15 avril 2024 | International, Naval

AUKUS sub design deemed ‘mature’ as nations debate top technologies

The SSN-AUKUS submarine design the U.K. and Australia will build is "mature" and should be completed in the next year or two.


Sur le même sujet

  • CENTCOM chief: The future of warfare demands more cyber authorities

    19 décembre 2018 | International, C4ISR

    CENTCOM chief: The future of warfare demands more cyber authorities

    By: Justin Lynch The Pentagon has received more power to conduct cyber operations in the past 18 months. But for the top Army commander in the Middle East and Central Asia, the new authority is not enough. The head of U.S. Central Command, Gen. Joseph Votel, wrote in a Dec. 18 paper that the Pentagon must “normalize” electronic warfare and cyberattacks and incorporate them into daily operations. “Normalizing the cyberspace domain means broader authorities that are more responsive than current bureaucratic processes,” Votel wrote in the Army's Cyber Defense Review. “It also means we need simple and streamlined organizations and processes to increase lethality and enhance performance.” The paper was coauthored by Votel, Maj. Gen. Julazadeh and Maj. Weilun Lin. “Our failure to operationalize and normalize the cyberspace domain effectively cedes it to our adversaries, gives them a competitive advantage and, ultimately, creates an increased attack vector against our objectives,” the authors said. President Trump gave the Pentagon new authorities to conduct cyber operations in August and minimized the process where other agencies can object to cyberattacks, known as “deconfliction.” Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis can conduct hacking operations without approval from the White House so long as they do not interfere with the American “national interest,” according to four current and former White House and intelligence officials who were either part of internal deliberations or briefed on the changes. Yet some current and former U.S. officials are skeptical that the new authorities will mean more effective hacking operations for the Pentagon, because it does not solve the nuances of cyberattacks. But the new mandates do not go far enough for the three officer authors, who argued that cyberwarfare should be under the same authorities as other types of operations. “We must not see cyberspace as drastically different and separate from other domains that we create new processes to prepare, plan and fight in this new domain. We continue to seek processes that smooth and simplify operations, reducing friendly friction and accelerating decision-making.” Current and former Pentagon officials have pointed to conducting cyberattacks against enemies that use networks of neutral or partner nations as an area where the Pentagon has changed its decision-making process in recent years. Those officials also pointed to how the Pentagon was able to use hybrid warfare tactics during the 2016 liberation of Mosul, Iraq, as a textbook example of future hybrid operations. Votel, Julazadeh and Lin echoed the sentiment of other Pentagon officials who have advocated for cyberattacks, electronic warfare and other information operations to be integrated earlier in military operations. “We need to proactively execute cyberspace and information operations early in 'Phase 0 / steady state' of the planning process — well before operation execution. Only then can we shape the [information environment], hold our adversaries' capabilities at risk and execute at the speed of war,” the three wrote. For example, Pentagon officials say they closely monitored Russia's 2014 hybrid war in Ukraine and learned from Moscow's tactics. Votel, Julazadeh and Lin shed light on the changes, writing that information operations were previously “integrated as an afterthought.” Yet over the last two years, Central Command has incorporated cyberattacks, electronic warfare and military deception at the “strategic level.” And this hybrid warfare has driven new acquisition demands in the Pentagon. “We need technology and capabilities to keep pace with the operational environment and continue to build the partnerships to do so,” the three officers wrote. In recent years, Central Command has bolstered its hybrid warfare through new contracts. The centerpiece of that effort is a July 2017 contract worth $621 million to Science Applications International Corporation for IT support to Central Command that could last seven years. In August 2018, Vistra communications was also awarded a $22 million contract to support offensive and defensive cyber operations for Central Command. https://www.fifthdomain.com/dod/2018/12/18/centcom-chief-the-future-of-warfare-demands-more-cyber-authorities

  • « Le Tigre Mark 3 n'aura pas d'équivalent au niveau mondial » : entretien avec Bruno Even, CEO d’Airbus Helicopters

    8 mars 2022 | International, Aérospatial

    « Le Tigre Mark 3 n'aura pas d'équivalent au niveau mondial » : entretien avec Bruno Even, CEO d’Airbus Helicopters

    Dans une interview accordée à La Tribune, le CEO d'Airbus Helicopters, Bruno Even, revient sur les enjeux du contrat du Tigre Mark 3, récemment notifié à Airbus Helicopters et ses partenaires. « C'est une très bonne nouvelle au niveau politique, industriel et opérationnel. Le lancement de ce programme est important pour l'Europe de la défense, notamment sous son angle politique. On voit bien l'importance du Tigre, qui a été et est l'un des programmes emblématiques de la coopération européenne, pour une Europe de la défense forte et pour son industrie. Ce programme appuie par ailleurs l'évolution actuelle importante, qui est le renforcement de la souveraineté de l'Europe et de ses pays membres ». Il rappelle que « Airbus Helicopters a près de deux tiers de la charge de travail sur le développement de cette nouvelle version du Tigre. Au niveau de notre supply chain, Thales (avionique), Safran (viseurs et chaîne optronique) et MBDA (armements) seront nos principaux fournisseurs sur le Tigre Mark 3 ». Au niveau opérationnel, le Tigre Mark 3 « n'aura pas d'équivalent au niveau européen », se félicite-t-il. « Au niveau mondial, il y a encore l'Apache mais le Tigre Mark 3, avec ses futures capacités, sera un hélicoptère d'attaque, qui dans la haute intensité n'aura pas d'équivalent au niveau mondial que ce soit en termes de connectivité (Man Machine Teaming) mais aussi en termes de connectivité tactique et d'échanges de données sur le champ de bataille et, enfin, en termes de capacités de feu et d'armement. Nous développons avec Thales une nouvelle avionique, qui va alléger la charge de travail du pilote pour lui permettre de se concentrer sur ses missions, et avec Safran des nouveaux systèmes de mission et de détection (optronique). C'est pour cela que sur le plan opérationnel et dans un monde incertain, ce nouvel hélicoptère continuera d'être sur le champ de bataille l'ange gardien de nos soldats ». La Tribune du 8 mars

  • US Space Force taps L3Harris to design missile-tracking sensor

    5 juin 2023 | International, C4ISR

    US Space Force taps L3Harris to design missile-tracking sensor

    According to the Space Force, selecting L3Harris to design a third sensor reduces program risk and gives the service more options.

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