8 février 2024 | International, Terrestre

Military emissions: Global Defence Technology 144

Defence operations are a significant contributor to global emissions, with the US military under renewed emphasis to reduce its carbon footprint.


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    3 février 2021 | International, Aérospatial

    Eurofighter Receives Final Offer Request from Finland for F-18 Replacement

    The Eurofighter consortium has received a formal request from the Finnish Defense Forces to send a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) for the purchase of HX fighter to replace the Finnish Air Force's F-18 Hornet. "We believe that in addition to military and industrial interests, the Eurofighter offer, includes everything that Finland needs for the independent operation, maintenance and management of its machines," said Jeremy Quin, the UK Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. The consortium is supported by Airbus, BAE Systems and Leonardo. Eurofighter offers Finland and its industry unprecedented access to technology and independent performance, as well as creating high-skilled jobs and wealth," said Herman Claesen, CEO of Eurofighter. In 2020, Eurofighter partner countries committed to investing in technology that will keep the fighter's combat capability at the forefront of competition for the 2060s. The German Air Force has committed to acquire 38 new Eurofighter aircraft to form the core of its future air defense. The UK has pledged to invest in finishing a new, advanced electronically scanning radar. The latest investment will further improve the performance of nearly 500 Eurofighter fighters in the Air Force of five European countries. A common threat and military demands make Eurofighter a strong alternative to Finland. https://www.defenseworld.net/news/28861#.YBqzi-hKiUk

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  • China may use Japan’s aircraft carrier plan to push through more military spending

    20 décembre 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval

    China may use Japan’s aircraft carrier plan to push through more military spending

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