1 décembre 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval

MHD-ROCKLAND and ESG Aerosystems Keep the P-3 Legacy Alive

P-3 Aircrew Training is set to Commence in December
ESG Aerosystems is proud to be awarded a $ 64.5 M U.S. Navy Contract for which MHD-ROCKLAND is excited to be the sole-source aircraft Subcontractor.
Starke, Fla., November 26th, 2020 – MHD-ROCKLAND Inc. and ESG Aerosystems, announce that ESG Aerosystems has been awarded a U.S Navy Contract valued at $64.5 million, and MHD-ROCKLAND will act as the sole-source aircraft subcontractor. As per the scope of this contract ESG Aerosystems is mandated to develop a curriculum and facilitate training for P-3 aircrew positions including co-pilots, patrol plane commanders, instructor pilots, flight engineers, instructor flight engineers, and flight currency training. This is to support Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity's (NETSAFA) applicable field units and other program offices and stakeholders. The achievement is 100% funded by Federal Republic of Germany funds under the Foreign Military Sales Program to secure the operational readiness of the German Navy P-3C Aircrew.
The training is set to start in December 2020 and takes place at the ESG Aerosystems training facility within the MHD-ROCKLAND Flight Ops facilities located at Keystone Heights Airport Fla. Home to five MHD-ROCKLAND P-3 aircraft, the facility is well-equipped to host students and provide hands-on mission ready training. The duration of the training program varies with the type of aircrew position and will include both simulator and live flight training.
“We are extremely excited to partner with ESG Aerosystems to deliver comprehensive training solutions for the enduring P-3 Orion platform” said Josh Miller, President, MHD-ROCKLAND. “With over 40 years of experience in legacy aircraft sustainment, our team is ready to add value and offer this unique and essen-tial service to global P-3 fleet operators who require it” he added.
“We are delighted to partner with MHD-ROCKLAND,” stated Matthias Weerts, President, ESG Aerosystems, and continued, “We are looking forward to starting the training for the German Navy and then to serving the global P-3 community by delivering efficient, effective, and tailored training to sustain this incredible platform and community.”
The new P-3 aircrew training program spearheaded by ESG Aerosystems and MHD-ROCKLAND fills in the gap left by the closure of VP-30. The global P-3 Orion network is extremely resilient and will continue flying their P-3 Orion fleet-many of them well into the 2030's. We are ready to support the P-3 Orion customers including Foreign Military partners and U.S. Government agencies, by providing an extensive program which perfectly matches each operator's needs and requirements.

With offices in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, MHD-ROCKLAND Inc. is a privately-held aero-space company that has, for close to 40 years, supplied high-caliber services, training and support to fixed-wing aircraft for military aircraft operators around the globe, including manufacturer support through OEM and other channel partners as well as repair and overhaul within its own facilities. With more than 250,000 square feet of warehouse facilities, the company has one of the largest privately-owned P-3 and C-130 inventories in the world. It's Flight Ops Unit located in Keystone Heights, Fla. is home to five P-3 Orions and four L-188 Electras. For further infor-mation, visit mhdrockland.com.
Media Contact:
Amna Chishty, Marketing Communications
Phone: + 1 (514) 453 1632 Ext: 1293
About ESG Aerosystems
ESG Aerosystems Inc. is a 100% subsidiary of the German privately owned company ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, which is one of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) most trusted and proven partners. ESG was founded in 1967 and established itself as an independent service provider, developing, integrating and operating complex, security relevant electronic and IT systems for the military, public authorities and companies. ESG is a certified aviation company for aircraft for the Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces) and an aviation engineering company in line with EASA Part 21J, EASA Part 21G and EASA Part 145. To provide excellent P-3 pilot training, ESG Aerosystems Inc. has teamed up with MHD-ROCKLAND, a world class supplier in fixed wing aircraft services and support.
Media Contact: William Bushman Phone: (904) 601-9422 William.bushman@esg-aerosystems.com www.esg-aerosystems.com

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