13 mai 2022 | International, Aérospatial

Nouvel avion de combat F-35 – Lockheed Martin va injecter 40 millions de dollars à Genève 

L’avionneur américain a signé un accord avec Mercury Systems, dans le cadre des affaires compensatoires liées à l’acquisition des F-35. 


Sur le même sujet

  • Saab delivers first Global Eye early-warning plane to UAE

    30 avril 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Saab delivers first Global Eye early-warning plane to UAE

    By: Sebastian Sprenger COLOGNE, Germany — Saab has delivered its first GlobalEye early-warning plane to the United Arab Emirates, the company announced Wednesday. The aircraft arrived in Dubai during the late morning of April 29 following a brief stopover in Bulgaria on its way from Sweden, Saab CEO Micael Johansson said during a call with reporters. The delivery caps four and a half years of work since the UAE and Saab signed a contract for three of the planes — modified Bombardier 6000 business jets equipped with Saab's Erieye long-range radar and other surveillance sensors. Saab is advertising GlobalEye as able to provide ground, air and maritime surveillance in a single package. “The delivery of the first GlobalEye is a major milestone for Saab, but also an important step in the history of airborne early warning and control,” Johansson said. “We have set a new standard for the market, and I am proud to say that we have delivered the most advanced airborne surveillance solution in the world to the United Arab Emirates.” The company, which has been spared from work stoppages in Sweden caused elsewhere by the coronavirus pandemic, had to take “a number of mitigating actions” to prevent the virus from spreading during the actual handover and during the weeks leading up to it, Johansson said. The measures included testing workers for the virus, quarantining them if warranted and retesting them afterward, according to Johansson. Saab is still working to produce the additional two aircraft owed under the 2015 contract. Those would be delivered “rather shortly,” the executive told reporters, declining to be more specific. The company is eyeing the potential sale of yet two more GlobalEye aircraft to the UAE. Such an option is included in the original deal, though details have yet to be finalized. Johansson cited Finland and South Korea as countries also interested in the GlobalEye technology. If Saab manages to drum up additional customers, future offerings are slated to include the Global 6500 jet as carriers, he said. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2020/04/29/saab-delivers-first-global-eye-early-warning-plane-to-uae

  • Join DASA to launch the search for the future of the Naval operating environment

    13 juin 2019 | International, Naval, Autre défense

    Join DASA to launch the search for the future of the Naval operating environment

    The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is launching ‘Intelligent Ship – The Next Generation' – a multi-million pound competition for the future Naval operating environment. This competition is seeking proposals for novel and innovative projects that enable and facilitate the wider use of ‘intelligent systems' within future warships, with the potential for wider use across defence. The future sees elements of automation, autonomy, machine learning and artificial intelligence being more closely integrated and teamed with human decision makers. The aim of this competition is to de-risk and evaluate technologies and approaches that could provide alternative, revolutionary future fleet concepts that can maintain or enhance UK military advantage within complex, cluttered, contested and congested operating and data environments. £1m is available to fund multiple innovative proposals that form phase 1, with an additional £3m potentially available to fund follow-on phases. Further details are available in the competition document The competition closes on 23 July 2019 at midday. Queries should be sent to accelerator@dstl.gov.uk. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/join-dasa-to-launch-the-search-for-the-future-of-the-naval-operating-environment

  • US Space Force crafting new schedule for GPS ground system

    14 février 2023 | International, C4ISR

    US Space Force crafting new schedule for GPS ground system

    The service expects the new schedule for the Next-Generation Operational Control Segment to be approved this spring.

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