23 juillet 2018 | International, Aérospatial

Remplacement des F-16 : quels impacts pour l’économie belge ?

par Eurasiatimes

La Belgique choisira-t-elle de remplacer ses avions de combat par les F-35 américains, sans aucune garantie de retombées économiques, ou fera-t-elle le choix de constructeurs européens qui s'engagent, au contraire, à créer des emplois et vivifier le tissu économique et industriel belge ?

La Belgique doit prochainement remplacer sa flotte d'avions de combat, et son secrétaire d'Etat en charge du Commerce extérieur a sa petite idée sur la question. Pour Pieter de Crem, seuls les F-35 de l'Américain Lockheed Martin seraient à même de prendre le relai des antiques F-16 de la flotte belge, au motif que la Belgique doit « réaliser le meilleur achat en termes militaires et économiques. L'argument géographique ne compte pas. Ainsi, le fait d'être »un bon Européen » ne suffit pas », expédie le ministre.

Les F-35 américains auraient « un très faible impact sur l'économie belge »

L'argument des retombées économiques – un passage obligé dans ce type de négociations – du programme américain ne convainc pourtant pas. En témoigne une note interne des services de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, obtenue début juin par l'agence AFP. Un document selon lequel le gouvernement bruxellois suggère d'écarter la candidature du F-35 au profit de l'un de ses deux concurrents, le Typhoon d'Eurofighter, un consortium réunissant le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne, l'Italie et l'Espagne, et le Rafale de l'avionneur français Dassault.

La note des services de Bruxelles évalue le « retour industriel possible » à « 4 milliards d'euros sur 20-30 ans », dont l'économie de la région bruxelloise profiterait à hauteur de « 5-10% ». « Le choix du partenaire sera important sur les retours économiques », poursuit le document, qui torpille les F-35 : « En effet, les experts aéronautiques avancent que l'avionneur américain, partenaire jusqu'ici semblant être privilégié par le gouvernement fédéral, n'est pas connu pour être très volontariste ni même actif en termes de retours économiques ». « Cela fait craindre un très faible impact sur l'économie belge ainsi que sur l'économie bruxelloise », conclut la note.

Dans un paysage politique aussi complexe que celui de la Belgique, l'achat de nouveaux avions est décidé au niveau fédéral, mais les retombées économiques le sont au niveau régional. Mais au-delà de la sempiternelle opposition entre Flandre et Wallonie, « la première erreur du gouvernement belge est d'avoir dit qu'il voulait un avion sans obliger le marché à garantir des retombées économiques », estime le député Benoit Hellings, vice-président de la Commission de la Défense à la Chambre.

De fait, seules de très hypothétiques collaborations en matière de recherche sont évoquées par l'Américain. « Il serait anormal qu'un contrat de plusieurs milliards ne débouche pas sur des emplois durables », s'inquiète le député Sébastien Pirlot, qui met aussi en garde contre l'explosion des coûts habituellement constatée avec les avions de Lockheed Martin. Alors qu'un F-35 coûte entre 80 et 100 millions de dollars, « les pays qui ont déjà eu le F-35 ont vu la facture monter jusqu'à 125 millions », ajoute le député.

Typhoon, Rafale : des milliers d'emplois et des dizaines de milliards de retombées à la clé

Au contraire du F-35, ses concurrents britanniques et français promettent des retombées économiques non négligeables pour la Belgique. Les Britanniques de BAE Systems promettent ainsi quelque 19 milliards d'euros de retombées et pas moins de 6 000 emplois créés localement. Le gouvernement anglais propose également d'installer deux centres de fabrication, l'un en Flandre et l'autre en Wallonie – malin –, ainsi que la construction de centres de formation, d'innovation et de cybersécurité.

Quant au groupement français d'intérêt économique (Dassault Aviation, Thales et Safran), il évoque la création de 5 000 emplois « à haute valeur technologique » en Belgique, assortie de 20 milliards d'euros de retombées économiques sur une période de 20 ans. La France propose aussi à la Belgique un partenariat comprenant, outre la fourniture de 34 Rafales, « une coopération approfondie » dans les domaines militaire et industriel – et évoque la nécessité d'un geste hautement symbolique, à l'heure où l'Europe de la Défense, véritable serpent de mer, est en passe d'être relancée.

Des promesses trop belles pour être vraies ? « On ne demande pas de nous croire les yeux fermés, explique Eric Trappier, le PDG de Dassault Aviation. On apportera les garanties de ce que nous affirmons aujourd'hui ». Autant d'arguments dont on espère qu'ils parviendront aux oreilles du gouvernement fédéral et du ministre Pieter de Crem.


