20 février 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

New defence procurement agency would be disruptive, costly

It almost seemed like a throwaway line at the end of the Liberal Party's 2019 election platform, in a section on proposed approaches to security: “To ensure that Canada's biggest and most complex defence procurement projects are delivered on time and with greater transparency to Parliament, we will move forward with the creation of Defence Procurement Canada.”

Little was said about the proposal during the election campaign, but in the mandate letters to ministers that followed, National Defence (DND), Public Services and Procurement (PSPC), and Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard were tasked with bringing forward options to establish Defence Procurement Canada (DPC), a priority, the Prime Minister wrote, “to be developed concurrently with ongoing procurement projects and existing timelines.”

Whether DPC would be a department, standalone agency or new entity within an existing department isn't clear. Nor is it apparent how the government would consolidate and streamline the myriad procurement functions of multiple departments.

Jody Thomas, deputy minister of National Defence, acknowledged as much during an address to the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) Jan. 29 when asked about DPC progress.

“I don't know what it is going to look like ... We're building a governance to look at what the options could be and we are studying what other countries have done,” she said, noting that a standalone agency outside the department of defence has not necessarily worked particularly well in other countries. “Everything is on the table. We're looking at it, but we haven't actually begun the work in earnest.”

The idea of moving defence procurement under a single point of accountability is hardly new. Alan Williams, a former assistant deputy minister of Material (Adm Mat), made the case for a single agency in a 2006 book, Reinventing Canadian Defence Procurement. And the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) issued a report in 2009 calling for a “separate defence procurement agency reporting through a single Minister ... [to] consolidate procurement, industrial, contracting and trade mandates into one new department, like a Defence Production Department, reporting to a minister.”

More recently, an interim report on defence procurement by the Senate Committee on National Defence in June 2019 argued that “a single agency could simplify the complex procurement governance framework. Serious consideration could also be given to empowering project officials and making the Department of National Defence the lead department.”

Williams remains a strong proponent. In a presentation to a CGAI conference on defence procurement in the new Parliament in late November, he greeted the DPC decision with a “hallelujah,” pointing to the high cost created by overlap and duplication when multiple ministers are involved in a military acquisition decision, and the tendency to play the “blame game” when delays or problems arise and there is no single point of accountability.

But he cautioned that the initiative would falter without better system-wide performance measures on cost, schedules and other metrics. “If you don't monitor and put public pressure on the system, things will [slide],” he said.

Williams also called for a defence industrial plan, backed by Cabinet approval, to help identify where to invest defence capital, and “a culture that recognizes and demands innovative creativity, taking chances.”

Other former senior civil servants, many with decades of experience in public sector organizational reform, were less optimistic about the prospects of a new agency or departmental corporation.

“There is always a good reason why things are the way they are,” said Jim Mitchell, a research associate with the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa and part of massive reorganization of government departments undertaken by Prime Minister Kim Campbell during her brief tenure in 1993.

“If you want to change things, you first have to understand, why do we have the current situation that we have in defence procurement and who are the people who have a major stake in the status quo and why? If you don't understand that, you are going to get into big trouble,” he warned the CGAI audience of government and industry leaders.

At a time when the departments are moving a record number of equipment projects, including CF-188 Hornet replacement, through the acquisition process under the government's 2017 defence policy, any restructuring could significantly delay progress.

“Organizational change is always disruptive, it's costly, it's difficult, it's hard on people, it hurts efficiency and effectiveness of organizations for a couple of years at minimum,” said Mitchell. “It is something you do very, very carefully.”

It's a point not lost on CADSI. “The sheer scale of the change required to make DPC real should give companies pause. It could involve some 4,000-6,000 government employees from at least three departments and multiple pieces of legislation, all while the government is in the middle of the most aggressive defence spending spree in a generation,” the association wrote in an email to members in December.

A vocal proponent of improving procurement, it called DPC “a leap of faith,” suggesting it might be “a gamble that years of disruption will be worth it and that the outcomes of a new system will produce measurably better results, including for industry.”

Gavin Liddy, a former assistant deputy minister with PSPC, questioned the reasoning for change when measures from earlier procurement reform efforts such as increased DND contracting authority up to $5 million are still taking effect.

“You really need an extraordinarily compelling reason to make any kind of organizational change. And every time we have attempted it ... it takes five to seven years before the organization is up and standing on its feet,” he told CGAI. “If you want to do one single thing to delay the defence procurement agenda...create a defence procurement agency. Nothing would divert attention more than doing that.”

