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  • Drone community comes together for Tech Demo

    1 octobre 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Drone community comes together for Tech Demo

    UAS Centre of Excellence Press Release On Sept. 25 and 26, more than 150 key influencers of the drone industry have gathered at Alma's UAS Centre of Excellence for the first ever Tech Demo annual edition. With the objective of sharing the latest trends and capabilities of the drone industry, the trade show hosted conferences, discussion panels and drone flight demonstrations. The attendees had a chance to learn more about data integration in the unmanned aircraft system (UAS) industry, UAS traffic management, the niche of excellence in UAS as part of the Accord initiative and the establishment of a pre-qualification centre. ‘ Furthermore, the event presented the latest developments by Nav Canada, Transport Canada and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). The participants also attended presentations on sale and marketing of airborne and space systems and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's various programs. The two-day event allowed people to attend two discussion panels during which they shared ideas about certifications and operations beyond line of sight. People were also given the opportunity to share knowledge with other experts and watch two drone flight demonstrations on giant screens. According to the UAS Centre of Excellence's director general, Marc Moffatt, an event such as Tech Demo is crucial for the industry. “The drone community needs such gathering events,” he said. “We are obviously very pleased with the first edition's success, but what we are most proud of is the quality of the participants. Many of the key actors in setting the regulation for drones in Canada were among us to hear what the community had to teach them and to learn more about the UAS Centre of Excellence's potential.” Moffatt also spoke of how Tech Demo had once again proven the strategic role the UAS CE can play in the drone regulation and technology in Canada. “People of the industry from all over the world came to our trade show,” he said. “The UAS CE succeeded in gathering our own local influencers who understand the CE's strategic role. In recent years, the CE and its partners have built a regional hub that will allow the drone industry to break new ground in Canada but also here in our region of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean,” he concluded. Alain Fortin, the CE's president, said: “Whereas the UAS CE is used to organize events with people from the drone community, Tech Demo was more technically oriented. The UAS CE invited representatives from various sectors in order to demystify the possible uses of drones and to inform participants of the rules and technical aspects of unmanned aerial systems. I'm happy to see that people came from all over the world to discuss the issues arising with the integration of drones in our lives.” https://www.skiesmag.com/press-releases/drone-community-comes-together-for-tech-demo

  • Air Force eyes contract for AWACS replacement in 2023

    11 février 2022 | International, Aérospatial

    Air Force eyes contract for AWACS replacement in 2023

    The Air Force wants to know how a potential contractor would provide at least two prototype replacements for the AWACS by 2028.

  • Trump has questions about the F-35′s supply chain. Here are some answers.

    19 mai 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Trump has questions about the F-35′s supply chain. Here are some answers.