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    Space Development Agency orders 8 satellites to track hypersonic weapons

    Nathan Strout WASHINGTON —SpaceX and and L3 Harris will contribute satellites to track hypersonic weapons to the Space Development Agency's planned mega-constellation, with the nascent agency announcing it had selected the two companies to build its first wide field of view satellites Oct. 5. Under the contracts, each company will design and develop four satellites equipped with wide field of view (WFOV) overhead persistent infrared (OPIR) sensors. Operating in low Earth orbit, the sensors will make up the inaugural tranche of the SDA's tracking layer—the Pentagon's new effort to track hypersonic weapons from space. “This SDA tracking layer is going to consist of a proliferated, heterogeneous constellation of WFOV space vehicles that provide persistent global coverage and custody capability. That's going to combine with activities in the Missile Defense Agency as they build toward their Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) medium field of view (MFOV) space vehicles,” Acting Deputy Undersecretary for Research and Engineering Mark Lewis told C4ISRNET. According to the announcement, SpaceX will receive $149 million while L3 Harris will receive $193 million. According to SDA Director Derek Tournear, the awards were the result of a full and open competition, with the selection based purely on technical merit. SpaceX has made waves with its Starlink constellation—a series of satellites built to provide commercial broadband from low Earth orbit—and the Department of Defense has tested using Starlink to connect various weapon systems. However, the company does not have a history building OPIR sensors. According to Tournear, the company will work with partners to develop the sensor, which it will then place on a bus it is providing. SpaceX already has a production line in place to build a bus based on its Starlink technologies, added Tournear. “SpaceX had a very credible story along that line—a very compelling proposal. It was outstanding,” he said. “They are one of the ones that have been at the forefront of this commercialization and commodification route.” L3 Harris will develop an OPIR solution based on decades of experience with small satellites, small telescopes and OPIR technologies. “They had an extremely capable solution. They have a lot of experience flying affordable, rapid, small satellite buses for the department,” noted Tournear. “They had the plant and the line in place in order to produce these to hit our schedule.” Tracking hypersonic weapons The contracts are the latest development as the SDA fleshes out its National Defense Space Architecture (NDSA), a new constellation to be comprised of hundreds of satellites primarily operating in low Earth orbit. These satellites are expected to make up tranche 0 of the SDA's tracking layer, which will provide global coverage for tracking hypersonic threats. The glue that holds the NDSA together will be the transport layer, a space-based mesh network made up of satellites connected by optical intersatellite links. Like most planned SDA satellites, WFOV satellites will plug directly into that network. “The idea is it connects to the National Defense Space Architecture—the NDSA transport layer—via optical intersatellite links,” said Lewis. “And that will enable low latency dissemination for missile warning indications. It will provide track directly to the joint war fighters.” SDA issued two contracts in August for its first 20 transport layer satellites. York Space Systems was awarded $94 million to build its 10 satellites, while Lockheed Martin was awarded $188 million. That transport layer capability is essential to the tracking layer's mission. Because they are so much closer to the Earth's surface than the U.S. Space Force's missile tracking satellites in geosynchronous orbit, the WFOV sensors will naturally have a much more limited field of vision. In order to track globe traversing hypersonic missiles, the WFOV satellites will have to work together. Once the first satellite picks up a threat, it will begin tracking it until it disappears over the horizon. During that time, it is expected to transmit its tracking data to other WFOV satellites over the transport layer. So as the first satellite loses sight of the threat over the horizon, the next WFOV is ready to pick it up, and so on and so forth. From there, the WFOV satellites will pass the tracking data — either directly or via the transport layer — on to the medium field of view satellites being developed by the Missile Defense Agency as their HBTSS. “SDA is developing the low cost proliferated WFOV space vehicles that provide the missile warning and the tracking information for national defense authorities, as well as tracking and cueing data for missile defense elements,” explained Lewis. “Meanwhile, the Missile Defense Agency is developing the high resolution HBTSS MFOV space vehicles — those can receive cues from other sources including the WFOV system—and they'll provide low latency fire control quality tracking data.” “The MFOV HBTSS satellites will then be able to hone in and actually be able to calculate the fire control solution for that missile, send those data to the transport satellites with a laser comms system ... and then the transport system will disseminate that to the weapons platform as well as back to [the continental United States, where MDA can broadcast that information],” added Tournear. MDA issued $20 million contracts to Northrop Grumman, Leidos, Harris Corporation and Raytheon to develop HBTSS prototypes in Oct. 2019. Tournear noted that proposals for HBTSS “are being written as we speak.” Together, HBTSS and the SDA's tracking layer are meant to provide the data needed to take out hypersonic threats—which Congress is increasingly concerned by. “It's part of an integrated DoD OPIR strategy. So the wide field of view sensors and the medium field of view sensors are really integral to this whole NDSA system and legacy strategic missile warning capability,” said Lewis, praising MDA and SDA for working together to build a heterogeneous solution. Spiral development Of course, this initial tranche won't provide global coverage up front. As part of its spiral development approach, SDA plans to continuously add satellites to its mega-constellation in two-year tranches, with each tranche including more advanced technology. The tracking layer is not expected to reach global coverage until 2026, said Tournear. But as the constellation is built out, the more limited initial capabilities will be used to help integrate the space-based assets with war fighters. “We call tranche 0 our war fighter immersion tranche,” said Tournear. “What that means is, its goal is to provide the data in a format that the war fighters are used to seeing on tactical timelines that they can be expected to see once we actually become operational. The whole purpose of tranche 0 is to allow the war fighters to start to train and develop tactics, techniques and procedures so that they can create operational plans for a battle where they would actually incorporate these data.” With tranche 1 in 2024, the tracking and transport layers will essentially reach initial operating capability, said Tournear. That will include persistent regional coverage. According to Tournear, the tranche 0 satellites are set to launch in September 2022. Tournear told C4ISRNET his agency is planning to issue a separate solicitation for launch services later this week. That solicitation will cover all of the tranche 0 satellites, including the 20 transport layer satellites the agency ordered in August, the eight WFOV satellites and the HBTSS satellites https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/space/2020/10/05/space-development-agency-orders-8-hypersonic-weapon-tracking-satellites/

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