20 avril 2020 | Local, Aérospatial

CAE recalls all temporarily laid-off employees in Canada, signs contract with federal government for life-saving ventilators

CAE announced that it has recalled all remaining temporarily laid-off employees in Canada. Between recalls of employees providing essential services and recalls through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program, approximately 1,500 employees will be back on the payroll this week; the vast majority are based in Montreal and will work from home. The temporary layoffs were part of a series of measures CAE announced on April 6 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CAE also announced that it has signed a contract with the Government of Canada on April 10 to manufacture and supply 10,000 ventilators which will be used to help save lives of COVID-19 patients. The company is finalizing the design and testing of its CAE Air1 ventilator and is preparing for production. The first unit is expected to be delivered in early May to health authorities for certification.

In addition, CAE announced that it is leveraging its global supply chain to source scarce N95 masks for humanitarian purposes in support of front-line health workers. To date, CAE has secured 100,000 N95 masks which will be delivered to the Quebec government.

“I applaud the Government of Canada for its immediate and decisive action to support Canadians by creating the emergency wage subsidy program. It also allows Canadian industry to put staff back on payroll and be better positioned to rebound when the current challenges have passed,” said Marc Parent, CAE's president and CEO. “CAE employees are proud to play a role in saving lives by equipping the country with a made-in-Canada ventilator, and by using the CAE global supply chain to obtain a significant quantity of N95 masks to protect our guardian angels who are caring for COVID-19 patients.”


Sur le même sujet

  • Soutenir l’emploi et l’acquisition de compétences gr'ce aux acquisitions en matière de défense

    31 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Soutenir l’emploi et l’acquisition de compétences gr'ce aux acquisitions en matière de défense

    Les projets d'approvisionnement liés à la défense favorisent le perfectionnement des compétences des Canadiens Le 29 mai 2019 – Ottawa (Ontario) Tous les ans, les achats de la Défense et les grands achats de la Garde côtière canadienne effectués par le gouvernement du Canada génèrent des milliards de dollars de travaux pour les entreprises canadiennes et appuient des milliers d'emplois au pays. Dans l'avenir, ils favoriseront également le développement d'une main-d'œuvre hautement qualifiée et diversifiée. C'est le point de vue qu'a fait valoir aujourd'hui le ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique, l'honorable Navdeep Bains, lors de son passage à CANSEC, le plus important salon commercial des industries de la défense et de la sécurité au Canada. À cette occasion, le ministre Bains a participé au lancement du Prix pour le leadership dans l'industrie canadienne, mis sur pied conjointement par trois entreprises : L3 Technologies, Thales Canada et CAE Inc. Dix étudiantes ayant fait preuve de leadership et d'un bon rendement scolaire obtiendront ainsi un stage de travail ou stage coopératif rémunéré. Ces étudiantes collaboreront à des projets innovateurs qui consolideront leur apprentissage, tout en profitant de mentorat dans les disciplines des sciences, de la technologie, de l'ingénierie et des mathématiques. Les entreprises ont établi ce programme dans le cadre de la Politique des retombées industrielles et technologiques (RIT), selon laquelle les entreprises qui remportent des contrats d'approvisionnement de la défense doivent investir un montant équivalent à la valeur du contrat dans l'économie canadienne. Le ministre Bains a annoncé des changements à la Politique des RIT qui favoriseront l'acquisition de compétences par les travailleurs. En effet, les entrepreneurs principaux obtiendront des points supplémentaires lors de l'évaluation de leur soumission si cette dernière prévoit des investissements dans le développement des compétences et la formation des Autochtones au Canada. Un nouvel élément de cybercertification sera aussi mis en place afin d'offrir aux petites et moyennes entreprises canadiennes un meilleur accès aux possibilités d'affaires associées aux projets d'approvisionnement liés à la défense. Il s'agit là d'une façon pour le gouvernement de concrétiser son engagement à établir et à promouvoir une norme nationale de cyberprotection pour les entreprises canadiennes. Cette nouvelle mesure fait écho à la nouvelle Charte canadienne du numérique, dont l'un des 10 principes énonce que les Canadiens devraient pouvoir se fier à l'intégrité, à l'authenticité et à la sécurité des services qu'ils utilisent, et se sentir en sécurité en ligne. Citations « L'économie mondiale est hautement concurrentielle, et le Canada doit mettre tous ses talents à contribution pour tirer son épingle du jeu. Gr'ce à la Politique des RIT, le gouvernement soutient le développement d'une main-d'œuvre qualifiée et inclusive. Le Prix pour le leadership dans l'industrie canadienne est un excellent exemple de la façon dont nos politiques peuvent favoriser des investissements qui aident les femmes à se tailler une place en sciences, en technologie, en ingénierie ou en mathématiques. Les améliorations à la politique annoncées aujourd'hui faciliteront également de nouveaux investissements dans le perfectionnement des compétences et la formation pour les Autochtones. De leur côté, les petites et moyennes entreprises auront plus facilement accès à un programme de cybercertification qui leur donnera un avantage concurrentiel de plus dans une industrie axée sur l'innovation. » – Le ministre de l'Innovation, des Sciences et du Développement économique, l'honorable Navdeep Bains Faits en bref La Politique des RIT incite les entreprises à établir ou à accroître leur présence au Canada, à renforcer les chaînes d'approvisionnement canadiennes, ainsi qu'à développer des capacités industrielles canadiennes dans des sphères comme l'innovation, la recherche-développement, le développement des sources d'approvisionnement et les exportations. L'un des éléments de la Politique des RIT est la proposition de valeur, en vertu de laquelle les soumissionnaires qui souhaitent obtenir des contrats liés à la défense mettent de l'avant des engagements qui leur permettront de satisfaire aux obligations de RIT. En janvier 2019, l'ensemble du portefeuille des obligations de RIT comptait 161 projets d'une valeur de près de 47 milliards de dollars, dont 36,1 milliards de dollars pour des activités commerciales déjà terminées, 7,1 milliards de dollars pour des activités en cours, et 3,7 milliards de dollars en occasions de travaux futurs non encore déterminés. L'industrie canadienne de la défense compte plus de 660 entreprises, dont les ventes dépassent les 10 milliards de dollars et qui soutiennent près de 60 000 emplois au pays. Cette industrie offre des emplois de calibre supérieur à des travailleurs hautement qualifiés. https://www.canada.ca/fr/innovation-sciences-developpement-economique/nouvelles/2019/05/soutenir-lemploi-et-lacquisition-de-competences-grace-aux-acquisitions-en-matiere-de-defense.html

