27 avril 2018 | International, Aérospatial

Thales et trois groupes comptent équiper le future drone MALE

PARIS (Reuters) - Quatre groupes européens, dont le français Thales, ont annoncé mardi leur intention de coopérer pour doter le futur drone de surveillance européen de fonctions avancées de traitement de données et de communications.

L'italien Elettronica, l'allemand Hensoldt, l'espagnol Indra et Thales précisent dans un communiqué commun avoir signé un protocole d'accord pour fournir des fonctions de renseignement, de surveillance, d'acquisitions de cibles et de reconnaissances (Istar) au futur drone en préparation par leurs quatre pays.

"L'équipe est ouverte à la coopération avec d'autres entreprises", soulignent les quatre groupes.

La phase de développement du drone MALE (haute altitude longue endurance) devrait démarrer en 2019.

Airbus Defense and Space, Dassault Aviation (premier actionnaire industriel de Thales) et l'italien Leonardo avaient signé le contrat d'étude de définition en août 2016.

Thales apportera son expertise dans les systèmes de missions de défense en se basant sur les technologies de connectivité, de big data (traitement massif de données), d'intelligence artificielle et de cybersécurité, fait valoir Patrice Caine, PDG du groupe français, cité dans le communiqué.

(Cyril Altmeyer, édité par Matthieu Protard)


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Grounds maintenance and landscaping includes lawn maintenance (mowing and trimming, edging, irrigation systems maintenance), vegetation removal and debris removal within installation grounds parcels designated as improved, semi-improved and unimproved areas. Pavement clearance includes snow removal, sweeping to remove winter abrasives and other debris, improve the appearance of paved areas, improve the safety of paved areas, reduce maintenance costs by keeping the drainage systems clean and reduce pollutants entering the storm drain system. Transportation services consists of vehicles and equipment maintenance and repairs; vehicle and equipment operations to include dispatch services. Weight handling equipment/material handling equipment services to include provision of a crane, liquid movements, people movements, operator licensing, testing and training, vehicle/equipment inspection and certification and specified administrative program management. 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The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DH-21-D-0057). Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Richmond, California, has been awarded an estimated $8,308,580 indefinite-delivery requirements contract for lubricants. This was a competitive acquisition with 10 responses received. This is a two-year contract with a 30-day carry-over period. Locations of performance are California, Texas, Oregon and South Carolina, with an April 30, 2023, performance completion date. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2021 through fiscal 2023 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency, Energy, Fort Belvoir, Virginia (SPE602-21-D-0757). ARMY Akima Support Operations, Colorado Springs, Colorado, was awarded a $12,380,479 modification (P00024) to contract W52P1J-20-F-0137 for support for the Enhanced Army Global Logistics Enterprise at Fort Hood. Work will be performed in Fort Hood, Texas, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 7, 2022. Fiscal 2010 operation and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $ 2,397,562 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, is the contracting activity. *Small business https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Contracts/Contract/Article/2493842/source/GovDelivery/

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