13 mars 2024 | International, Aérospatial

Pentagon clears F-35 for full-rate production

The decision came almost six months after the F-35 finished a series of Joint Simulation Environment tests.


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    6 mars 2023 | International, Terrestre

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  • Six things on the Pentagon’s 2019 acquisition reform checklist

    31 décembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Six things on the Pentagon’s 2019 acquisition reform checklist

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — Under the purview of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, reform has become a buzzword inside the Department of Defense, with every office trying to find ways to be more efficient, whether through cost savings or changes to bureaucracy. The department's Acquisition and Sustainment office, headed by Ellen Lord, manages billions of dollars in materiel; and by Lord's own belief, it is ripe for changes that could net the department big savings. On Dec. 17, Lord sat down with reporters and outlined a series of goals for 2019 that she hopes will help transform how the Pentagon buys equipment. Here, then, are six key items to watch for in the coming year. 1. Rework the department's key acquisition rules: The DoD Instruction 5000.02 is a key bedrock that forms the basis of how the defense acquisition system works, guiding acquisition professionals in their day-to-day program execution. And if Lord gets her way, she'll largely rip it up and start over. “In 2019, one of my key objectives is to rewrite 5000.02. We have, right now, this huge, complicated acquisition process that we encourage our acquisition professionals to tailor to their needs,” Lord said. “We are going to invert that approach and take a clean sheet of paper and write the absolute bare minimum to be compliant in 5000.02, and encourage program managers and contracting officers to add to that as they need for specific programs.” Lord envisions taking the massive, unwieldy 5000.02 guidance and getting it down to “a couple page outline of what you need to do,” with “simple” contract language and an easy-to-follow checklist “so that this isn't an onerous process.” “I'm encouraging what I call creative compliance. I want everyone to be compliant, but I want people to be very thoughtful and only use what they need,” she said. “This is literally starting with a clean sheet of paper, looking at the law and the intent, and working to vastly simplify this.” Andrew Hunter, a former Pentagon acquisition official now with the Center for International and Strategic Studies, notes that the instruction is supposed to be rewritten every five years to keep it fresh, and now is probably the right time to start looking into that. But, he added, “a lot of what she says she wants to do are things that sound very similar to my ear to what [Lord's predecessor] Frank Kendall was trying to do in the last rewrite. He tossed stuff out left and right, worked very hard to create the different models, put in extended discussions of different potential models of programs so that it would be obvious to people there's not one single way to do a program.” Hunter is cautious when it comes to a massive shift in the 5000.02 system. “If you literally tell the system, ‘All the rules are repealed, go do everything you want,' the reaction won't be a sudden flood of creativity that astounds you with the amazing talent at the department, even though there is a lot of talent there," he said. “What's more likely to happen is you have total paralysis because everyone is sitting around going: ‘Oh no, the rules are gone. How do we know what we can do? What do we do now?' But over time that might shake out.” If Congress needs to get involved, Lord said, she's prepared to go to Capitol Hill “because I know they are partnering with us and they want to make sure we do things in a simpler, most cost-effective manner.” 2. Intellectual property rules: A long-standing fight between the department and industry is over who should own the intellectual property used by the American military. Before fully taking on 5000.02, Lord hopes to write a departmentwide intellectual property policy. Lord pointed to the “very good job” done by the Army on creating an IP policy and said her goal is to build on that to create a standard across the DoD. “From an industry perspective, we are trying to be consistent across all the services and agencies, so that we don't have different requirements for similar needs,” Lord said. “So intellectual property is a good example. We'd like to have the same kind of contract language that can be tailored to individual needs, but basically have consistent language.” David Berteau, a former Pentagon official who is now the president and CEO of the Professional Services Council, noted it is hard to read the tea leaves for what Lord may be planning based on her public comments. But he pointed out the long-standing challenge for the Pentagon — that nearly 70 percent of all program costs are life-cycle sustainment and maintenance costs — as a sign that something needs to change so the department can avoid major issues in the future. Depending on how new rules are implemented, the use of IP might drive down costs — or, he warned, it might lead to companies unable to compete, forcing the Pentagon to pay more or be less prepared for challenges. Put plainly, Berteau said, “it's complicated.” He hopes Lord will begin interacting with industry on this issue in ways similar to the current “listening tour” on changes to progress payments. 3. Better software development: It's become almost cliché that the department needs to do better at developing software, but in this case it's a cliché that experts, including Lord, agree with. The Defense Innovation Board, a group of tech experts from outside the department, is working on a series of studies on software, including one focused on how to drive agile development techniques inside the building. Lord said to expect that report before the end of March, adding: “I think that will be important in terms of capturing a road map forward on how to do this correctly.” 4. Increase use of OTAs: In 2018, Lord's office released a handbook on when and how to use other transaction authorities — legal standards designed to speed acquisition that critics say are underutilized by the department. Lord called it “sort of a warmup” for creating more useful handbooks for the acquisition community, but said that the goal for 2019 is to get people to correctly employ OTAs. “Usually they should be used when you don't have a clear requirement. So, true prototyping when you don't know what you're going to get,” Lord said. “Prototyping early on, probably before you get to the middle-tier acquisition.” 5. Greater use of prototyping: Speaking of which, Lord said the department has about 10 projects underway for rapid prototyping at the mid-tier level, with the goal of growing to about 50 in the next year. The goal is to take the systems into the field, test them out and then grow the next iteration of the capability based on what is learned. “We're taking systems that are commercially available and perhaps need a little modification, or defense systems that need a modicum of modification to make them appropriate for the war fighter,” Lord said. “That's one of the authorities we are very appreciative for, and we will continue to refine the policy. I signed out very broad policy on that this year. We'll write the detailed policy coming up early next year.” 6. Making the Selected Acquisition Reports public again: Until recently, the department publicly released annual Selected Acquisition Reports for each of the major defense programs. Those reports can inform the public of where programs stand and the costs associated. However, under the Trump administration, those reports have been largely classified as “For Official Use Only,” or FOUO, a higher level of security. Critics, including incoming House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., have argued there is no need for those once-public reports to be listed as FOUO. It appears Lord is working to open those back up. “We're going to try to minimize the FOUO on that,” Lord said in response to a question about it. “There are certain information [issues] that we have to protect, but [we] understand the need, the requirement, and I will put our guidance to make everything open to the public to the degree we can.” https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2018/12/27/six-things-on-the-pentagons-2019-acquisition-reform-checklist/


