22 août 2023 | International, Terrestre

Elbit Systems Awarded a $55 Million Contract to Supply a Counter UAS Solution to the Netherlands

As part of the contract, Elbit Systems will supply several mobile, stationary and deployed configurations of the ReDrone integrated Counter-UAS solution along with a logistic support package and training.


Sur le même sujet

  • UK: Shipbuilding firms chosen for Fleet Solid Support competition

    7 décembre 2018 | International, Naval

    UK: Shipbuilding firms chosen for Fleet Solid Support competition

    Four shipbuilding firms and a British consortium have been selected to compete for the Fleet Solid Support ships contract A syndicate of British firms, along with four international shipbuilding companies, have been selected to compete for the Fleet Solid Support ships contract, Defence Minister Stuart Andrew has announced. The crucial vessels, which will deliver ammunition, food and supplies to UK forces across the globe, will work alongside the Royal Navy's fleet of warships and will be an important part of the UK Maritime Task Group. The British consortium is made up of leading manufacturing and engineering companies Babcock, BAE Systems, Cammell Laird and Rolls-Royce. They join Italian firm Fincantieri, Spanish company Navantia, Japan Marine United Corporation, and Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering of South Korea as the five successful firms who have been invited to submit a tender for the competition. Defence Minister Stuart Andrew said: The widespread interest in this competition shows that our Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary remain among the most prestigious in the world. These support ships will be vital for supporting our formidable Queen Elizabeth Class carriers and will ensure our warships can deploy in a range of challenging environments and across huge distances, wherever they are in the world. The five companies, which were selected from eight interested firms, will now develop bids before a final decision is made regarding the winning bidder in 2020. The Fleet Solid Support ships, up to three of which will be procured through international competition as they are not warships, will be fitted with specialist and classified equipment at a British shipyard before entering service with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary from 2026. Shipyards across the United Kingdom will be able to bid for this work in 2022. As part of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, the vessels will be civilian-manned and carry self-defence weapons only. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/shipbuilding-firms-chosen-for-fleet-solid-support-competition

  • Safran Electronics & Defense équipera les Falcon Triton et Albatros de la Marine nationale avec sa boule optronique Euroflir 410

    1 avril 2021 | International, Aérospatial, C4ISR

    Safran Electronics & Defense équipera les Falcon Triton et Albatros de la Marine nationale avec sa boule optronique Euroflir 410

    Safran Electronics & Defense annonce avoir signé avec Dassault Aviation un contrat portant sur la fourniture d'Euroflir 410 de nouvelle génération pour équiper les douze Albatros, dérivés du Falcon 2000LXS, et les huit Falcon 50M rénovés Triton dans le cadre de la modernisation des avions de surveillance et d'intervention maritime de la Marine nationale. « L'Euroflir 410 de nouvelle génération, élément clé de la fonction SAR (Search & Rescue), apportera des performances d'observation inégalées, y compris lors de conditions de visibilité dégradées, gr'ce notamment à l'intégration d'un télescope très longue distance et à une stabilisation très performante de la ligne de visée », précise Safran Electronics & Defense. Associé à un radar maritime et à un AIS (Automatic Identification System), l'Euroflir 410 permettra à l'équipage de s'assurer de l'identification des navires en fournissant également une géolocalisation précise du b'timent observé. Les Falcon 50M modifiés Triton et les Falcon 2000 Albatros seront déployés respectivement à partir de 2023 et 2025, conformément à la dernière Loi de Programmation Militaire de l'administration française.

  • Ask The Expert: The Digital Engineering Imperative For Aerospace & Defense

    1 février 2022 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Ask The Expert: The Digital Engineering Imperative For Aerospace & Defense

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