14 septembre 2023 | International, Terrestre

General Dynamics pitches updated ‘Foxhound’ for British Army needs

The service fielded hundreds of the vehicles to protect soldiers from mines and improvised explosive devices in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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  • Rolls-Royce Formally Enters B-52 Re-Engining Competition

    23 juillet 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Rolls-Royce Formally Enters B-52 Re-Engining Competition

    July 22, 2020 | By Brian W. Everstine Rolls-Royce formally entered the competition to re-engine the B-52 as expected, offering its F130 engine already in use in some USAF aircraft to power the bomber. The Air Force on May 19 issued its request for proposals for the B-52 Commercial Engine Replacement Program, with responses due on July 22 and a contract award expected in June 2021. In addition to Rolls-Royce, GE Aviation and Raytheon Technologies' Pratt & Whitney will compete for the award. The service wants to buy 608 engines for 76 B-52s to keep the bomber flying through 2050. The bomber currently uses Pratt & Whitney TF33 engines, and the service is calling for fuel efficiency savings of about 30 percent and an increase in range of up to 40 percent. Rolls-Royce, in a July 22 statement, said the F130 engine has “the perfect size and thrust, and features a modern, efficient, and proven design.” The engine, a variant of the BR725 commercial engine, is in use in E-11s and C-37s. GE Aviation is offering the CF34-10 and Passport engines, touting that the company has already done re-engining for the KC-135, C-5, and U-2 programs along with providing engines for the B-1 and B-2 fleets. Pratt & Whitney is offering the PW800 engine, and the company has said it has expertise on the B-52, having provided the legacy powerplant. https://www.airforcemag.com/rolls-royce-formally-enters-b-52-re-engining-competition/

  • Troops hurt after three drones attack US bases in Iraq

    18 octobre 2023 | International, Terrestre

    Troops hurt after three drones attack US bases in Iraq

    Two drones targeted a base in Western Iraq used by U.S. forces and one drone targeted a base in Northern Iraq.

  • Space Force racing to meet training, testing demands

    4 décembre 2024 | International, Aérospatial

    Space Force racing to meet training, testing demands

    The Space Force is taking a hybrid approach to improving its training systems, stitching together legacy capabilities with commercial tech.

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