    22 mai 2019 | International, Aérospatial


    PAR ERIC FELLEY Zurich-Washington aller-retour, dix-huit heures d'avion pour aller discuter pendant 40 minutes avec Donald Trump dans le bureau ovale de la Maison Blanche. Tout cela n'est pas très écologique... Mais au diable le CO2, c'était ce jeudi jour de gloire pour Ueli Maurer. L'UDC aura ressenti beaucoup d'émotion à serrer la main de l'homme le plus puissant de la planète, dont son parti partage le style conservateur désinhibé. Cela valait la peine d'attendre 27 ans avant de retourner visiter un président américain. Tout doit rester secret... Le contenu des discussions entre les deux présidents n'a pas été rendu public. On pense qu'elles ont tourné autour des bons offices de la Suisse avec l'Iran dans cette période de tension entre les faucons américains et le régime de Mollahs. L'autre aspect de la rencontre serait un accord de libre-échange entre la Suisse et les Etats-Unis, qui serait une formidable opportunité pour l'économie suisse. A condition que la Suisse verte et agricole accepte les OGM, ce qui est moins sûr que la fonte des glaciers. Six milliard à dépenser Mais la vraie raison de cette visite est sans doute d'ordre commercial plus terre à terre. Dans les airs, dira-t-on. La porte d'entrée de cet accord de libre échange pourrait bien être l'achat par la Suisse des avions de combat pour six milliards de bons francs suisses. Hasard du calendrier, le même jour, la conseillère fédérale Viola Amherd présente à Berne sa stratégie pour faire passer le fameux achat devant le peuple, probablement en 2020, sans préciser le type d'avion. Boeing ou Lockheed-Martin ? Or, ici, c'est le nerf de la guerre pour le Conseil fédéral. Parmi les candidats qui veulent vendre des jets à l'armée suisse figurent les deux mega compagnies américaines: Boeing (F/A-18 Super Hornet) et Lockheed-Martin (F-35A). Elles sont en concurrence avec les européennes: Saab, Suède (Gripen E), Airbus, Allemagne (Eurofighter) et Dassault, France (Rafale). Nul doute que Donald Trump serait flatté si la Suisse dépensait ses milliards de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. Retour d'ascenseur ? «Together ahead» a écrit Ueli Maurer sur le livre d'or de la Maison blanche. Il se trouve que c'est le slogan publicitaire de la firme d'armement Ruag de la Confédération, qui est active dans l'aéronautique. «Les avions sont notre passion, écrit la société sur son site. RUAG est leader de la fourniture, du suivi et de l'intégration de systèmes et de composants pour l'aéronautique civile et militaire.» Le message semble clair. Quand le peuple aura approuvé les yeux fermés l'achat d'avions de combat, on verra si la visite de Maurer à Trump aura été suivie d'effets. (Le Matin) https://www.lematin.ch/suisse/Trump-Et-n-oubliez-pas-dacheter-nos-jets-M-Maurer/story/30262949

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