5 mai 2024 | International, Sécurité

Making the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 work for you

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework represents an excellent starting point to taking a proactive cybersecurity approach.


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  • General Atomics develops MQ-9 Reaper automatic take-off and landing enhancements

    6 juillet 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    General Atomics develops MQ-9 Reaper automatic take-off and landing enhancements

    by Pat Host General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (GA-ASI) in March and April 2020 demonstrated three expanded automatic take-off and landing capability (ATLC) enhancements for its MQ-9A Reaper medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). One improvement enables the aircraft to land at an alternate, or divert, airfield in which no ground control station (GCS) is present while also under satellite communication (satcom) control, GA-ASI announced on 25 June. With the divert landing enhancement, the remote pilot can enter the new landing area co-ordinates to automatically land at the selected location. The pilot can also overfly and self-survey the divert airfield's runway using the Reaper's multispectral electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensor to obtain co-ordinates for an automatic landing. Once uploaded to the MQ-9A's mission profile, the Reaper's aircrew enables the ATLC system, which allows the aircraft to automatically manoeuvre itself into a landing pattern and make the automatic landing. This enhancement will enable operational Reapers to land at alternate airfields on their own because of poor weather, changing mission requirements, or damaged runways, GA-ASI president David Alexander said in a 25 June statement. GA-ASI demonstrated this aerial runway survey capability on 23-24 April at GA-ASI's Gray Butte flight operations facility near Palmdale, California, a company spokesman said on 29 June. The second enhancement expands the cross-wind limits of the MQ-9A. The third improvement increases the maximum landing weight for normal and emergency landings. The heavyweight landings were demonstrated throughout March and April at the Southern California Logistics Airfield in Victorville, California. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/general-atomics-develops-mq-9-reaper-automatic-take-off-and-landing-enhancements

  • Thales à bord du standard F4 du Rafale

    21 janvier 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Thales à bord du standard F4 du Rafale

    Par Justine BOQUET Thales participe au développement des capacités du Rafale dans le cadre du contrat standard F4. Le 18 janvier, Thales a annoncé sa participation au développement du standard F4 du Rafale. Aux côtés de Dassault Aviation et de Safran, Thales a ainsi été notifié par la DGA « pour le développement des futurs capteurs et systèmes de communication qui seront à bord du Rafale au standard F4 » a annoncé Thales. L'un des enjeux majeurs du standard F4 repose sur la connectivité et le partage de données. Cela est d'autant plus vrai alors que nous nous dirigeons vers le développement de systèmes de systèmes, fonctionnant en réseau. Le programme SCAF (système de combat aérien du futur) illustre cette tendance. « Thales travaillera notamment à l'introduction de la radio CONTACT, d'un serveur de communication intelligent sécurisé et d'une solution de transmission par satellites (SATCOM) via Syracuse IV » annonce Thales. Afin de prendre en compte l'évolution des menaces et renforcer les capacités du Rafale, Thales poursuivra le développement du système de guerre électronique SPECTRA. « Le radar à antenne active RBE2 verra son emploi amélioré notamment pour ses capacités en mode air/sol. Quant à la nacelle optronique TALIOS, l'Intelligence Artificielle permettra un traitement en vol presque en instantané des données collectées pour extraire et identifier les cibles », ajoute Thales. Le traitement des informations collectées par les capteurs du Rafale sera donc amélioré et permettra aux pilotes d'appréhender au mieux la situation opérationnelle. Enfin, les technologies développées par Thales participeront également à la maintenance prédictive et au MCO du Rafale standard F4. « Prévoir les défaillances avant qu'elles ne surviennent, tel est l'enjeu auquel nous devons répondre à bord du Rafale au standard F4 », précise Thales. http://www.air-cosmos.com/thales-a-bord-du-standard-f4-du-rafale-119443

  • Army makes strides toward network modernization with much anticipated radio award

    24 septembre 2018 | International, Terrestre, C4ISR

    Army makes strides toward network modernization with much anticipated radio award

    By: Mark Pomerleau The Army has awarded Harris Corp. and Thales Defense a much anticipated radio contract that leaders say is critical for mission command on contested battlefields in the future. The two-channel leader software-defined radio will allow commanders on the ground to switch frequencies if one is being jammed by adversaries. The Army said it plans to exercise a delivery order for 1,540 Leader Radio sets and 338 vehicular mounting kits. The value of the order was not immediately clear. “This is an important step in providing critical tactical communications capabilities that are interoperable and effective in a contested electronic warfare environment,” Col. Garth Winterle, project manager for tactical radios, said in a Sept. 21 Army release. Army leaders have described the radios as critical to the Army's overall network modernization strategy. The contract allows for annual orders and for the easy integration of new capabilities. “The award of the two-channel Leader radio contract is an important milestone in the modernization of the Army's tactical network and Harris is honored to be part of it,” Dana Mehnert, President, Harris Communication Systems, said. Maj. Gen. David Bassett, the program executive officer for Command, Control, Communications-Tactical, told reporters in March that these types of radios have shown themselves to be able to run a wide range of waveforms. This has proven to be a critical feature as the Army considers more advanced, harder-to-jam waveforms for the future. This could be especially important in electronic warfare as adversaries make strides in their jamming and sensing abilities within the electromagnetic spectrum. The two-channel Leader radio will also be a key component of what the Army is calling the integrated tactical network, which focuses on a simplified, independent, mobile network solution at the battalion level. That solution is intended to provide network availability down to the small unit dismounted leader for better mission command, situational awareness and air-to-ground integration. https://www.c4isrnet.com/c2-comms/2018/09/21/army-makes-strides-toward-network-modernization-with-much-anticipated-radio-award

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