14 mars 2024 | International, Terrestre
Britain finalizes deal to buy 14 Chinook helicopters
Fourteen CH-47-ER Chinooks, destined principally for use by British special forces, will be delivered to the Royal Air Force under the terms of the deal.
4 septembre 2018 | International, C4ISR
COLOGNE, Germany – Germany is one step closer to getting its own version of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, as officials here seek to bolster the country's cybersecurity posture.
The Cabinet of Chancellor Angela Merkel this week approved the new organization, to be headed jointly by the Defense and Interior ministries. The outfit is slated to get a budget of €200 million ($230 million) between 2019 and 2022. The new “Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity” will eventually have 100 employees.
The German parliament, the Bundestag, will debate the proposal in the upcoming months. Once the funding is cleared, analysts will begin their work in earnest next year.
While the Pentagon's DARPA served as a model in creating the new organization, the American agency's funding and personnel commitment dwarfs that of new German effort. But the move is still a major step forward here because it shows a political commitment to cyberspace in the context of defense and security that officials said was previously lacking.
Notably, one of the explicit goals is to speed up the acquisition cycle for cybersecurity technology. That puts Germany in the same boat as many governments around the world, where officials have found themselves perennially lagging behind sophisticated attack schemes employed by hackers.
Full article: https://www.fifthdomain.com/global/europe/2018/08/31/german-cabinet-approves-new-cybersecurity-agency
14 mars 2024 | International, Terrestre
Fourteen CH-47-ER Chinooks, destined principally for use by British special forces, will be delivered to the Royal Air Force under the terms of the deal.
26 mars 2019 | International, Aérospatial
Par Justine BOQUET La Commission Européenne a annoncé qu'un budget global de 525 millions d'euros avait été débloqué au titre du fonds européen de Défense, dont 100 millions devraient être attribués pour le programme Eurodrone. La Commission Européenne a détaillé le 19 mars la répartition du budget du fonds européen de défense pour la période 2019-2020. Un budget initial de 500 millions d'euros a ainsi été approuvé. A cela s'ajoute « un montant supplémentaire de 25 millions d'euros [qui] a été affecté à l'appui aux projets de recherche collaboratifs dans le domaine de la défense en 2019 », rapporte la Commission Européenne. Deux projets ont d'ores et déjà été sélectionnés, lesquels bénéficieront d'un soutien financier émanant du FED. Parmi eux, figure l'eurodrone. Le drone male européen, développé par Airbus, Dassault et Leonardo, obtient ainsi un financement de 100 millions d'euros. Le programme de communications militaires ESSOR hérite lui d'une enveloppe de 37 millions d'euros. L'institution a par la même détaillé les domaines qui devraient hériter d'un financement, dans le but de soutenir la BITD européenne et pour permettre aux Etats Membres de se doter d'équipements leur permettant d'assurer leur sécurité. « L'accent sera mis sur des domaines tels que la technologie des drones, la communication par satellite, les systèmes d'alerte rapide, l'intelligence artificielle, la cyberdéfense ou la surveillance maritime », précise la Commission. Afin de sélectionner les programmes qui bénéficieront d'un soutien européen, l'Union Européenne réalisera un appel à propositions pour 21 projets sur la période 2019-2020. Parmi les axes technologiques soutenus par la Commission Européenne, on retrouve la prévention des menaces NRBC et le domaine de l'anti-drones, volet qui hérite d'un montant de 80 M€. La cybersécurité, la cyberdéfense, la surveillance de l'espace, les capacités d'alerte rapide et de surveillance maritime bénéficieront d'une enveloppe globale de 182 M€. « 71 millions d'euros soutiendront la mise à niveau ou le développement de la prochaine génération de capacités de frappe de précision au sol, de capacités de combat au sol, de capacités de lutte aérienne et de futurs systèmes navals », ajoute la Commission Européenne. Pour soutenir le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle, de la réalité virtuelle et des cybertechnologies, l'Union Européenne débloquera une enveloppe de 27 millions d'euros, laquelle permettra par ailleurs d'appuyer les PME dans la conduite de leurs projets. http://www.air-cosmos.com/fonds-europeen-de-defense-100-millions-d-euros-pour-l-eurodrone-121705
1 avril 2020 | International, Naval
Germantown, Md.; March 26, 2020 – Amentum, a leading contractor to U.S. federal and allied governments, has been awarded a new contract by Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division worth up to $87 million. Under the contract, Amentum will provide systems engineering support to naval weapons systems, weapon control systems, and warfare systems for ballistic missile and guided missile submarines and surface ships, including Aegis, Ship Self-Defense System, DDG-1000 Guided Missile Destroyers, Guided Missile Frigates, and U.S. Coast Guard cutters. The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract has one base year and four one-year option periods. “We have been a strategic partner to the Navy for more than 40 years providing systems engineering support at Dahlgren,” said John Vollmer, Chief Executive Officer of Amentum. “Many of our people there have decades of engineering and operational experience in the Strategic Systems Program Office and on Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile programs. Our unique experience combined with our engineering and software tools allows us to offer real-world solutions to complex and ever-changing combat system and fleet challenges.” Work under the contract will primarily be performed at Dahlgren, Va.; Dam Neck, Va.; Washington Navy Yard; and Pittsfield, Mass. ### About Amentum Amentum is a premier global technical and engineering services partner supporting critical programs of national significance across defense, security, intelligence, energy, and environment. We draw from a century-old heritage of operational excellence, mission focus, and successful execution underpinned by a strong culture of safety and ethics. Headquartered in Germantown, Md., we employ more than 20,000 people in 48 states and 28 foreign countries and territories. Visit us at amentum.com to explore how we deliver excellence for our customers' most vital missions. Contacts: For Amentum: Christine Fuentes +1 (540) 219-5636 christine.fuentes@amentum.com Follow @Amentum_corp on Twitter View source version on Amentum: https://www.amentum.com/2020/03/26/amentum-awarded-87-million-navy-contract-for-systems-engineering-support/