20 décembre 2019 | Local, Naval

Davie en voie de devenir un partenaire stratégique dans le cadre de la Stratégie nationale de construction navale

LÉVIS, QC, le 19 déc. 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - Le plus grand chantier naval du Canada ayant la plus grande capacité de production est fier d'entrer en partenariat avec le Gouvernement du Canada pour la construction de la nouvelle flotte de navires de grande taille dans le cadre de la Stratégie nationale de construction navale.

Alex Vicefield, président du conseil d'administration de Chantier Davie Canada inc., a déclaré : « L'annonce historique d'aujourd'hui marque le début d'un programme multigénérationnel qui s'échelonnera sur les trente prochaines années et qui solidifiera la position de Chantier Davie en tant que leader mondial en matière de livraison de navires spécialisés essentiels pour les missions. »

M. Vicefield a ajouté : « Alors que la région arctique prend une importance globale croissante, la création d'un centre d'excellence pour la construction de brise-glaces, qui constituent un produit hautement exportable, se traduira par des avantages économiques considérables pour le Canada au cours des années à venir. Nous remercions le premier ministre et son gouvernement d'avoir respecté leur engagement en lien avec le renouvellement de la stratégie de construction navale et d'avoir confirmé le rôle de Davie en tant que partenaire stratégique clé. »

James Davies, Président et Chef de la direction de Chantier Davie a souligné : « Au cours des dix dernières années, nous avons créé un constructeur naval avant-gardiste ayant livré des navires parmi les plus complexes jamais construits en Amérique du Nord. Alors que nous entamons une nouvelle décennie en tant que partenaire dans le cadre de la Stratégie nationale de construction navale, nous b'tirons sur nos compétences et sur notre expérience et nous tirerons profit de notre capacité de production unique ainsi que de nos installations afin de renouveler la flotte fédérale de façon rentable et en respectant les délais. »

M. Davies a poursuivi en disant : « Il s'agira du plus grand programme de construction navale réalisé au Québec depuis la seconde Guerre mondiale, ce qui assurera la stabilité des emplois chez Davie et qui favorisera le développement de la grappe maritime québécoise. Celle-ci sera un moteur important de l'économie de la province. Nous avons maintenant h'te de rappeler au travail le plus rapidement possible les 1 000 travailleurs qui ont été mis à pied en 2017. »

À propos de Davie
Davie est le plus grand constructeur naval ayant la plus grande capacité de production au Canada. Certifié ISO 9001:2015 et ISO 14001:2015, Davie met à profit ses installations de fabrication de grande capacité ainsi que ses compétences en gestion de projet et en ingénierie afin de fournir des solutions clé en main à ses clients commerciaux et gouvernementaux, et ce, en appliquant les meilleures pratiques tout au long de la vie utile des navires.

SOURCE Chantier Davie Canada Inc.

Renseignements: Frédérik Boisvert, Vice-président, Affaires publiques, Chantier Davie, Tel : +1-418-455-2759, frederik.boisvert@davie.ca


Sur le même sujet

  • Steel costs for sixth patrol vessel could be steeper

    12 novembre 2018 | Local, Naval

    Steel costs for sixth patrol vessel could be steeper

    Andrea Gunn (agunn@herald.ca) Ongoing steel and aluminum tariffs between the United States and Canada will not drive up costs for the first five Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships, but could contribute to the final price tag for the sixth, the Department of National Defence says. There have been tariffs in place on imports of Canadian steel and aluminum to the U.S. of 25 per cent and 10 per cent respectively since the end of May. In response, Canada implemented its own dollar-for-dollar duties on steel and aluminum being imported from the U.S. Both the American tariffs and Canadian countermeasures remain in place, even with a new tentative agreement to replace NAFTA. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed the signing of the new trilateral trade deal was not contingent on the lifting of those tariffs. In an emailed statement, Department of National Defence spokesperson Ashley Lemire said these tariffs will not have an impact on the cost of the first five Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS) being built by Irving Shipbuilding as part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy. Lemire said most, if not all, of the steel has already been purchased for these vessels and none of it comes from the U.S. “As part of its contract with the Government of Canada, Irving Shipbuilding Inc. is responsible for the procurement of steel used for the construction of the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships,” Lemire said in an email. “Irving procured the majority of steel from a foreign supplier who sourced it from Europe and, to a lesser extent, from China. A small amount of steel was procured in Canada.” Lemire said for the sixth AOPS, which the government confirmed plans to build last week, the department has planned and budgeted for the risk of increased steel and aluminum prices. Earlier this week a DND spokesperson said buying a sixth AOPS will increase the cost of the $2.3 billion project by about $810 million. Of that, $250 million is set aside for “adjustments” — things like labour rates, inflation, and exchange rates. Lemire said any additional steel costs will come from that $250 million fund. David Perry, senior analyst with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, said the materials needed to build a navy vessel are so specialized that it's not uncommon for governments to do advanced purchases “There's a limited supply; you can't just go and call it up at the last minute kind of thing,” he said. Perry said in the case of the AOPS, having a separate fund set aside for potential cost increases — rather than paying the company a higher contract price to assume all the liability for changes in commodity or labour prices — will likely save taxpayers money if costs do go up. Ian Lee, associate professor at Carleton University's Sprott School of Business told The Chronicle Herald the federal government is lucky to have avoided any major increases with the AOPS. But, Lee said, if the tariffs remain in place, they are likely to impact future builds either directly or indirectly. “It's not going to affect the (AOPS) program but it's still a burden on the economy it's going to be passed on through the cost of doing business,” he said. This is perhaps concerning given the most expensive build of the National Shipbuilding Strategy — the Canadian Surface Combatant — is on the horizon. But how much that project would be impacted if tariffs remain in place is anybody's guess, Lee said. “Historically governments have been very, very involved in the shipbuilding industry with subsidies, and offsets and that sort of thing, so it's hard to predict how it might affect future builds,” he said. “It's not a normal competitive market like the stock market or most commodities.” That said, Lee said there will likely be a big push on the federal government's part to get the tariffs sorted ahead of the upcoming election. “Generally speaking when you look at the trade agreements that have been signed in the last 10 or 20 years whether it was the original NAFTA, CETA or the TPP, one of the first things and most important things you do is reduce or eliminate tariffs,” he said, “I think it's going to make it more difficult for Mr. Trudeau and his government to defend this in the fall 2019 election, that's why I think they're going to be working assiduously to try and remove them.” https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/steel-costs-for-sixth-patrol-vessel-could-be-steeper-257534/

