2 janvier 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Sécurité

Industry updates: New search and rescue aircraft to fly in Canada in mid-2020, second Offshore Fisheries Science Vessel delivered


The month of December saw movement on two major defence and security related equipment programs. The RCAF announced it accepted the first Fixed Wing Search and Rescue aircraft from Airbus even as the military tried to work out issues with technical manuals for the C-295 plane.

“We will continue to work with Airbus to ensure the acceptability of remaining work, including revision of technical manuals, completing training for the initial RCAF crews and conducting initial operational testing and evaluation in Spain in the first half of 2020,” explained Department of National Defence spokesman Jessica Lamirande. “The aircraft will be flying in Spain by the spring of 2020 with the completion of qualification work and training for RCAF personnel. It will only fly in Canada when it arrives in mid-2020.”

Seaspan Shipyards announced Dec. 10 that it completed the delivery of CCGS Capt. Jacques Cartier, the Canadian Coast Guard's newest Offshore Fisheries Science Vessel or OFSV. It is the second OFSV delivered by Seaspan, which was her sister ship, the CCGS Sir John Franklin.

These two ships are the first large vessels delivered under the National Shipbuilding Strategy.

More than 600 Canadian firms were involved in the project, reported Esprit de Corps military magazine. Equipped to support Fisheries and Ocean scientists in the collection and analysis of data on Canada's marine ecosystems and the impacts of climate change, the vessel features a full suite of modern systems, including high-tech fishing trawls and four science labs — a wet lab, a dry lab, an ocean lab and a control lab, Seaspan noted. The OFSV also has a deployable drop keel, loaded with a wide array of sensors to support the vessel's research mandate.

The CCGS Capt. Jacques Cartier will also support search and rescue operations and environmental response. A third OFSV under construction at Seaspan Shipyards is structurally complete and on schedule to be delivered in August 2020, Seaspan added.

In the meantime, Collins Aerospace Systems used the Dubai Air Show to highlight the fact that the new C-295 aircraft come equipped with the firm's state-of-the-art Pro Line Fusion flight deck, Esprit de Corps military magazine reported. That will significantly advance the capabilities of C-295 operators, according to Collins Aerospace Systems. The selection marks the first fixed-wing search and rescue platform to include Pro Line Fusion among its standard equipment.

The Pro Line Fusion flight deck designed for the C-295 includes Collins touchscreen displays to provide a more intuitive interface for pilots to interact and customize their information on the flight deck; night-vision goggle capability; Head-Up Displays that enable the pilot to keep their eyes up for enhanced situational awareness; Enhanced Vision System (EVS) sensor that allows pilots to see in low-visibility conditions; overlaid weather radar that shows a graphical depiction of weather along the flight plan for easy viewing; Integrated Terrain Awareness and Warning System that enables high-resolution 3D obstacle depiction and enhances mission safety, and fully integrated Mission Flight Management Systems supporting Search and Rescue patterns, Computed Air Release Points and High Altitude Release Points.

L3Harris Technologies delivered two F/A-18 Hornet aircraft to NASA in November after successfully completing depot-level modifications and repair work. The two aircraft were delivered to NASA by L3Harris Canadian Fighter Center of Excellence in Quebec. Vertex Aerospace LLC selected L3Harris to work on the NASA F/A-18 Hornet aircraft in 2018. As part of the scheduled maintenance work, L3Harris addressed structural modifications, while maximizing the availability of the aircraft for operational use. The work involved structural modifications to eliminate flight and landing restrictions.

L3Harris has specialized in developing and implementing F/A-18 structural modification and life extension solutions, having already completed structural programs for the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Royal Australian Air Force, and assisting other F/A-18 users, including the Swiss Air Force, the Finnish Air Force, and the U.S. Navy.


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  • Why Canadians and Americans are buying guns during the coronavirus pandemic