  • Government of Canada marks the coming into force of the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act

    30 juillet 2019 | Local, Naval

    Government of Canada marks the coming into force of the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act

    OTTAWA, July 30, 2019 /CNW/ - Coastal and waterway communities across Canada are affected by wrecked, abandoned and hazardous vessels. These problem vessels can pose hazards to the environment, public health and safety, and local industries such as fishing and tourism. Most vessel owners are responsible and maintain and dispose of their vessels properly. However, the small percentage who are not responsible can create significant impacts on our coastal communities, with the burden for costly clean-up often falling on Canadian taxpayers. That is why the Government of Canada, through its Oceans Protection Plan, is taking action to deter irresponsible vessel owner behaviour. The Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, and the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, are pleased to mark the coming-into-force of the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act. The Act prohibits vessel abandonment and brings into Canadian law the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007. It increases owner responsibility and liability for their vessels, addresses irresponsible vessel management, and enables the Government of Canada to proactively intervene to address problem vessels that pose hazards. Not complying with the Act can result in an administrative monetary penalty of up to $50,000 for individuals and up to $250,000 for companies or corporations. Convictions of more serious offences could result in a maximum fine of $1 million for individuals and up to $6 million for companies or corporations. The $1.5 billion Oceans Protection Plan is the largest investment ever made to protect Canada's coasts and waterways. This national plan is creating a world-leading marine safety system that provides economic opportunities for Canadians today, while protecting our coastlines and clean water for generations to come. This work is being done in close collaboration with Indigenous peoples, local stakeholders and coastal communities. Quotes "This significant legislation is making vessel owners responsible under the law for the safe disposal of their vessels. Most owners are responsible, but for those few who are not, we now have the ability to hold them to account. Canada's coastal waters are home to many communities including indigenous communities who have lived by the water for countless generations. We are taking concrete actions to protect and restore these sensitive ecosystems." The Honourable Marc Garneau Minister of Transport "Wrecked, abandoned and hazardous vessels can pose risks to the environment, clutter our shorelines, affect sensitive marine habitats and species, and disrupt community activities and local economies. Our new strengthened law ensures these problems are addressed quickly, before they become more serious. With the Oceans Protection Plan, we are taking action so that our coasts and oceans will be safe, clean and healthy for future generations." The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard Quick Facts In addition to the new legislation, as part of the National Strategy to Address Canada's Wrecked and Abandoned Vessels, the Government of Canada launched two short-term funding programs in 2017 to support eligible recipients in removing and disposing of high-priority vessels: Transport Canada's Abandoned Boats Program, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Abandoned and Wrecked Vessels Removal Program. Transport Canada's program also supports education and awareness activities and research on vessel recycling and design. Transport Canada's Abandoned Boats Program is investing $6.85 million for abandoned boat assessment, removal and disposal, and for research and education initiatives. Since May 31, 2017, the program has launched four calls for proposals for projects to be funded through grants and contributions, the most recent of which remains open until March 31, 2020. To date, funding has been approved to assess 102 boats for a total of $342,560, and to remove 78 boats for a total of $1,796,038. Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Abandoned and Wrecked Vessels Removal Program is providing up to $1.325 million over five years to Harbour Authorities and other eligible recipients to remove and dispose of abandoned and wrecked vessels located in federal small craft harbours. To date, 23 vessels have been removed and disposed of across the country, and funding has been awarded to gain legal possession which could lead to the removal of an additional eight vessels, under the program. Other measures under development within the National Strategy include improving vessel owner identification, creating a national inventory of problem vessels and developing a risk assessment methodology to prioritize response, and establishing a polluter pays approach for vessel clean-up through creation of an owner-financed long-term fund. Since the Oceans Protection Plan started in November 2016, over 50 initiatives have been announced in the areas of marine safety, research and ecosystem protection that span coast-to-coast-to-coast https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/government-of-canada-marks-the-coming-into-force-of-the-wrecked-abandoned-or-hazardous-vessels-act-872449738.html

  • Questions abound over ‘ugly’ defence procurement system following Mark Norman case

    14 mai 2019 | Local, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité, Autre défense

    Questions abound over ‘ugly’ defence procurement system following Mark Norman case

    By NEIL MOSS Canada would be 'better served' if defence projects are overseen by a non-partisan body, says a retired Armed Forces colonel, who oversaw procurement and equipment management policy. https://www.hilltimes.com/2019/05/13/questions-abound-over-ugly-defence-procurement-system-following-mark-norman-case/199729

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