    By: Valerie Insinna WASHINGTON — During a Thursday morning cable news appearance, U.S. President Donald Trump blasted the F-35's global supply chain and hinted he might intercede to bring more work on the Lockheed Martin-made jet back to the United States. Trump brought up the F-35 during an exchange where Fox Business Network's Maria Bartiromo asked how the president plans to incentivize key U.S. industries — such as pharmaceutical companies — to cut China out of their supply chain. “I could tell you hundreds of stories of the stupidity that I've seen. As an example, we're making a fighter jet. It's a certain fighter jet, I won't tell you which, but it happens to be the F-35,” Trump said. “It's a great jet, and we make parts for this jet all over the world. We make them in Turkey, we make them here, we're going to make them there. All because President [Barack] Obama and others — I'm not just blaming him — thought it was a wonderful thing,” he said. “The problem is if we have a problem with a country, you can't make the jet. We get parts from all over the place. It's so crazy. We should make everything in the United States.” “Could we do it?” Bartiromo asked. “Yeah, we're doing it because I'm changing all those policies,” Trump said. “Look, we make F-35s — very important, the greatest jet in the world — where the main body of the jet is made in Turkey and then sent here.” But if that relationship breaks down, Turkey could refuse to give the United States key F-35 components, Trump said. It was unclear whether Trump actually plans to take action to move additional elements of F-35 back to the United States. In a statement to Defense News, Defense Department spokesman Lt. Col. Mike Andrews said the Pentagon has no comment and referred questions on Trump's statements to the White House. “The Department remains fully committed to the F-35 program, and maintaining a competitive edge with its unique, unmatched 5th generation capabilities. We will continue to aggressively reduce F-35 cost, incentivize Industry to meet required performance, and deliver advanced capabilities to our warfighters at the best value to our taxpayers." he said. A spokesman for Lockheed referred questions to the Defense Department. It's worth noting that while Trump got many broad assertions about the program right, not all of his statements about the F-35 stand up to scrutiny. Here's a point-by-point explainer: Global participation is baked into the very foundation of the Joint Strike Fighter program. The Joint Strike Fighter program — which stems from efforts started in the 1990s — was structured not only to produce planes for the U.S. military but also for key allies. Nations that wanted to be “partners” on the program would help foot the bill for developing the jet in exchange for work producing components on the program. There were several benefits to this structure. From an operational perspective, it would ensure that many of the Pentagon's closest allies were using the same jet, making it easier to send information and coordinate military engagements. From an industrial perspective, having a deep, multilayered global supply chain would theoretically make F-35 production less prone to disruption, and it could make it easier for Lockheed to distribute parts to sustain the jet worldwide. There were also economic advantages for the United States. Having so much international buy-in ensured future sales, which benefited U.S. defense manufacturers and the Defense Department, which can buy its planes more cheaply due to economies of scale. Originally there were nine partner nations on the program: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. However, the United States expelled Turkey from the program last year after the country purchased the Russian S-400 air defense system. President Barack Obama and his predecessors weren't really to blame for the globalized structure of the program. Historically — at least until Trump — a president hasn't publicly interfered in the F-35 program. The Obama administration was broadly supportive of the F-35, continuing to finance the program even as it hit a number of technical snags that caused cost and schedule to balloon. However, the structure of the program and much of the F-35 supply chain was already set in stone before Obama was sworn into office in 2009. Lockheed Martin won the Joint Strike Fighter contract in 2001 after producing a prototype version of the F-35 known as the X-35 and facing off against Boeing's X-35 demonstrator. At that point, the company would have already cemented much of its supply chain as part of the process of preparing a proposal for the competition. The first F-35 flew in 2006. While there have been changes to the F-35 supply chain since the jet went into production, the more major changes have occurred during block upgrades, when legacy technologies are swapped out for cheaper, improved versions. One example is the transition of the distributed aperture system from a Northrop Grumman to Raytheon product during the upcoming 15th lot of F-35 production. Turkey has an industrial role in building the F-35, and that's changing on the U.S. government's terms. Trump's assertion that Turkey could deny the United States key F-35 components doesn't reflect the current status quo, as it's the U.S. Defense Department that is working to expel Turkey from the program. While it is true that Turkey, as an international partner on the F-35 program, helps to manufacture the jet and build key components, Trump has overstated the role played by Turkey. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, Turkey makes about 1,000 different components for the F-35. The Pentagon is set to stop awarding F-35-related contracts to Turkish firms this year. According the GAO, the Defense Department already identified alternate suppliers for all components currently made in Turkey, and the department is working with those suppliers to speed up production. When Trump talks about Turkey building the “main body” of the jet, he is talking about the center fuselage, some of which are built by Turkish Aerospace Industries. However, TAI is only the secondary supplier of the center fuselage, with Northrop Grumman making that component for the majority of F-35s. It is very likely that Northrop will take over production of that structure until another supplier is found to replace TAI. Updated 5/14/20 with statements from the Pentagon and Lockheed Martin. https://www.defensenews.com/air/2020/05/14/trump-has-questions-about-the-f-35s-supply-chain-here-are-some-answers/

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