By: Andrew Eversden
The Pentagon's lead artificial intelligence office is seeking a cloud integrator to help launch its hybrid, multi-cloud environment.
The Defense Information Systems Agency released two source solicitations Nov. 22 on behalf of the Defense Department's Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, seeking small and large businesses that can provide JAIC with system engineering and system integration services during the deployment and maintenance of the hybrid, multi-cloud environment.
The cloud environment is an important piece of JAIC's Joint Common Foundation, an enterprisewide AI platform under development by JAIC. The foundation will provided tools, shared data, frameworks and computing capability to components across the Pentagon.
JAIC is responsible for accelerating, scaling and synchronizing AI efforts across the Pentagon.
“The concept is to provide AI project teams with a set of established processes, tools and delivery methodologies that can facilitate the delivery of mission capabilities and integration into operational mission capabilities,” the solicitation read.
Any company chosen should expect to work within Microsoft's cloud environment, as the tech giant recently won the Pentagon's enterprise cloud contract known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or JEDI.
Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan, head of the JAIC, has continuously asserted that JAIC would be further along in its cloud capabilities if it had an enterprise cloud. The JEDI effort has been delayed by more than six months due to several protests.
According to the solicitation, the request for quote is expected to be released in the late second quarter of fiscal 2020, with an award in the late fourth quarter of the fiscal year.