While few questioned the need for enhancements to the defence procurement process, many of the CGAI participants raised doubts about the logic of introducing a new entity less than three years into the government's 20-year strategy. Thomas described a number of improvements to project management and governance that are already making a difference.

“The budgeting and project management in defence is really extraordinarily well done. If I am told by ADM Mat they are going to spend $5.2 billion, then that is what they spend. And we have the ability to bring more down, or less, depending on how projects are rolling,” she explained. “We are completely transparent about how we are getting money spent, what the milestones are on projects ... The program management board is functioning differently and pulling things forward instead of waiting until somebody is ready to push it forward.”

“And we are working with PSPC. I think it is time to look at the government contracting [regulations], how much we compete, what we sole source, the reasons we sole source. I think there is a lot of work there that can be done that will improve the system even more.”


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    18 décembre 2018 | Local, Terrestre

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    Le Canada annonce la prochaine étape dans le cadre du processus concurrentiel d'acquisition de chasseurs

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L'offre de sécurité doit être soumise à l'automne 2019 et, à la suite des commentaires du Canada, les soumissionnaires pourront modifier et soumettre à nouveau cette offre dans le cadre de la proposition initiale au printemps 2020. Les soumissionnaires auront également l'occasion de combler les lacunes de leurs propositions en ce qui concerne les critères obligatoires. Plutôt que d'être rejetés d'emblée parce qu'ils ne satisfont pas aux exigences obligatoires, les soumissionnaires recevront une rétroaction du Canada afin qu'ils puissent corriger les aspects non conformes. Cette approche a déjà été utilisée dans le cadre d'autres grands approvisionnements fédéraux et s'est avérée efficace pour maintenir un niveau élevé de concurrence. Tous les soumissionnaires seront assujettis aux mêmes critères d'évaluation, et les propositions seront évaluées rigoureusement en fonction des exigences de mérite technique (60 %), des coûts (20 %) et des retombées économiques (20 %). 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Le surveillant de l'équité a fait la déclaration suivante à Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada : « En tant que surveillant de l'équité du Projet de capacité future en matière d'avions chasseurs, nous avons supervisé le projet durant toute l'étape de qualification et de mobilisation, y compris l'élaboration de la demande de propositions, et nous n'avons relevé aucune lacune en matière d'équité. Nous sommes d'avis que le processus a été mené de façon équitable. Les décisions ont été prises objectivement et sans favoritisme personnel ni influence indue, et le processus englobaient les éléments d'ouverture, de compétitivité, de transparence et de conformité. » L'évaluation des propositions, y compris des propositions révisées, devrait permettre de sélectionner un soumissionnaire au début de 2022. La livraison du premier aéronef est prévue dès 2025. Le gouvernement du Canada continuera de faire progresser ce projet important pour assurer la sécurité de la population canadienne au cours des prochaines décennies. Citations « Notre gouvernement tient sa promesse de remplacer la flotte d'avions chausseurs du Canada au moyen d'un processus concurrentiel ouvert et transparent. Aujourd'hui, on franchit une étape importante dans le cadre du processus qui fournira aux femmes et aux hommes de l'Aviation royale canadienne les aéronefs dont ils ont besoin pour assurer la sûreté et la sécurité des Canadiens, au juste prix et dans le plus grand intérêt économique du Canada. » L'honorable Carla Qualtrough Ministre des Services publics et de l'Approvisionnement et de l'Accessibilité « L'acquisition de la future flotte de 88 chasseurs est une étape essentielle que notre gouvernement s'est engagé à mener à bien dans la politique Protection, Sécurité, Engagement. Gr'ce à cet investissement, l'Aviation royale canadienne aura le nécessaire pour protéger la population canadienne. Il est essentiel que nous obtenions le bon équipement qui servira nos femmes et nos hommes en uniforme pour les décennies à venir. » L'honorable Harjit S. Sajjan Ministre de la Défense nationale « Des retombées économiques concrètes et durables pour les Canadiens sont une priorité de ce projet. Il s'agit d'une occasion unique de soutenir la croissance de la main-d'œuvre hautement spécialisée du Canada dans les industries de l'aérospatiale et de la défense. Nous sommes persuadés que les Canadiens profiteront pleinement de ce processus d'approvisionnement gr'ce aux investissements, à la recherche et au développement ainsi qu'à de bons emplois pour les décennies à venir. » L'honorable Navdeep Bains Ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique Les faits en bref Depuis le lancement de ce processus en décembre 2017, le gouvernement du Canada a consulté de façon soutenue les industries canadiennes de l'aérospatiale et de la défense afin que celles-ci soient bien positionnées pour participer à ce processus d'approvisionnement. L'attribution du contrat est prévue pour le début de 2022, et la livraison du premier avion de remplacement est attendue dès 2025. La transition vers une nouvelle flotte de chasseurs exigera le maintien en activité des CF-18 actuels jusqu'à ce que la nouvelle flotte atteigne sa pleine capacité opérationnelle. L'intégration de chasseurs australiens additionnels aide à garantir que les Forces armées canadiennes ont l'équipement nécessaire pour continuer de remplir leurs missions et obligations internationales. Liens connexes Projet de capacité future en matière d'avions de chasse Chasseurs Suivez-nous sur Twitter Suivez-nous sur Facebook SOURCE Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada Renseignements: Marielle Hossack, Attachée de presse, Cabinet de l'honorable Carla Qualtrough, 819-997-5421; Relations avec les médias, Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, 819-420-5501, media@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca Related Links www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca https://www.newswire.ca/fr/news-releases/le-canada-annonce-la-prochaine-etape-dans-le-cadre-du-processus-concurrentiel-d-acquisition-de-chasseurs-873316293.html

