25 février 2019 | International, Terrestre, C4ISR

Army Selects BAE Systems Jammer For Future Active Protection Testing On Bradleys

By Matthew Beinart

The Army has selected a BAE Systems' electronic countermeasure capability for future evaluations after a successful demonstration at a soft-kill “rodeo” last fall, with plans to evaluate the system on a Bradley fighting vehicle during a layered active protection...


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    13 juin 2024 | International, Terrestre

    NATO Allies strengthen protection of Allied skies

    On Thursday 13 June 2024, the Netherlands joined the NATO Flight Training Europe (NFTE) initiative, bringing the total number of participants to 13: Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Romania, Spain, Türkiye and the United Kingdom.

  • Does Commercial Engine Tech Translate To Chinese Military Aircraft?

    14 août 2020 | International, Aérospatial

    Does Commercial Engine Tech Translate To Chinese Military Aircraft?

    Bradley Perrett Does engine technology in commercial airliners translate to Chinese military aircraft as well? Beijing Bureau Chief Bradley Perrett answers: It does, but only as far as China can apply it. However, Western engines for Chinese commercial aircraft programs are supplied complete. CFM International proposed to assemble the Leap 1C in China for the Comac C919, but the deal was scuppered when the authorities demanded more technical information about the design. Unavoidably, something about propulsion technology is learned when a Chinese airframe company works with a foreign engine company on integrating their products. The engine itself cannot be kept secret: China can strip down and examine any powerplants imported for commercial use, including, for example, the latest Rolls-Royce Trent XWBs on Airbus A350s. Whatever is learned about high-bypass turbofans can go into Chinese programs for such engines in military use—and indeed for civil use, subject to patents. Technology from the core is relevant to low-bypass engines. https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/manufacturing-supply-chain/does-commercial-engine-tech-translate-chinese-military

  • Roketsan chief says Tunisia interested in guided bombs for UAVs

    22 octobre 2020 | International, C4ISR

    Roketsan chief says Tunisia interested in guided bombs for UAVs

    Lale Sariibrahimoglu Tunisia and Indonesia are both interested in acquiring Roketsan guided munitions for their future unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), according to Murat İkinci, the Turkish company's general manager. “Countries like Indonesia and Tunisia, which are in search of unmanned aerial vehicles, have a high demand for the procurement of mini smart munitions MAM-L and MAM-C, the main weapon systems mounted on the Turkish UAVs,” İkinci said in an interview with state-owned Anadolu Agency (AA) on 18 October. It was reported earlier this year that Tunisia had ordered six Anka-S systemsfrom Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), each with two UAVs. However, Africa Intelligence reported in September that the contract had been cancelled as Tunis could not find the funds. The Anka-S is the version of TAI's Anka family that has a satellite communications capability for beyond-line-of-sight operations. Roketsan's MAM-L and smaller MAM-C laser-guided bombs have been integrated with the Anka. These weapons have proved effective when used with the Bayraktar TB2, a smaller Turkish-made UAV, in Syria and Libya earlier this year. “Their usage in recent fights have changed the course of the operations in Turkey's favour,” İkinci noted. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/rokestan-chief-says-tunisia-interested-in-guided-bombs-for-uavs

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