9 juin 2023 | International, Autre défense

How to leverage the best of European defense capabilities

When it comes to defense-industrial collaboration, the best time to start was 20 years ago, and the second best time is now.


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  • La défense européenne : utopie ou réalités

    13 mai 2019 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    La défense européenne : utopie ou réalités

    Nicolas Gros-Verheyde (B2) C'est le titre de l'ouvrage que je prépare pour les éditions du Villard. ‘Utopie ou réalités', c'est bien le dilemme auquel est confrontée aujourd'hui l'Europe de la défense ou la défense européenne Je ne compte pas donner de bonne recette ou asséner une vérité. Dans ce domaine, il y a assez de théorie et d'idéologie, souvent assez binaire. La principale ambition de cet ouvrage est ailleurs. Il s'agit de découvrir et d'expliquer les dernières nouveautés, les acquis déjà opérationnels, les projets en cours, les défis ou simplement les idées. Tout cela avec des arguments, précis, puisés aux meilleures sources, et de façon la plus compréhensible possible. Nous visiterons ainsi le fonds européen de défense, l'hypothèse d'une DG Défense à la Commission européenne, le commandement aérien intégré, l'ébauche d'un QG permanent militaire européen, l'initiative européenne d'intervention comme les idées d'avoir un Conseil européen de sécurité ou une armée européenne. Un ou deux invités surprises viendront compléter ou nuancer mon propos, tel un contrepoint. Cet ouvrage est à paraitre dès que possible et au plus tard d'ici l'automne. Il aurait dû sortir avant ; j'en avais parlé à quelques uns d'entre vous. Mais ma résidence dans les Alpes a brûlé en partie (1). Ce qui a un peu bousculé mon planning, m'obligeant à départir une grosse partie de mon temps pour rétablir au plus vite ce qui est mon principal poumon et ma principale respiration dans ce monde complexe et où la rapidité prime sur la compréhension, ma résidence d'écriture en quelque sorte. (Nicolas Gros-Verheyde) Heureusement nous avions une bonne assurance (du moins je l'espère), la Maïf pour ne pas la nommer. Je compte vivement sur cet assureur pour nous aider à franchir ce mauvais pas, préserver le maximum et rétablir l'habitation le plus vite possible. https://www.bruxelles2.eu/2019/05/11/defense-europeenne-utopie-ou-realite/

  • Dassault Aviation: First Indian Air Force Rafale Handover to the Government of India

    9 octobre 2019 | International, Aérospatial

    Dassault Aviation: First Indian Air Force Rafale Handover to the Government of India

    Saint-Cloud, October 8, 2019 - First Indian Air Force Rafale Handover to the Government of India. Ceremony hosted by Eric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Aviation, under the high patronage of the Honourable Shri Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defence of India, and the Honourable Ms. Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces of France. Ceremony held in Dassault Aviation Mérignac facility on October 8th, 2019, in the frame of the celebrations of Air Force Day. Today, Eric Trappier, Dassault Aviation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, hosted the handover ceremony of the first Indian Air Force Rafale in Mérignac, Dassault Aviation's Rafale final assembly facility. The event was placed under the high patronage of the Honourable Shri Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defence of India and the Honourable Ms. Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces of France. The ceremony, 3 years after the signature of the contract in 2016 for the acquisition of 36 Rafale to equip the Indian Air Force, marks the concretization of the strategic relationship between India and France and the celebration of the history of mutual trust between India and Dassault Aviation for more than 65 years. The handover of the first IAF Rafale, materializes the determination of the French Authorities to fulfill the expectations and needs of the Government of India to comfort India's protection and sovereignty and illustrates the exemplary cooperation between Dassault Aviation and the Indian Air Force, one of the most remarkable partner Dassault Aviation's has ever worked with. The setup of the Dassault Reliance JV (DRAL) production facility in Nagpur as well as the significant support of the educational and scientific policy of the Indian Government through the establishing of an engineering center in Pune, the creation of the “Dassault Skill Academy“ and the implementation of a vocational training programme “Aeronautical Structure and Equipment Fitter“, demonstrate Dassault Aviation full commitment to the “Make in India“ and “Skill India“ initiatives in building the foundations for a national aerospace and defence ecosystem to become a worldwide reference of the sector. Supported by Dassault Aviation partners, Thales already present in Nagpur, Safran to inaugurate its facility in Hyderabad as well as the French aeronautics and defence community among which twenty companies are already settled in India, this approach will mutually benefit both Indian and French industries and will contribute to guaranty both countries to meet tomorrow's aeronautical challenges. “I am particularly honored to host this ceremony today as India is part of Dassault Aviation's DNA. The long and trustful relationship we share is an undeniable success and underpins my determination of establishing for the long term Dassault Aviation in India. We stand alongside the Indian Air Force since 1953, we are totally committed to fulfill its requirements for the decades to come and to be part of India's ambitious vision for the future“, has declared Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. ABOUT DASSAULT AVIATION AND INDIA: Dassault Aviation aircraft have been an integral part of Indian defence forces for over six decades. The first Dassault Aviation aircraft, Toofani was supplied to India in 1953, followed by the Mystere IV, the naval Alize, the Jaguar (manufactured under license by HAL), and the Mirage 2000. These aircraft have contributed to Indian sovereignty all along and the Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft continues to be the IAF's ‘cutting edge' till date. 36 Rafales fighter aircraft has been acquired on September 23rd 2016 to equip the Indian Air Force. ABOUT DASSAULT AVIATION: With over 10,000 military and civil aircraft (including 2,500 Falcons) delivered in more than 90 countries over the last century, Dassault Aviation has built up expertise recognized worldwide in the design, development, sale and support of all types of aircraft, ranging from the Rafale fighter, to the high-end Falcon family of business jets and military drones. In 2018, Dassault Aviation reported revenues of €5.1 billion. The company has 11,500 employees. dassault-aviation.com PRESS CONTACTS: Corporate Communications Stéphane Fort - Tél +33 (0)1 47 11 86 90 - stephane.fort@dassault-aviation.com Mathieu Durand - Tél +33 (0)1 47 11 85 88 - mathieu.durand@dassault-aviation.com Defence Communications Nathalie Bakhos - Tél +33 (0)1 47 11 92 75 – nathalie-beatrice.bakhos@dassault-aviation.com Photos HD : mediaprophoto.dassault-aviation.com Vidéos HD : mediaprovideo.dassault-aviation.com Attachment PR First Indian Air Force Rafale Handover to the Government of India VA View source version on GlobeNewswire: http://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/10/08/1926382/0/en/Dassault-Aviation-First-Indian-Air-Force-Rafale-Handover-to-the-Government-of-India.html

  • Airbus warns airlines of new delivery delays -sources

    10 février 2024 | International, Terrestre

    Airbus warns airlines of new delivery delays -sources

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