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    13 septembre 2021 | Local, Aérospatial

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    Marcello Sukhdeo, Vanguard Magazine September 10, 2021 The Babcock Leonardo Canadian Aircrew Training team recently announced the addition of three partners – FlightSafety International (FSI), L3Harris Technologies and Top Aces – for Canada's Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) program. Canada is looking to procure a 25-year contract aircrew training program that provides aircraft, ground-based training systems, civilian instructors, and essential services, such as air traffic control, aircraft and airfield maintenance, accommodation, and food services for the Royal Canadian Air Force. According to a news release, Babcock Leonardo Canadian Aircrew Training is committed to providing an innovative training solution and optimal benefits to Canada's economic and strategic goals through the FAcT program. This is further deepened by the team's far-reaching know-how and strong ties with Canada. “We are extremely proud to have FlightSafety International, L3Harris Technologies and Top Aces join the Babcock Leonardo Canadian Aircrew Training Team. We believe that together we can deliver added value to Canada now and in the future and we are ready to provide the best solution for the Royal Canadian Air Force,” said Jana Lee Murray, Program Director, Babcock Leonardo Canadian Aircrew Training. New partner, FlightSafety International, is a premier professional aviation training company and supplier of flight simulators, visual systems and displays to commercial, government and military organizations. The company provides training for pilots, technicians and other aviation professionals from 167 countries and independent territories. FlightSafety operates the world's largest fleet of advanced full-flight simulators at Learning Centers and training locations in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. “We're excited to join this powerhouse of a team and bring our 70 years of ground-based training in support of the Royal Canadian Air Force,” said Brad Thress, President & CEO of FlightSafety International. “More than 40 international governments put their trust in FlightSafety to train their aviators and the company has a long history of supporting aviation training in Canada through their Montreal and Toronto learning centers.” The other new team member, L3Harris, is one of Canada's largest and most diverse defence and security companies and is committed to adding value to the Canadian economy through high-tech jobs, innovation, and diversity whilst designing solutions for the future. Located in Mirabel, QC, L3Harris is Canada's leading In-Service Support and Systems Integrator. “L3Harris offers our Canadian teammates the best, most cost-effective and innovative solutions for the FAcT aircraft,” said Ugo Paniconi, General Manager, L3Harris in Mirabel. The third new strategic partner added recently, Top Aces, provides advanced adversary and joint terminal attack controller training to the world's leading Air Forces. Top Aces has the largest fleet of commercially-operated fighter aircraft in active service and is the first company in the world to acquire the supersonic F- 16. The mission-critical training offered by Top Aces enhances the operational readiness of combat forces by providing a realistic real-world experience while creating significant cost efficiencies and extending the lifecycle of military fleets. The company is changing the face of air combat training with its unparalleled safety record, outstanding team and an industry-leading 94,000+ hours of operational training flown in support of its customers worldwide. “Top Aces is a proud Canadian company and trusted training partner to our Canadian Armed Forces since 2005. We're excited to bring our 17 years of experience delivering high performance fighter aircraft training to this team,” said Jason Regenwetter, Vice President of Business Development. Canada is expected to award FAcT by 2023.

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