14 septembre 2022 | Local, Aérospatial

Technical issues behind delays affecting Canada's new search and rescue planes

Software problems affecting the plane’s cockpit systems are among the problems plaguing the $2.2-billion C-295 project


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  • Le gouvernement du Canada signe un accord de coopération en matière de défense avec le Mexique

    10 octobre 2018 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Le gouvernement du Canada signe un accord de coopération en matière de défense avec le Mexique

    Communiqué de presse Le 9 octobre 2018 — Ottawa — Défense nationale/Forces armées canadiennes Le Canada et le Mexique ont des questions d'intérêt commun et sont résolus à accroître la sécurité et la prospérité de leur pays respectif. Ils sont tous deux déterminés à tisser des liens plus étroits en matière de défense et à intensifier les relations panaméricaines. Le Canada apporte aux Amériques un soutien multiforme qui contribue à la sécurité et à la stabilité de la région, tout en adhérant aux valeurs des Canadiennes et des Canadiens et en les incarnant. Pour souligner ces priorités communes, le ministre de la Défense nationale Harjit Sajjan a signé aujourd'hui l'accord de coopération en matière de défense Canada‑Mexique avec le général Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, secrétaire de la Défense nationale, et l'amiral Vidal Francisco Sob‎erón Sanz, secrétaire de la Marine. La signature de cet accord bilatéral de coopération en matière de défense marque un important pas en avant dans l'évolution des relations entre le Canada et le Mexique. Cet accord de coopération en matière de défense fournira un mécanisme permettant de collaborer davantage dans un certain nombre de domaines clés, dont l'éducation, la formation et le renforcement des capacités en matière de défense, le matériel de défense, les opérations de soutien de la paix, l'aide humanitaire et les secours en cas de catastrophe. Citations « Le Canada et le Mexique tirent profit d'un partenariat étroit qui mise notamment sur de solides liens en matière de défense. Le Canada est heureux de signer cet accord de coopération en matière de défense avec le Mexique, notre ami et partenaire de l'hémisphère, en marge de la Conférence des ministres de la Défense des Amériques, qui a été couronnée de succès. Nous ‎nous réjouissons à l'idée de continuer de collaborer avec le Mexique en vue de l'avancement de nos priorités communes en matière de défense. » Harjit S. Sajjan, ministre de la Défense Faits en bref L'accord de coopération en matière de défense Canada‑Mexique a été signé en marge de la Conférence des ministres de la Défense des Amériques qui s'est déroulée au Mexique, du 7 au 10 octobre 2018. L'engagement pris par le Canada et le Mexique de resserrer leurs liens en matière de défense s'est traduit au cours des dernières années par des progrès mesurés, y compris des visites de personnalités de haut niveau, un dialogue stratégique et opérationnel et des possibilités de formation. Le Mexique est membre depuis 2004 du Programme d'instruction et de coopération militaires (PICM). Pour 2018‑2019, on prévoit l'attribution de 73 cours dans le cadre du MTCP au Mexique, sous réserve de changements au cours de l'année, dont des postes de direction dans les prestigieux programmes suivants : Programme de sécurité nationale, Programme de commandement et d'état-major interarmées et Cours sur les opérations de l'Armée de terre. Liens connexes Les relations entre le Canada et le Mexique Personnes-ressources Byrne Furlong Attachée de presse Cabinet du ministre de la Défense nationale Téléphone : 613-996-3100 Courriel : byrne.furlong@forces.gc.ca Relations avec les médias Ministère de la Défense nationale Téléphone : 613-996-2353 Courriel : mlo-blm@forces.gc.ca https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/nouvelles/2018/10/le-gouvernement-du-canada-signe-un-accord-de-cooperation-en-matiere-de-defense-avec-le-mexique.html

  • It's the mileage, not the years: Military says it plans to keep subs afloat past retirement dates

    28 juillet 2020 | Local, Naval

    It's the mileage, not the years: Military says it plans to keep subs afloat past retirement dates

