27 avril 2021 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

Contracts for April 26, 2021

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  • En Europe, les industries de Défense se préparent à la hausse des commandes

    23 mars 2022 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    En Europe, les industries de Défense se préparent à la hausse des commandes

    DÉFENSE En Europe, les industries de Défense se préparent à la hausse des commandes De nombreux gouvernements européens ont annoncé de fortes augmentations de leurs budgets militaires, comme l'Allemagne (+ 100 Md€) et la Suède, qui passera ses dépenses de 1,3% à 2% du PIB et envisage une intégration dans l'OTAN, de même que la Finlande. En France, la Loi de programmation militaire (LPM) 2019-2025 prévoit de porter son effort de 40,9 Md€ cette année à 50 Md€ en 2025 (soit 2,5 % du PIB), à raison de 3 Md€ supplémentaires par an. Cette loi pourrait être suivie d'une programmation plus ambitieuse à partir de 2025, Emmanuel Macron ayant annoncé, le 2 mars, qu'il « amplifiera l'investissement dans la Défense ». La base industrielle et technologique de défense (BITD) française devrait connaître une forte augmentation des commandes, en particulier Dassault Aviation (Rafale), Airbus Defence and Space (avions de combat et de transport, drones), Thales (radars, sonars, cybersécurité...), Nexter (blindés et armement terrestre...), MBDA (missiles), Naval Group (frégates, sous-marins...) et les milliers de PME et d'ETI qui fournissent les armées. « Nous sommes aux côtés de la France qui poursuit un double effort, à la fois capacitaire et technologique, face à des menaces croissantes et de plus en plus complexes », explique Philippe Keryer, Directeur général adjoint Stratégie, Recherche et Technologie. Conserver les compétences et attirer des jeunes est « crucial », estime Pierre-Eric Pommellet, PDG de Naval Group, qui rappelle que « certains métiers sont en tension ». Pour la première fois, l'Union des industries et métiers de la métallurgie (UIMM) est présidée par un dirigeant du secteur, Eric Trappier, PDG de Dassault Aviation. Le Monde du 23 mars

  • How Army network modernization efforts ensure equipment works with allies

    30 juillet 2020 | International, C4ISR

    How Army network modernization efforts ensure equipment works with allies

    Andrew Eversden A critical piece of the U.S. Army's network modernization push is ensuring its systems work with allies. In future battles, the Army will not fight alone; it will be joined by coalition partners, as well as other U.S. services. As the Army moves to improve its integrated tactical network, it must ensure that its network tools work with coalition and service partners The Army recently completed a critical design review of Capability Set '21 a set of new network tools that will be delivered to soldiers next year. The service is in the first phase of procuring the new capabilities. A “key factor” involved in delivery to soldiers at the battalion level and below is a move to a 75 percent “secure but unclassified” network that provides improved communication between coalition partners, said Col. Garth Winterle, project manager for tactical radios at the Army's Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications-Tactical. “We're moving off of an all-secret network to one that's a lot more flexible and actually encourages coalition interoperability,” Winterle said. One opportunity to test interoperability was Defender Europe 2020, which was meant to be one of the largest European exercises involving both the U.S. Army and NATO allies, but had to be scaled down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Still, the Army was able to test interoperability. There were a series of pre-Defender Europe exercises to assess capabilities “to inform future network design,” according to Justine Ruggio, director of communications for the Network Cross-Functional Team at Army Futures Command. These assessments included several pieces of Capability Set '21, including communications exercises and validation exercises with the Army's fielded Command Post Computing Environment software, Tactical Server Infrastructure and Commercial Coalition Equipment “to enable the use of the Mission Partner Environment, which allowed all participants to share classified information during the exercise, including the Polish and U.K.,” Ruggio said. During the pre-Defender Europe tests, “we were able to bridge the Polish and U.K. unit into an integrated command structure using our secret releasable network and create that common command-and-control picture,” Col. Lesley Kipling, the mission command lead and Army National Guard liaison officer to the Network CFT, said in an interview with C4ISRNET. Secret but releasable information is classified at the secret level and can be released to certain coalition partners who have sufficient clearance from their home country. An exercise scheduled for next year, called Warfighter 21-4, will allow for additional interoperability assessments with U.K. and French forces. According to Ruggio, one focus area will be on interoperability using the Network CFT's DevOps model to iterate the Command Post Computing Environment, continue to assess Commercial Coalition Equipment and evaluate the Mission Partner Environment. The event will be aligned with Capability Set '23, the next iteration of network tools. Kipling added that the cross-functional team and its partners are “continuing” to work on policies and training for properly connecting to a coalition network “so that it's not learning on the fly, but that these procedures and policies are codified in a way that they can be standardized and any user can execute whenever they're put in a situation,” she said. Brig. Gen. Joseph Papenfus, chief Information officer and deputy chief of staff of the G6 of U.S. Army Europe, said that the scaled-back nature of Defender Europe did affect network interoperability testing because soldiers were unable to come over from the United States. That means that U.S. Army Europe will focus heavily on European partners during the smaller exercises, Papenfus said, including validating network integration and establishing a secret but releasable network with NATO. “Every opportunity that we have to see how a piece of equipment works within the larger set of the network, we take advantage of that,” Ruggio said. https://www.c4isrnet.com/yahoo-syndication/2020/07/29/how-army-network-modernization-efforts-ensure-equipment-works-with-allies/

  • US Air Force may replace 3 types of aircraft with a single platform

    2 août 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    US Air Force may replace 3 types of aircraft with a single platform

    By: Jeff Martin WASHINGTON — The U.S. Air Force is looking to replace three aircraft — the E-4B command post, the C-32A executive airlifter and the Navy's E-6B command post — under the purview of a single program known as NEAT. Air Force Materiel Command posted the request for information Tuesday for NEAT — otherwise known as National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC), Executive Airlift, Airborne Command Post (ABNCP), Take Charge and Move Out (TACAMO). The RFI comes after an April Senate hearing where Gen. Robin Rand, the commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, said it was time to get “very serious” about replacing the E-4B and E-6B. While the RFI provides little information into what is specifically sought, it does ask for companies' experience in commercial derivative military aircraft and joint work with other businesses. It also asks companies to propose a “recommended technical solution” for the NEAT program. Full article: https://www.defensenews.com/newsletters/daily-news-roundup/2018/08/01/us-air-force-may-replace-3-types-of-aircraft-with-a-single-platform/

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