    9 avril 2020 | Local, Terrestre, Sécurité

    Why Canadians and Americans are buying guns during the coronavirus pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge in gun sales. Estimates based on background checks show that an estimated 2.6 million guns were sold in the United States in March. That is an 85 per cent increase over the same period last year. While there are no official numbers, gun stores in Canada have also reported increased sales. This has spurred some news media to draw comparisons between the two nations' gun-sales spikes, potentially stoking the fears of the Canadian public. This angst has been echoed by gun control groups in Canada that have expressed concerns regarding the impact of “increased access to guns” on public health. But few have noted the three key differences between the American and Canadian COVID-19 gun-sales spike. No. 1: Why are they buying? Canadians and Americans buy guns for different reasons. Over the past few decades, the United States has witnessed a transformation in its civilian gun culture. 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The conditions under which guns can be used for self-defence in Canada are narrow, and the government stringently regulates not only firearms ownership, but the discourse surrounding guns. Self-defence is not a legal reason to acquire a firearm in Canada, and cannot be listed as a reason for firearms ownership on a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) application. Though no research exists at this time, owners of gun stores who were interviewed by the media noted that Canadians are likely panic-buying due to a fear of shortages rather than a fear of violence, since the Canadian supply chain is heavily dependent on the United States. That means gun owners who might have waited to buy firearms and ammunition for target shooting over the summer or hunting this fall are buying them now. No. 2: How are they buying them? Another key difference between the bump in sales in Canada versus the U.S. is the requirements to purchase guns and ammunition. South of the border, most firearms legislation is made at the state level, with big differences in gun laws across the country. In many states, the only requirement to purchase a firearm from a licensed dealer is a federal background check, though states like California and Massachusetts have much stricter laws. In Canada, the bump in sales is limited to those who have already passed through the RCMP's extensive licensing regime. This process often takes up to six months and includes a weekend-long course, passing a written and practical test and reference checks. Canadian gun owners are subject to continuous automatic background checks as long as they hold the licence. So if somebody is legally purchasing a gun in Canada, it means the RCMP could find “no reasons why, in the interest of public safety, they should not possess a firearm.” No. 3: Who is buying what? Many of the people buying guns in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic reported that it was their first time purchasing a gun. Furthermore, the majority of guns sold during the current boom have been handguns rather than long guns. Though it's a bit early to speculate, this could very well lead to even less support for gun control in the U.S., given that gun owners are unsurprisingly the least likely group to support gun control. In Canada, on the other hand, it is likely that only a small minority of gun purchases during the Canadian spike were first-time buyers given the time frame required to acquire a firearm licence in Canada. Statistics on the breakdown of handguns versus long gun purchases during the Canadian pandemic spike don't exist, but we can guess that most of the new guns purchased in Canada were long guns being used for hunting or sports shooting. That's because gun owners wishing to own handguns must have a special Restricted Possession and Acquisition License (RPAL) and maintain a membership at a shooting club, which can cost hundreds of dollars per year and limits handgun ownership to serious target shooters. Of Canada's 2.2 million licensed gun owners, only about a quarter have licences that allow them to purchase handguns. And so it's clear there are major differences between the gun purchase spikes in Canada and the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will hopefully set anxious Canadian minds at ease and let everyone get back to focusing on more pressing problems. https://theconversation.com/why-canadians-and-americans-are-buying-guns-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic-135409

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  • Leadersphère 2022

    29 septembre 2022 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Leadersphère 2022

    Le 29 septembre 2022 – Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc – Défense nationale / Forces armées canadiennes Les médias sont conviés au colloque Leadersphère 2022, qui se tiendra le 4 octobre prochain au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR Saint-Jean). Le thème de cette édition est « Analyser, décider, agir : Répondre aux défis de sécurité contemporains ». Quels sont les défis auxquels sera confronté le leadership canadien dans l'environnement international? Comment penser un monde en mouvement? Leadersphère 2022 s'articule en trois panels autour des points clés du processus de prise de décision stratégique. Chercheur(-euse)s, ambassadeur(-drice)s, politicien(-ne)s, dirigeant(e)s d'entreprise, militaires seront donc réunis autour d'une même table pour penser le monde de demain. Nous retrouvons parmi les panélistes Dre Caroline Quach-Than, Laure Waridel et Megan MacKenzie, mais aussi l'Ambassadrice Jacqueline O'Neill, la Brigadière-générale Krista Brodie, Madeleine Redfern de CanArctic Inuit Networks Inc. et Martine Saint-Victor de Edelman Canada. Quoi : Colloque Leadersphère 2022 - Analyser, Decider, Agir : Répondre aux défis de sécurité contemporains Quand : 8 h 30 à 17 h 45, le mardi 4 octobre 2022 Où : Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean, 15 boul. Jacques-Cartier Nord, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Québec) J3B 8R8 Note au rédacteur en chef / chefs des nouvelles Les représentants des médias sont priés de confirmer leur présence avant 16 h, le lundi 3 octobre, en communiquant avec capitaine Rachel Lefebvre, officier des affaires publiques du CMR Saint-Jean, au 450-358-6777, poste 5733, ou à rachel.lefebvre@forces.gc.ca. Liens connexes Leadersphère 2022 Personnes-ressources Capitaine Rachel Lefebvre Officier des affaires publiques Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean Téléphone : 450-358-6777, poste 5733 Courriel : rachel.lefebvre@forces.gc.ca https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/nouvelles/2022/09/leadersphere-2022.html

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