    Conservative critic says maintenance plan ignores fact that not everything on a submarine can be replaced Murray Brewster The Canadian navy has found a very creative way to keep its second-hand submarines afloat until the late 2030s and early 2040s — a plan that emphasizes maintenance over age in predicting how long the vessels can remain seaworthy. The plan — according to a newly-released briefing note prepared in the run-up to the release of the Liberal government's marquee defence policy — would not see HMCS Victoria decommissioned until the end of 2042, giving the warship over 45 years service in Canada. That estimate does not include the time the boat served with Britain's Royal Navy, which would add at least a decade to its working life. The retirements of the other submarines — HMCS Chicoutimi, HMCS Windsor and HMCS Corner Brook — would be staggered throughout the 2030s, with Windsor being the first to go in 2033. "The [Victoria Class Submarines] are a well-designed and solidly constructed class of modern conventional submarines that have had an unusual life since entering service with the [Royal Navy] in the early 1990s," said the August 2016 briefing analysis, recently obtained by Conservative Party researchers. "'While chronologically 20 years older, they have not been operated extensively during that time." The boats were first constructed for the Royal Navy in the 1980s, but Britain decided to sell them when the government of the day made the policy decision to operate only nuclear-powered submarines. One aspect of the Liberal defence policy, released in June 2017, that has puzzled military experts and opposition critics alike was its assumption that the submarines — which have had a tortured technical history that includes one fatal fire — will remain in service until at least the 2040s. The briefing note spells out in detail — and for the first time publicly — how the navy intends to squeeze more life out of boats it was supposed to start retiring in four years. It was originally envisioned, the briefing said, that the Victoria-Class submarines would retire one at a time, beginning in 2024. he report argues it is possible to operate the submarines beyond their expected working lives if the military assesses the "material state" of each boat rather than following "a simplistic calendar driven" evaluation of their operational condition. In others words, the report argues that what matters most is not how old the submarines are, but rather how hard have they been driven and how well have they been maintained. The submarines operate on what's called a "6-2 schedule" — six years of service at sea followed by two years of deep maintenance before returning to duty. The briefing note proposes that the boats do nine years of service and then go into a longer refurbishment of up to three years. The submarines would need a full life-extension overhaul in addition to the extended maintenance plan. As evidence to support the plan, the briefing note to senior defence officials pointed to a 2013 study of the Victoria-Class submarines — which said that "although there are numerous technical and supportability challenges, there was no single obstacle precluding a life extension of up to 12 years." 'Lower expectations' The briefing offers one note of caution, however: "It is reasonable to assume that operational availability will decrease as the submarine ages." The briefing note predicted higher maintenance and sustainment costs as the boats get older. To save money, it said, the navy might have to lower expectations of what the boats can do. The existing plan "assumed that there would be no relaxation of operational performance requirements, although in fact some discretion by the Operational Requirements Authority in this regard may be feasible as a cost saving measure," said the note. Conservative defence critic James Bezan said he was astounded by the plan to stretch out the operational life of the subs. He said he doesn't blame the naval planners who drew up the document — but he does hold the Liberal government accountable, arguing it must have ordered the Department of National Defence to give it some justification for putting off the purchase of new submarines. "It is ridiculous," Bezan said. "There was potential for some political direction on how this was written." Canada's submarine fleet spent 'zero days' at sea last year: government documents Canada's front-line frigates have suffered 10 fire and smoke incidents since 2018 In an interview with CBC News at the end of last year, the commander of the navy, Vice-Admiral Art McDonald, defended the plan to extend the life of the boats, saying he had full confidence in the "pretty resourceful and capable" submarine engineering community. The defence policy, he said, "directed us to operate and modernize" the submarine fleet and he's confident it can be done safely. "We know there is still excellent life in the Victoria-class submarine," McDonald told CBC News. "I've seen that personally as an outsider who has come into the program and taken a look at it." The focus of the subs' modernization project — which was in the early stages of being developed when the pandemic hit back in late winter — will be on survivability and making the submarines more livable for crew members. "We're going to be able to operate those boats into the 2030s, but to do that we have to continue with the routine investments we've made and modernize, as was directed" by the defence policy, McDonald said. Not everything can be replaced A series of assessments was conducted between 2008 and 2014. The defence department's naval board, which is charged with planning the future shape of the fleet, met in November 2014 to study the life expectancy of the second-hand boats. "While it is considered unrealistic to predict the material state of 40-year-old platforms, 20 years into the future, certain items such as the pressure hull and main motor will require additional monitoring and maintenance above the current regime, since unpredicted degradation in such areas may not be cost effective to repair and mitigate," said the 2016 briefing note. And that's the problem with the life-extension plan, said Bezan: some key parts of a submarine — such as the pressure hull and the engines — can't be upgraded. He also pointed to how the submarine fleet had "zero days at sea" in 2019 because all of the vessels were tied up for maintenance. The analysis, Bezan said, shows that the Liberal government should immediately begin looking for a replacement for the submarines — something the previous Conservative government was in the process of doing when it was defeated in 2015. The options that were discussed before the election, he said, included partnering with the Australians — who were in the process of acquiring their own submarine replacements — or buying an off-the-shelf design for inclusion in the federal shipbuilding strategy. None of those ideas got very far before the election, he added. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-forces-navy-submarine-1.5665020

