25 mars 2021 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval

Martin UAV V-Bat's maritime success continues with Canada DRDC programme

The Martin UAV V-Bat vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) surveillance unmanned aerial vehicle's (UAV's) ability to autonomously turn into the wind in a hover is one reason why a company executive believes the aircraft has found success with...


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  • OPPORTUNITY: Meet with US DoD Foreign Comparative Testing Program at CANSEC 2023

    18 avril 2023 | Local, Autre défense

    OPPORTUNITY: Meet with US DoD Foreign Comparative Testing Program at CANSEC 2023

    The Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington) and the Trade Commissioner Service would like to make Canada’s defence industry aware of an opportunity to meet with the US Department of Defense Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) Program at CANSEC 2023! We ask that you share this message with your colleagues, contacts, and clients who may benefit from the FCT Program.   Interested firms should complete the attached Product Sheet and return to via email to LCdr Alain Gilbert - alain.gilbert@forces.gc.ca – (with a CC to Trade Commissioner Bobby Tate – Robert.tate@interational.gc.ca) by Friday, May 12th.   The FCT program scans for vendors in non-US countries that have innovative technologies that speak to the US DoD’s 14 Critical Technology Areas. Please note that the Critical Technology Areas have been updated for 2023:   o          Biotechnology o          Quantum Science o          Future Generation Wireless Technology (FutureG) o          Advanced Materials o          Trusted AI and Autonomy o          Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems o          Microelectronics o          Space Technology o          Renewable Energy and Storage o          Advanced computing and Software o          Human-Machine Interfaces o          Directed Energy o          Hypersonic o          Integrated Sensing and Cyber   The USD(R&E) Technology Vision for an Era of Competition provides additional context. It can be found here: https://www.cto.mil/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/usdre_strategic_vision_critical_tech_areas.pdf   DoD will also consider technologies that satisfy urgent operational needs on a relevant fielding schedule and/or technologies that provide significant life cycle savings. In short, they’re looking for technology that does an existing capability better, cheaper, or faster!   For more information, an overview presentation on the FCT program can be found here: https://ac.cto.mil/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/fct_overview_presentation_approved_7_14_2020.pdf   Companies who submit a product template may have the opportunity to meet with the FCT program during the CANSEC exposition  (31 May – 1 June 2023).  The expo will be held at the EY Centre in Ottawa, Ontario. Again, interested firms should complete the attached FCT Product Sheet, and send it to LCdr Alain Gilbert, A/Defence Cooperation Attaché at alain.gilbert@forces.gc.ca with a CC to Bobby Tate at Robert.tate@international.gc.ca   We hope you consider this opportunity to learn more about the U.S. Department of Defense’s FCT program.   Questions may be addressed to LCdr Alain Gilbert, Assistant Defence Cooperation Attaché at alain.gilbert@forces.gc.ca and Mr. Bobby Tate, Trade Commissioner, Defense, Security, and Aerospace, at robert.tate@international.gc.ca

  • Mid-Project Status Report published: Leonardo led “Canadian Weather Radar Replacement Project” fully on schedule

    25 mars 2020 | Local, C4ISR

    Mid-Project Status Report published: Leonardo led “Canadian Weather Radar Replacement Project” fully on schedule

    Rome, March 23, 2020 - Leonardo, through its German subsidiary Leonardo Germany GmbH, is proud to inform on the successful results of the official “Mid-Project Status Report” for the “Canadian Weather Radar Replacement Project” published by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). The “Mid-Project Status Report” is established and updated on a yearly basis and summarizes the verification of the conformity between project execution and scheduled targets by the end of each year under review. The “Canadian Weather Radar Replacement Project”, which was awarded to Leonardo in 2016, comprises the design, manufacture, supply, installation, commissioning and training, as well as maintenance and technical support during the warranty phase, for twenty Klystron S-Band weather radars – plus thirteen additional radars in options - including infrastructure for existing and new radar sites running from Holyrood on the East Coast to Vancouver Island on the West Coast of Canada. Seven of the thirteen weather radars originally in options have meanwhile been placed as orders by ECCC. According to the “Mid-Project Status Report” recently published, project execution is fully in line with the scheduled time and cost frames. Twelve weather radars including infrastructure and agreed accessories were delivered. All radars were installed and put into operation precisely according to plan. Additional requirements for safety and increase in performance that had been set by ECCC during the design phase, were successfully implemented by Leonardo. Training and documentation were delivered, and maintenance works performed as scheduled. The cost-management proceeded within the frame of the agreed budget. Prior to the report, Leonardo's performance had been objectively assessed and evaluated according to ECCC's vendor performance evaluation system. The evaluation was conducted by the CWRRP/ECCC team in conjunction with PSPC Contracting Authority, including criteria Quality of Workmanship, Time, Project Management and Health and Safety. In the overall rating, Leonardo achieved a score of 83 of 100 possible points and with this result, one of the highest scores ever awarded in any Public Works and Government Services Canada contract up to now. The pleasantly positive overall results stated at Mid-Project term underpin Leonardo's strengths and excellence in contract execution even in most challenging weather radar projects. The “Canadian Weather Radar Replacement Project” is one of the largest and – especially in terms of technological complexity, infrastructure and environmental requirements - most demanding projects ever awarded to the weather radar industry. Canada is a key market for Leonardo, with interests and opportunities spanning from helicopters to airport solutions such as parcel handling systems and air traffic control systems. A major contract was signed in 2016 to replace the legacy Air Traffic Control (ATC) radars at 12 major Canadian airports including Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver and Calgary. LEONARDO Germany GmbH Leonardo Germany GmbH is the technology leader in weather radar systems worldwide, providing best-in-class systems in C-, S- and X-Band. Over the last 20 years, more than 500 high-end systems of the company's METEOR product line have been put into operation for leading meteorological service providers in over 80 Countries worldwide. Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada is the department of the Government of Canada with responsibility for coordinating environmental policies and programs as well as preserving and enhancing the natural environment and renewable resources. The Meteorological Service of Canada is a division of Environment and Climate Change Canada which primarily provides public meteorological information and weather forecasts and warnings of severe weather and other environmental hazards. View source version on Leonardo : https://www.leonardocompany.com/en/press-release-detail/-/detail/23-03-2020-mid-project-status-report-published-leonardo-led-canadian-weather-radar-replacement-project-fully-on-schedule

  • Norway's Kongsberg wins record $1.5 bln defence order from Poland | Reuters

    5 septembre 2023 | Local, Aérospatial, Sécurité

    Norway's Kongsberg wins record $1.5 bln defence order from Poland | Reuters

    Norwegian defence equipment maker Kongsberg Gruppen said on Tuesday it has won an order worth around 16 billion crowns ($1.5 billion) from Poland for four Naval Strike Missile (NSM) Coastal Defence System (CDS) squadrons.

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