17 mars 2020 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

Important Notice about CAF Outlooks 2020

Important Notice about CAF Outlooks 2020

As a membership organization, CADSI always puts the health and safety of our community first. As event organizers, we are closely monitoring developments related to COVID-19 and adjusting to its impact hourly.

On Sunday, March 15, Ottawa's Medical Officer of Health recommended the immediate suspension of events of all sizes. We are following this recommendation and as such, CADSI will no longer have a face-to-face aspect of the 2020 CAF Outlooks, which had been planned for the Shaw Centre on April 7-9.

We are currently exploring all options with our government partners on ways forward to deliver an alternative program.

CADSI will provide updated information on this program on April 1. Cancellations and refunds will be accepted until April 6, 2020.

In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging and unprecedented time.

We will share updates via email, our website, and CADSI's twitter account (@CADSICanada).

Posted 2020-03-16

Last Modified 2020-03-16 16:58


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  • Le gouvernement du Canada aide l’industrie de la défense à se protéger contre les menaces à la cybersécurité

    31 mai 2023 | Local, Autre défense

    Le gouvernement du Canada aide l’industrie de la défense à se protéger contre les menaces à la cybersécurité

    Le 31 mai 2023 - Ottawa (Ontario) - Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada  Le gouvernement du Canada est déterminé à mettre en œuvre des mesures de cybersécurité robustes, ce qui est fondamental pour la stabilité économique et la sécurité nationale du Canada. Aujourd'hui, l'honorable Anita Anand, ministre de la Défense nationale, au nom de l'honorable Helena Jaczek, ministre des Services publics et de l’Approvisionnement, a annoncé que le gouvernement du Canada élaborera et mettra en œuvre un Programme canadien de certification en matière de cybersécurité qui se traduira par la mise en place d’exigences de certification obligatoires dans certains contrats de défense fédéraux, et ce, dès l'hiver 2024.  Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada (SPAC), en partenariat avec la Défense nationale et le Conseil canadien des normes, dirigera les efforts du gouvernement du Canada pour établir ce nouveau programme. 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Le nouveau programme aura l’objectif de réduire la charge de l'industrie en visant la reconnaissance mutuelle entre le Canada et les États-Unis, ce qui permettra aux fournisseurs canadiens certifiés d'être reconnus par les deux administrations.  Citations « Les menaces qui pèsent sur la cybersécurité sont complexes et évoluent rapidement, et dans le domaine de l’approvisionnement de défense, les cyberincidents constituent une menace à la protection des renseignements fédéraux non classifiés. C'est pourquoi nous prenons des mesures afin de protéger notre chaîne d'approvisionnement de défense en mettant en place un Programme canadien de certification en matière de cybersécurité pour protéger la population et les entreprises canadiennes. » L'honorable Helena Jaczek Ministre des Services publics et de l’Approvisionnement  « La cybersécurité est la sécurité nationale. Au gouvernement et dans le secteur privé, nous devons modifier nos pratiques en fonction d’un environnement de sécurité en évolution. Aujourd’hui, nous présentons un plan afin d’améliorer la résilience des chaînes d’approvisionnement de la défense. Ce Programme de certification en matière de cybersécurité contribuera à faire en sorte que les Forces armées canadiennes aient les outils sécurisés nécessaires pour répondre aux exigences opérationnelles, dès maintenant et dans le futur. Cette certification augmentera la confiance à l’égard de la résilience des fournisseurs canadiens. Par conséquent, notre industrie de la défense de classe mondiale en bénéficiera aussi, et elle sera encore mieux placée pour avoir accès aux possibilités d’approvisionnement de nos proches alliés. » L’honorable Anita Anand Ministre de la Défense nationale « Grâce à cette nouvelle certification, nous protégeons nos chaînes d’approvisionnement essentielles et nous veillons à ce que les fournisseurs canadiens puissent continuer de jouer un rôle clé au sein des chaînes d’approvisionnement de l’industrie de la défense des États-Unis, car ils sont indispensables à la croissance de notre économie, à la création d’emplois et à la prospérité des travailleurs partout au Canada. » L’honorable François-Philippe Champagne Ministre de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie Faits en bref Dans le cadre du budget de 2023, le gouvernement du Canada a affecté 25 millions de dollars sur 3 ans à la création d'un nouveau Programme canadien de certification en matière de cybersécurité pour les marchés de défense. Le nouveau Programme canadien de certification en matière de cybersécurité contribuera à maintenir l'accès des entreprises canadiennes aux marchés publics internationaux avec les proches alliés et partenaires du Canada, pour lesquels une certification obligatoire en matière de cybersécurité est exigée. L'accroissement de la résilience de la base industrielle de défense du gouvernement du Canada en matière de cybersécurité renforcera les objectifs du Plan d’action national en matière de cybersécurité et de la Stratégie nationale de cybersécurité du Canada. L'Évaluation des cybermenaces nationales 2023-2024 du Centre canadien pour la cybersécurité estime que les organisations canadiennes continueront d'être la cible de cybermenaces malveillantes par des acteurs parrainés par un État au cours des 2 prochaines années. Le Programme canadien de certification en matière de cybersécurité permettra de vérifier et de renforcer les mesures de cybersécurité prises par les entreprises de défense canadiennes afin de protéger leurs réseaux, leurs systèmes et leurs applications. Liens connexes Budget 2023 : Un plan canadien https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-publics-approvisionnement/nouvelles/2023/05/le-gouvernement-du-canada-aide-lindustrie-de-la-defense-a-se-proteger-contre-les-menaces-a-la-cybersecurite.html

