Defense Department, but across the federal government ― because they don't know how much money they're going to get or when they're going to get it,” Berteau said. The duration of the CR has special political dimensions this year. If the bill runs through December, President Donald Trump and a Republican-controlled Senate would negotiate over the final spending package. Depending on the outcome of the election, a CR that stretches into the next calendar year could be negotiated by a President Joe Biden or a Democratic-led Senate, which would give Democrats more leverage. Berteau was concerned that Biden, like Trump in 2017, would not enter office Jan. 20 ready to immediately hammer out a budget deal. It took until that April for Trump to sign a deal, and it took President Bill Clinton ― who entered office under similar circumstances in 1993 ― until that June. “If you don't get it now, history says you won't get it for six months,” said Berteau, “and that's debilitating for industry.” https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2020/09/16/defense-industry-worries-congress-will-punt-budget-deal-into-2021/

  • Gestion de la propriété intellectuelle en approvisionnement maritime et de défense

    9 janvier 2018 | Information, Naval

    Gestion de la propriété intellectuelle en approvisionnement maritime et de défense

    L'industrie et le gouvernement collaborent sur les principes de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle en approvisionnement maritime et de défense En 2017, Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, le ministère de la Défense nationale, Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada et la Garde côtière canadienne ont travaillé avec des représentants de l'industrie canadienne de la défense comme l'Association des industries canadiennes de défense et de sécurité (AICDS) et l'Association des industries aérospatiales du Canada (AIAC), par l'intermédiaire du Groupe consultatif de l'industrie de la défense, afin d'élaborer les principes de gestion de la PI en approvisionnement maritime et de défense. Les Principes de gestion de la PI en approvisionnement maritime et de défense (Principes) fournissent une base stratégique générale pour la gestion de la PI en approvisionnement maritime et de défense par le gouvernement du Canada. Les Principes : reflètent les intérêts nationaux du gouvernement et les besoins stratégiques en matière de capacités maritimes et de défense reflètent les intérêts de l'industrie de la défense dans la protection de la PI établie à titre privé en tant qu'actifs commerciaux et économiques précieux et en tant que facteur de création et de maintien d'une industrie maritime et de défense canadienne innovatrice reconnaissent que l'élaboration, la protection et la commercialisation de la PI font partie des priorités liées à la mise en œuvre de l'ensemble du programme socioéconomique du Canada, comme la croissance économique et les emplois reconnaissent que la gestion de la PI entre le gouvernement et l'industrie de la défense intervient dans des secteurs stratégiques et dynamiques sujets à des avancées technologiques importantes, et soulevant des enjeux militaires émergents aux plans des capacités et des vulnérabilités servent de cadre à des approches adaptables, souples, fondées sur des principes et axées sur les résultats qui mettent en œuvre des stratégies de gestion de la PI qui aident le gouvernement à se procurer les capacités nécessaires et à optimiser les ressources tout en renforçant l'innovation et la durabilité servent d'encadrement à l'identification des exigences en matière de PI, à la rédaction des marchés ainsi qu'à la conception et l'évaluation des soumissions depuis les premiers stades d'approvisionnement, tout comme servent d'encadrement de gestion de la PI tout au long du cycle de vie des actifs maritimes et de défense Les Principes cadrent avec la Politique sur les marchés du gouvernement du Canada et la Politique sur le titre de propriété intellectuelle découlant des marchés d'acquisition de l'État, qui prescrivent des approches pangouvernementales de la gestion de la PI notamment pour qualifier la titularité de la PI issue des marchés publics. Principes de gestion de la propriété intellectuelle en approvisionnement maritime et de défense Les Principes reflètent les principaux points d'accord entre le gouvernement et l'industrie de la défense du Canada s'agissant de l'approche que devrait suivre en matière de gestion de la PI pendant la durée de cycle de vie des actifs maritimes et de défense. Les Principes définissent l'encadrement du gouvernement et de l'industrie dans l'élaboration des exigences, la conception des processus d'évaluation des offres et d'adjudication et dans la rédaction de contrats. Ils guident aussi la gestion de la PI pendant la durée de cycle de vie des actifs en réconciliant les intérêts nationaux du gouvernement et les intérêts de l'industrie à optimiser les bénéfices pour le Canada. Les Principes reconnaissent que l'élaboration, la protection et la commercialisation de la PI sont critiques parmi un ensemble de priorités qui encadrent de manière plus générale l'essor socio-économique du Canada, notamment la prospérité et les emplois. Les principes reconnaissent que la gestion de la PI entre le gouvernement et l'industrie intervient dans des secteurs stratégiques qui sont l'objet d'évolutions technologiques rapides mais également de capacités et de vulnérabilités émergentes. En conséquence, les gouvernements sont exposés à des cycles d'approvisionnement plus courts qui peuvent leur imposer de se retourner plus rapidement vers les marchés pour bénéficier des évolutions technologiques et pour optimiser les ressources. D'autre part, l'industrie propose des avancées technologiques et de nouveaux produits et services tout au long du cycle de vie des actifs qui peuvent modifier le rendement ou le coût des approvisionnements. Les principes reconnaissent que tirer parti d'un marché aussi dynamique requiert de discuter de la PI très tôt dans le processus d'approvisionnement mais également de considérer la PI en fonction du cycle de vie des actifs ou des services. Dans ce contexte, des stratégies de gestion de la PI adaptée, souple et fondée sur des principes et des objectifs peut contribuer au renforcement des capacités gouvernementales, à l'optimisation des ressources mais également à l'essor technologique et économique. http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/app-acq/amd-dp/propriete-intellec-property-fra.html

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