1 septembre 2024 | International, Aérospatial

Serbia acquires 12 Rafale fighters

This contract reflects the importance of the bilateral relationship between France and Serbia, and testifies to the determination of both Presidents to make this partnership a success


Sur le même sujet

  • Finland issues revised request for tenders for HX programme

    5 novembre 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Finland issues revised request for tenders for HX programme

    The Finnish Ministry of Defence (MoD) has issued a revised call for tenders to five companies for the country's programme to replace its ageing fighter aircraft fleet. The MoD has issued a Revised Request for Quotation and the five companies have time to respond until 31 January 2020. The programme for the replacement of the Finnish Air Force's Boeing F-18 Hornet fighter jets is called HX. Contenders to replace the aircraft include Lockheed Martin F-35, Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale and Saab Gripen. The HX programme is crucial for Finland's defence capability as the current fighters will reach the end of their service life by 2030. The Finnish Government has capped the budget for the acquisition of the new aircraft at €10bn. In a statement, the MoD said: “Within the budget set for the project, the tenderers must prepare a performance package that meets the set requirements and includes not only the aircraft but also other technical systems, training systems, necessary maintenance equipment, test equipment and spare parts, along with weapons, sensors and other required type-specific support functions. “The package must also include the changes in management and information systems required for its integration into the defence system, as well as the construction of security-critical infrastructure.” Tendering phase for the HX programme started last year when the MoD issued an initial invitation to negotiate and a request for quotations. The government then started the first phase of the programme negotiations. The revised call for tenders provides contenders with an opportunity to gather the information and present a ‘clear, updated and improved package'. Following the second phase of negotiations, the MoD will release the request for the final offer next year. A final decision on the procurement of the replacement fighters is expected in 2021. https://www.airforce-technology.com/news/finland-revised-request-tenders-hx-fighter-programme/

  • La France, troisième exportateur mondial d'armes

    23 mars 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    La France, troisième exportateur mondial d'armes

    Selon l'Institut international de recherche pour la paix de Stockholm (le Sipri), l'Hexagone est devenu le troisième plus gros exportateur d'armes sur la période 2015-2019, assurant 7,9 % des livraisons mondiales. Seuls les États-Unis (36 %) et la Russie (21 %) font mieux. En revanche, la France dépasse la Chine et l'Allemagne, respectivement troisième et quatrième sur la période précédente (2010-2014). Cela se traduit dans les comptes des entreprises françaises de l'armement, secteur qui totalise 13 % des emplois industriels du pays. En livrant 26 Rafale à l'export l'an passé, Dassault Aviation a vu son chiffre d'affaires bondir de 44 % à 7,3 milliards d'euros. Thales affiche, lui, une rentabilité opérationnelle record de 14 % dans ses activités de défense et sécurité. Selon le Sipri, la France a livré des armes à 75 États entre 2015 et 2019. L'Égypte, le Qatar et l'Inde sont les trois principaux clients captant 54 % des exportations françaises. "Les livraisons de l'avion de combat Rafale [de Dassault Aviation] à ces trois pays représentaient près d'un quart des exportations d'armes françaises en 2015-2019", détaille le Sipri. Le Moyen-Orient compte pour 52 % des exportations françaises, devant l'Asie et l'Océanie (30 %). Et les pays européens pèsent de plus en plus : ils ont représenté 25 % des exportations en 2018 contre 10 % en moyenne les années précédentes. https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/la-france-troisieme-exportateur-mondial-d-armes.N941696

  • Lockheed to double Patriot missile production as orders explode

    12 juillet 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Lockheed to double Patriot missile production as orders explode

    By: Jen Judson WASHINGTON — Lockheed Martin is planning to double its most advanced Patriot missile's production in the coming years to deal with exploding orders of the weapon from the U.S. Army and its allies, according to a company executive. The U.S. Army has dramatically increased its Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhancement, or PAC-3 MSE, orders to not just account for full-rate production of the missile but to increase the stockpile on hand as operations overseas continue to eat up the inventory. The MSE version has a larger, dual-pulse solid-rocket motor and larger control fins that double the missile's reach and improve performance against evolving ballistic and cruise missiles. Meanwhile, several new customers abroad have joined the ranks of Patriot air and missile defense owners to include Poland, Romania and Sweden this year. This includes the purchase of a number of the MSE missiles as part of the initial order. For example, Lockheed would build 576 PAC-3 MSEs just for the three European countries that recently signed on to buy Patriot. Romania plans to buy 168 PAC-3 MSEs for its Patriot system as part of its order. Poland wants to buy 208 of them. Sweden intends to buy 200. The reason for such an explosion in PAC-3 MSE buys is due to the proliferating threat both in the Middle East and in Europe as the U.S. and its allies remain embroiled in conflict in the Gulf region, and as European countries work to build up robust air defenses to deter Russia. By: Aaron Mehta A comparison of the U.S. Army's fiscal 2018 and fiscal 2019 budget justification documents show the service drastically increased its planned buys — in some cases more than doubling — across FY18 through FY22. The Army had planned to buy roughly 95 missiles per year from FY18 through FY22, but a year later the service increased the 2018 order from 93 to 240 to include those bought with overseas contingency operations funds. In FY19, the Army asked for 240 missiles again. And the base orders for the missile in FY21 and FY22 total 160 each year. The Army's plans to dramatically increase its PAC-3 MSE production going forward has seen unanimous congressional approval, although the final FY19 defense appropriations bill has yet to become law. House and Senate appropriators are fully funding the production of 179 MSE missiles in FY19 in the base budget. Lockheed is no longer selling its original PAC-3 missiles, but it is still producing them for one customer, according to Bob Delgado, director of international business development for integrated air and missile defense at Lockheed Martin, who spoke to Defense News in a recent interview at the defense conference Eurosatory in Paris. This means Lockheed can make room for PAC-3 MSE production, which received the go-ahead to move into full-rate production by the U.S. Army in April. “There is a lot of interest in [PAC-3 MSE], so much so we are doubling our capacity,” which equates to up to 500 of the missiles per year, Delgado said. This will likely mean adding an extra production line, he added. Lockheed is currently meeting the demand, Delgado said, “however, it is getting more difficult as more orders come in, and that is why we are foreseeing, along with the U.S. government, a point where we need to increase our capacity.” https://www.defensenews.com/land/2018/07/11/lockheed-to-double-patriot-missile-production-as-orders-explode/

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