7 juillet 2023 | International, Terrestre

EU strikes deal to boost ammunition production to aid Ukraine

The EU will devote 500 million euros to boosting the production of ammunition for Ukraine and to replenish the stocks of EU member countries, it announced on Friday.


Sur le même sujet

  • L3Harris delivers experimental navigation satellite

    27 janvier 2023 | International, C4ISR

    L3Harris delivers experimental navigation satellite

    The delivery brings the lab closer to conducting the first U.S. positioning, navigation and timing experiment in almost 50 years.

  • Thales et trois groupes comptent équiper le future drone MALE

    27 avril 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Thales et trois groupes comptent équiper le future drone MALE

    PARIS (Reuters) - Quatre groupes européens, dont le français Thales, ont annoncé mardi leur intention de coopérer pour doter le futur drone de surveillance européen de fonctions avancées de traitement de données et de communications. L'italien Elettronica, l'allemand Hensoldt, l'espagnol Indra et Thales précisent dans un communiqué commun avoir signé un protocole d'accord pour fournir des fonctions de renseignement, de surveillance, d'acquisitions de cibles et de reconnaissances (Istar) au futur drone en préparation par leurs quatre pays. "L'équipe est ouverte à la coopération avec d'autres entreprises", soulignent les quatre groupes. La phase de développement du drone MALE (haute altitude longue endurance) devrait démarrer en 2019. Airbus Defense and Space, Dassault Aviation (premier actionnaire industriel de Thales) et l'italien Leonardo avaient signé le contrat d'étude de définition en août 2016. Thales apportera son expertise dans les systèmes de missions de défense en se basant sur les technologies de connectivité, de big data (traitement massif de données), d'intelligence artificielle et de cybersécurité, fait valoir Patrice Caine, PDG du groupe français, cité dans le communiqué. (Cyril Altmeyer, édité par Matthieu Protard) https://www.capital.fr/entreprises-marches/thales-et-trois-groupes-comptent-equiper-le-futur-drone-male-1284701

  • Unmanned SkyGuardian to cross Atlantic for RIAT debut

    3 juillet 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    Unmanned SkyGuardian to cross Atlantic for RIAT debut

    BY: CRAIG HOYLE General Atomics Aeronautical Systems' MQ-9B SkyGuardian medium-altitude, long-endurance remotely-piloted air system (RPAS) will make it first transatlantic journey early next month, before appearing at the UK's Royal International Air Tattoo. The aircraft – which forms the basis for the UK Royal Air Force's future Protector RPAS – is scheduled to land at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire on the evening of 11 July, and is due to appear in the static display at the 13-15 July RIAT event. Expected to last more than 20h, the non-stop sortie will commence from General Atomics' flight-test and training centre in Grand Forks, North Dakota. On 25 June, the UK Civil Aviation Authority detailed a series of planned airspace restrictions that will be made in support of the SkyGuardian's arrival. These will be activated "for the safety of the remotely-piloted aircraft and other airspace users", it says. "Temporary danger areas will be activated by NOTAM with potentially less than 24 hours' notice," the CAA says. "Each danger area will be managed by an air traffic control unit." During flight testing, the SkyGuardian has demonstrated its ability to remain airborne for more than 48h. "The civilian aircraft, which is certificated and registered through the US Federal Aviation Administration, has been issued permission to operate within UK airspace," the CAA says. RAF operations with at least 20 Protector RG1s are due to commence during the 2020s, with the type – to be certificated for use in non-segregated airspace – to replace the service's current armed Reapers. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/unmanned-skyguardian-to-cross-atlantic-for-riat-debu-449768/

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