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    11 mai 2023 | Local, Aérospatial

    Faire affaire avec MDA

    C'est vraiment une période exaltante pour les avancées spatiales, alors que nous assistons à des réductions spectaculaires des coûts de lancement et à des progrès remarquables en matière de technologie spatiale. Le paysage actuel accélère l'adoption commerciale des solutions spatiales et stimule une croissance sans précédent de l'économie spatiale mondiale. À titre de chef de file national du secteur spatial canadien, la collaboration est l'une des valeurs fondamentales de MDA, et la concrétisation des ambitions est au cœur de notre mission. Tout cela est possible grâce au LaunchPad de MDA, où nous nous associons à notre communauté pour bâtir et croître. Notre portail LaunchPad est le point de départ de ce processus. Que vous soyez une université cherchant à exploiter notre imagerie satellitaire pour soutenir votre recherche, une équipe d'étudiants à la recherche d'un commanditaire, une jeune entreprise à la recherche d’investissements, une entreprise établie cherchant à devenir un fournisseur de l'industrie spatiale ou à accéder aux technologies spatiales pour les appliquer dans un autre secteur. Quels que soient vos besoins, si vous êtes un Canadien participant à l'économie spatiale, nous voulons en savoir plus sur vous. Visitez le portail LaunchPad et façonnons ensemble l'avenir de l'espace! Nous avons hâte d'entrer en contact avec vous, de découvrir vos ambitions et de voir comment nous pouvons vous aider à les réaliser. L'équipe LaunchPad de MDA

  • Air-traffic control changes in U.S., Europe may force Ottawa to buy new executive jets

    4 novembre 2019 | Local, Aérospatial

    Air-traffic control changes in U.S., Europe may force Ottawa to buy new executive jets

    OTTAWA -- The federal government could be forced to buy new executive jets to transport the prime minister and other VIPs because of changes to air-traffic control rules in the U.S. and Europe. Two of the four Challenger jets currently used by the Canadian Forces for executive transport lack the equipment needed to comply with the new ADS-B system, which replaces radar-based air-traffic control with the transmission of GPS-based data. That will curtail the aircraft's ability to fly in the U.S. and Europe beginning next year. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has set Jan. 1, 2020, as the date aircraft will require ADS-B transmitters to operate legally in most airspace. Europe is implementing the system in June 2020. It doesn't make sense to install the equipment on two of older 1980s-era Challenger 601 jets flown by 412 Squadron, the defence department says. "Given the age of the fleet, investing in an ADS-B modification/upgrade would not be cost effective," the department said in an email. "We are therefore looking at other mitigation options. Timelines and costs will be determined once options have been selected." Buying new executive jets to replace the aging Challengers could be politically risky for the Trudeau government when it still hasn't acquired fighter jets to replace the aging fleet of CF-18s. Opposition parties of all stripes have assailed governments for what they considered profligate use of government aircraft in the past. "The executive fleet has been perennial issue where the country is penny-wise and pound-foolish," said David Perry, a defence procurement expert with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. "We don't want to spend the money to buy aircraft and we have this bizarre expectation where you're taking the people in government whose time is most valuable and making them fly economy, basically, around the world." The continued use of older aircraft makes Candians look like "cheapskates," he said, comparing political opposition to the planes with the government's refusal to renovate 24 Sussex, the prime minister's official residence. The defence department projects spending between and $20 million and $49 million to "consolidate" the Challenger fleet, a figure likely based on acquiring used aircraft. Sources familiar with the operation of 412 Squadron say it would be difficult to meet its mandate with only two aircraft available to travel outside the country. The jets are used to transport the prime minister and Governor General and cabinet ministers, as well as the chief of defence staff, and visiting members of the Royal Family. But the jets are also on-call for medical evacuations, deploying advance teams with the Disaster Assistance Relief Team (DART) and, on occasion, covertly transporting Canadian special forces personnel. With only four Challengers, the squadron is operating close to capacity and losing two aircraft could threaten its ability to perform these missions, the sources said. If the government chose to acquire brand-new aircraft, it might be tempted to consider the Bombardier Global Express, which is faster and has a longer range than the smaller Challenger, making travel to Europe and Asia easier. Most of the aircraft is assembled in Canada. The German government currently uses four of Bombardier's Global 5000 jets for executive transport. Other documents show DND is projecting spending up to $249 million to extend the lifespan of the five larger Airbus 300-series jets beyond 2026, including one that prime minister and his staff fly on occasion. Once dubbed "the flying Taj Mahal" by then-opposition leader Jean Chretien, the Airbus is antiquated compared to most modern commercial aircraft, though it does have a private room for the prime minister to sleep in. Flight crews on the Airbus run extension cords and power bars down the aisles to allow passengers to run their laptop computers. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/air-traffic-control-changes-in-u-s-europe-may-force-ottawa-to-buy-new-executive-jets-1.4668608

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