9 décembre 2024 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité
Socks5Systemz Botnet Powers Illegal Proxy Service with 85,000+ Hacked Devices
Malicious Socks5Systemz botnet infects 85,000 devices, powering PROXY.AM proxy service in 31 countries.
19 novembre 2023 | International, Naval
The sailors will specialize in communications, network security and electronic warfare.
9 décembre 2024 | International, C4ISR, Sécurité
Malicious Socks5Systemz botnet infects 85,000 devices, powering PROXY.AM proxy service in 31 countries.
11 septembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial
By: Stephen Losey The Air Force has a problem. The military is trying to shift its focus from wars against so-called “violent extremists” in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria so it can prepare for a potential war against a major peer or near-peer nation. But the Air Force is currently too small even for the missions it's being asked to do today in the Middle East, let alone a war against China, Russia or North Korea, said Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in an Aug. 28 interview at the Pentagon. The service is going to have to grow, she said. But the big question is where — and by how much? Wilson will attempt to answer that question Sept. 17, when she delivers her keynote address, “The Air Force We Need,” at the Air Force Association's Air Space and Cyber Conference. The secretary will lay out how many operational squadrons — such as fighter, bomber, mobility and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance — are needed, as well as the matching end strength, for the Air Force to project power and carry out its expected missions in the future. “The chief and I were asked in this last testimony on the Hill for the Defense Authorization Act, ‘Well, what do you need to implement the new National Defense Strategy?” Wilson said. “We should know the answer to that question. That's the work that's been going on the last six months or so.” The Air Force now has 312 operational squadrons, not including squadrons doing support activities such as finance, Wilson said. Squadrons are the basic unit of the Air Force, she said, which is why this new plan will focus on the squadron level. The Air Force intentionally didn't consider budgets as it drew up this plan over the past six months, Wilson said. Instead, it focused on what would be required to fight a major war. With that information in hand, she said, the Air Force can better articulate where it's headed — and what the potential risks might be of not funding or underfunding certain elements. Full article: https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2018/09/10/wilson-to-lay-out-air-force-we-need-at-afa
29 septembre 2020 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR
Mike Ball Northrop Grumman has enhanced its Global Hawk high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial system (UAS) with the addition of two new sensors. The MS-177 multi-spectral camera system provides additional high-resolution imaging capabilities, while the increment 1 upgraded AN/ASQ-230 system delivers enhanced signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection. The MS-177 multi-spectral camera system provides multiple channels of intelligence collection in both visible and infrared bands, giving the Global Hawk collection coverage in areas that cannot easily be reached by other means. Fielding of the AN/ASQ-230 increment 1 enhances Global Hawk's ability to deal with expanded electronic threats. Global Hawk's combination of autonomy, range, endurance and payload, and an average aircraft age of under nine years, make the UAS a valuable asset for domestic and international customers with critical ISR collection requirements. The system is uniquely positioned for additional missions that connect joint forces as one, including persistent high-capacity backbone, pseudo-satellite communications coverage, and joint all-domain command and control. Leslie Smith, vice president of the Global Hawk division at Northrop Grumman, commented: “Ongoing improvements to Global Hawk underscore Northrop Grumman's commitment to the United States Air Force's ISR mission and reducing costs through agile development and leveraged solutions. New and improved payloads flying on our young, yet proven fleet of aircraft will allow our partners to deploy high value, networked assets to monitor adversaries while not risking the lives of military personnel well into the 2040s.” https://www.unmannedsystemstechnology.com/2020/09/global-hawk-uas-capabilities-enhanced-with-new-sensors/