24 janvier 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - January 23, 2020


Brayman Construction Corp., Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, was awarded a $319,592,539 firm-fixed-price contract for labor, rehabilitation of recreational areas, equipment, supervision and modifications to the stilling basin of the Bluestone Dam in Hinton, West Virginia. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Hinton, West Virginia, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 31, 2029. Fiscal 2018 operations and maintenance, civil works funds in the amount of $319,592,539 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington, West Virginia, is the contracting activity (W91237-20-C-0004).

Science Applications International Corp., Reston, Virginia, was awarded a $12,847,708 cost-no-fee and firm-fixed-price contract for information technology support services. Bids were solicited via the internet with six received. Work will be performed in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 31, 2025. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance, Army funds in the amount of $12,847,708 were obligated at the time of the award. 411th Contracting Support Brigade, Seoul, South Korea, is the contracting activity (W91QVN-20-F-0157).


Simulab Corp., Seattle, Washington, has been awarded a maximum $36,000,000 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for hospital equipment and accessories for the Defense Logistics Agency electronic catalog. This is a five-year contract with no option periods. This was a competitive acquisition with 102 responses received. Location of performance is Washington, with a Jan. 22, 2025, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2025 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DH-20-D-0029).


PAE Applied Technologies LLC, Arlington, Virginia, is awarded a $32,967,099 modification (P00342) to a previously awarded contract N66604-05-C-1277 to extend the period of performance for six months and increase target cost for Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). AUTEC is the Navy's large-area, deep-water, undersea test and evaluation range. Underwater research, testing and evaluation of anti-submarine weapons, sonar tracking and communications are the predominant activities conducted at AUTEC. The contractor performs AUTEC range operations support services and maintenance of facilities and range systems. In addition, the contractor is responsible for operating a self-sufficient one square mile Navy outpost. This modification increases the value of the basic contract by $32,967,099. The new total value is $885,984,261. Work will be performed in Andros Island, Commonwealth of the Bahamas (80%); and West Palm Beach, Florida (20%), and is expected to be completed in September 2020. No funding will be obligated at time of this modification award. The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport Division, Newport, Rhode Island, is the contracting activity.


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  • Marines want a better way do force-on-force tactical shooting training

    11 juin 2018 | International, Terrestre

    Marines want a better way do force-on-force tactical shooting training

    After decades of using laser-type devices for shooting simulations and force-on-force tactical warfighting, the Marine Corps is asking for a new way to do fake shooting. A recent request for information is asking the commercial industry to bring ideas to the Corps that would help it make simulated shooting more realistic for up to a battalion-size force and improve current systems. Some versions of those systems have been in operation since Nintendo's Duck Hunt video game was considered high-tech shooting and laser tag advertisements dominated Saturday morning cartoons. This won't hit every Marine Corps installation but many will have it. Based on the RFI, the systems would be employed “to provide turnkey instrumented exercises with After Action Review (AAR) at 29 Palms, Camp Lejeune, Camp Pendleton, MCB Hawaii, MCB Okinawa or MCB Quantico within 3 weeks of notice, as well as support additional exercises upon request at Camp Fuji, Japan, Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Center, MCB Yuma, and specified reserve locations.” And the Marines are not doing this alone. They will be leveraging the Army's Live Training Engagement Component software. That's a tactical training framework so that simulations can be on the same standards and work jointly with other services and potentially foreign partners. One of the key cross functional teams that the Army formed last year included simulated training environment work. The goal is to incorporate better simulations for training at all levels, beginning in the design and procurement of future weapons and other equipment systems. The Corps wants a system that would be able to simulate all weapons and vehicles typically seen in a battalion, which would include at least: M4/M16; M9 or sidearm, the M27 Infantry Automatic Weapon; hand grenades; rocket propelled grenades; Light Anti-Tank Weapon; 60mm mortars; 81mm mortars; Claymore antipersonnel mine; Mk-19 grenade launcher; Russian machine gun; AK-47 variants; M41 TOW; Javelin missile and the Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle. It would distinguish between a hit, wound or miss and record information for after-action reviews. Marine Corps Times first reported news of this initiative last year following an interview with then-program manager for Training Systems at Marine Corps Systems Command, Col. Walt Yates. At the time, Yates described some of the shortfalls of using lasers when gauging accuracy and real-world effects. “A laser is at the speed of light, and the bullet is not,” he said. Yates previously said that though the current shooting systems are a generational change from old MILES, or multiple integrated laser engagement system, lasers have fundamental flaws for realistic battle scenarios. For example, laser-based systems shoot line-of-sight, making arcing weapons such as mortars and grenade launchers more difficult to simulate. Lasers can also be deflected by light concealment such as tree leaves and thin walls. And the number of troops and shooting ranges will change with new systems. The first generation ITESS accommodated 120 Marines and opposition forces, the second generation expanded to 1,500 with a communication radius of 5 to 8 km. The third seeks to track up to 2,500 Marines, making it capable of battalion on battalion exercises envisioned by the commandant, Yates said in the November interview. A new simulator must act more like a real bullet, requiring Marines to lead their moving targets, fire rifles on semi, burst and fully automatic modes and ensure the bullet travels in the realistic path, which is not perfectly line of sight, he said. https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2018/06/04/marines-want-a-better-way-do-force-on-force-tactical-shooting-training/