  • Saudis would only hurt themselves by cancelling Light Armoured Vehicle contract

    10 août 2018 | Local, Terrestre

    Saudis would only hurt themselves by cancelling Light Armoured Vehicle contract

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN Saudi Arabia is expecting a full apology from Canada for a tweet that raised questions about human rights issues in the Middle East country. It is unlikely that would be coming anytime soon. So the dispute between Saudi Arabia and Canada continues. In recent days, Riyadh suspended diplomatic ties with Canada, expelled the Canadian ambassador and recalled its own envoy to Ottawa after Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and her department criticized the regime on Twitter for its arrest of social activists, demanding their immediate release. Angered by the condemnation, Saudi Arabia has also tried to sting Canada's economy by halting future trade and investment deals and by cancelling lucrative scholarships that would have seen 15,000 of its citizens study in Canada. One media report said Saudi banks and pension funds were ordered to sell off their Canadian assets, although that report remains unconfirmed. Bloomberg News has reported that any move by Saudi Arabia to stop new investments and unload assets in Canada is likely to have limited impact. Saudi assets in Canada are confined mainly to stakes in upscale hotel operators, some small stock holdings in companies like Canadian National Railway and grain facilities, Bloomberg noted. What is interesting is what Saudi Arabia hasn't done. It is still willing to sell oil to Canada and has not put any roadblocks on that money-making venture. The Saudi Press Agency confirmed Thursday that the “diplomatic crisis” wouldn't affect the kingdom's petroleum sales to Canada. But that has also raised questions in Canada about why we are buying oil from Saudi Arabia when we have such large reserves ourselves? The big question is whether the Saudis will withdraw from its $15 billion deal to buy Light Armoured Vehicles from General Dynamics Land Systems of London, Ont.? It could happen but such a move would likely only hurt the Saudis. They need the vehicles and to negotiate a new contract with another arms supplier, plus get delivery of that equipment, could take years. Then there is the supply of parts and other support for the existing LAVs that the Saudis previously purchased from General Dynamics. Would shutting down all links to the LAV supply chain make sense for the Saudis? Finance Minister Bill Morneau said Thursday he was still unsure if the General Dynamics contract would be affected. Defence Watch submitted a series of questions to General Dynamics asking whether it would be halting production of LAVs destined for Saudi Arabia and would GD continue to provide spare parts for LAVs already delivered? “General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada declines to comment,” spokesman Doug Wilson-Hodge stated in an email. Full article: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/saudis-would-only-hurt-themselves-by-cancelling-light-armoured-vehicle-contract

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