  • The List: Here are the weapons identified as prohibited in Canada

    4 mai 2020 | Local, Terrestre

    The List: Here are the weapons identified as prohibited in Canada

    SaltWire Network Published: May 01 at 2:43 p.m. Updated: May 01 at 3:18 p.m Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Friday the addition of "assault-style" weapons to the list of prohibited Firearms in Canada. Here are the updated sections of federal firearms regulations. 83 The firearms of the designs commonly known as the SG-550 rifle and SG-551 carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the SAN Swiss Arms (a) Aestas; (b) Autumnus; (c) Black Special; (d) Black Special Carbine; (e) Black Special CQB; (f) Black Special Target; (g) Blue Star; (h) Classic Green; (i) Classic Green Carbine; (j) Classic Green CQB; (k) Classic Green Sniper; (l) Heavy Metal; (m) Hiemis; (n) Red Devil; (o) Swiss Arms Edition; and (p) Ver. The entire list : https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/canada/the-list-here-are-the-weapons-identified-as-prohibited-in-canada-444750/

  • Canada awards contract to support Halifax-class ship maintenance

    30 juin 2020 | Local, Naval

    Canada awards contract to support Halifax-class ship maintenance

    As outlined in Canada's defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, the Government of Canada is committed to equipping the Canadian Armed Forces with modern and capable equipment needed to support its operations. As outlined in Canada's defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged, the Government of Canada is committed to equipping the Canadian Armed Forces with modern and capable equipment needed to support its operations. This includes supporting the Royal Canadian Navy's (RCN) fleet of combat vessels to ensure they remain operationally effective and capable until the transition to its future fleet is complete. Today, the Government of Canada announced the award of an in-service support contract to Fleetway Inc. of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Valued at $72.6 million for the first six years, with options to extend for up to 22 years, this contract will provide a full range of technical data management and systems engineering support services for the RCN's fleet of Halifax-class ships. This contract will secure an expert team to store and manage thousands of critical ship documents, in addition to producing complex designs to support the installation of new equipment on board the ships. Their specialized knowledge and skills will make sure key information is up-to-date to support maintenance teams, and will enable the maintenance of the Halifax-class operational capability in support of CAF missions. Awarded as part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, this contract will ensure that the RCN and supporting shipyards continue to have the technical data required to support ongoing ship maintenance during planned docking work periods, while also providing local economic benefits. Work for the contract began in April 2020, and will continue until the fleet is retired in the early 2040s. This contract is expected to sustain an estimated 140 Canadian jobs. Quotes “The women and men of the Canadian Armed Forces deserve the best equipment and tools available. By investing in our fleet of Halifax class frigates, we will be able to provide our members in uniform what they need to continue advancing peace and security around the world. Our government's defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged is delivering real results for Canadians and those who protect us.” The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence “The National Shipbuilding Strategy continues to support the members of the Royal Canadian Navy and is reinvigorating the marine industry. This engineering service contract award to Fleetway Inc. of Halifax, Nova Scotia, will help provide our navy with safe, reliable ships to carry out their important work on behalf of the Government of Canada, while also creating jobs and generating significant economic benefits in the regions of Canada.” The Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of Public Services and Procurement “Our Halifax-class frigates remain the backbone of our Navy, enabling us to maintain our presence at sea both at home and abroad. As we continue to transition to our future fleet, it is essential that we continue to foster an environment that enables the RCN to keep our frigates floating, moving, and fighting. Fleetway Inc. brings world class technical data management and systems engineering support services which will help to ensure the RCN is ready to help, ready to lead and ready to fight.” Vice-Admiral Art McDonald, Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy “Nova Scotians are deeply proud of the women and men in the Canadian Armed Forces, and it's fitting that companies across the province are providing important support to the National Shipbuilding Strategy. This contract with Fleetway Inc. will keep skilled workers employed here at home, while supporting the Canadian Armed Forces in their work abroad.” Darren Fisher, Member of Parliament for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour Quick facts An initial contract of $72.6 million has been awarded to Fleetway Inc. for their services. It will be amended over the contract period based on the amount of work required for a total value of up to $552 million. This type of contract is fully compliant with our Sustainment Initiative, which ensures performance, value for money, flexibility, and economic benefits. This contract is one of more than 100 existing support contracts required to effectively support maintenance of the Halifax-class. This new in-service support contract will replace the services provided by Fleetway Inc. through the previous in-service support contract that will expire in October 2020. The new contract was awarded through an open, fair, and transparent procurement process. All technical documentation, manuals, and engineering drawings of ship systems/equipment must be regularly updated to track any changes following maintenance or upgrades. This information is used to help monitor the state of the ship, and is also used by maintenance crews to support ongoing work. Halifax-class ships monitor and control Canadian waters, defend Canada's sovereignty, facilitate large-scale search and rescue activities, and provide emergency assistance when needed. The ships operate with and integrate into the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and coalitions of allied states in support of international peace and security operations. Introduced into service in the 1990s, the Canadian-built Halifax-class ships were recently modernized to remain operationally effective and relevant until the Canadian Surface Combatants enter into service. The Canadian Surface Combatants will replace the Halifax-class frigates and the retired Iroquois-class destroyers, and will ensure the RCN has modern and capable ships to monitor and defend Canada's waters, to continue to contribute to international naval operations for decades to come, and to rapidly deploy credible naval forces worldwide on short notice. https://www.miragenews.com/canada-awards-contract-to-support-halifax-class-ship-maintenance/

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