15 août 2018 | Local, Aérospatial

Flying up North

By Second Lieutenant Kathleen Soucy

The challenges of operating an aircraft in the North are numerous.

“The first challenge is, without a doubt, weather,” says Capt Colin Wilkins, a CC-130J Hercules pilot with 436 Transport Squadron, during a planned flight to Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert.

“Weather can be very unpredictable up North–and change rapidly.”

In order to mitigate risks associated with extreme weather conditions, the aircrew follows a “plan procedure for cold weather operations,” said Cpl Yassabi Siwakoti, an aviation technician.

This even includes a special procedure to start and shut down the aircraft when it is extremely cold, involving the removal and storage of batteries inside the aircraft.

Located 1,834 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, just 817 kilometres from the North Pole, Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert is the most northerly permanently inhabited location in the world.

Full Article: https://www.skiesmag.com/news/flying-up-north/

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    Procurement minister defends rule change for F-35 as necessary for competition

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