  • La Slovaquie va acheter quatorze F-16V

    16 juillet 2018 | International, Aérospatial

    La Slovaquie va acheter quatorze F-16V

    En optant pour le chasseur de Lockheed Martin, la Slovaquie ajoute un 28ème nom à la liste déjà très longue des pays utilisateurs du F-16 La Slovaquie a donc décidé de remplacer ses MiG29, hérités de l'ancienne Tchécoslovaquie, par la dernière itération du F-16, la version block 70, alias F-16V. La vente, approuvée par le département d'état américain, se monterait à un peu moins de deux milliards dollars, avions, équipements de maintenance, réacteur et radars de rechange, entrainement des équipages, missiles air-air, nacelles de désignation laser Sniper et sourire de la crémière américaine. Le F-16V a été choisi de préférence au Saab Gripen « parce qu'il coûtait moins cher et qu'il était disponible plus rapidement » ont indiqué les autorités slovaques. Celles ci ont également reconnu que le choix en faveur du F-16 était inspiré par leur volonté d'approfondir les liens avec l'Otan. Pas un mot en revanche sur la nécessité pour un pays de 5,4 millions d'habitants, enclavé entre l'Ukraine, la Hongrie, l'Autriche, la république tchèque et la Pologne, de se payer une poignée d'avions de combat neufs et hautement sophistiqués. https://www.aerobuzz.fr/breves-defense/la-slovaquie-va-acheter-quatorze-f-16v/


    28 janvier 2019 | International, Aérospatial


    Les spécialistes en armement ont jusqu'en 2020 pour produire un rapport en vue du choix du prochain avion de combat helvétique. Les cinq candidats sollicités pour le prochain avion de combat suisse ont transmis leurs offres vendredi à armasuisse. Cette étape marque le début de la phase d'analyse et d'essais. Les offres portent sur les avions suivants: Eurofighter (Airbus, Allemagne), F/A-18 Super Hornet (Boeing, États-Unis), Rafale (Dassault, France), F-35A (Lockheed-Martin, États-Unis) et Gripen E (Saab, Suède). De février à mars, les spécialistes d'armasuisse et des Forces aériennes procéderont aux essais des avions dans les simulateurs correspondants, indique vendredi le Département fédéral de la défense dans un communiqué. Ces activités auront lieu chez les candidats et se dérouleront parallèlement aux audits de support produit. Au cours de ces audits, les forces aériennes des pays de fabrication présenteront l'exploitation et la maintenance des avions ainsi que le déroulement de la formation. Ils seront suivis par l'analyse des réponses au questionnaire que les fabricants devaient remplir dans leurs offres. Essais à Payerne Parallèlement, entre avril et juillet, les avions de combat seront soumis à des essais en vol et au sol à Payerne. Pour chaque candidat, armasuisse, en coopération avec l'État-major de l'armée, les Forces aériennes, la Base logistique de l'armée et la Base d'aide au commandement, rassemblera dans des rapports spécialisés les connaissances tirées de la phase d'analyse et d'essais. Ces rapports constitueront la base de la comparaison entre les candidats qui sera réalisée au deuxième semestre 2020. Ils serviront aussi à déterminer pour chaque modèle d'avion la taille nécessaire de la flotte. Deuxième appel d'offres Sur cette base, armasuisse élaborera un deuxième appel d'offres qui sera transmis aux candidats. À partir des connaissances acquises avec la deuxième offre, armasuisse comparera les candidats entre eux et déterminera l'utilité globale pour chaque candidat. Le rapport d'évaluation mettant en parallèle cette utilité avec les coûts d'acquisition et d'utilisation pour une période de 30 ans sera alors élaboré. Le Conseil fédéral décidera du modèle retenu. https://www.lematin.ch/suisse/Nouvel-avion-de-combat--5-geants-font-leurs-offres/story/21758047

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