14 avril 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

Appel à projets de solutions innovantes pour lutter contre le COVID-19

Mise à jour : 14/04/2020 - Direction : AID

Cet appel à projets du ministère des Armées, lancé par l'Agence de l'Innovation de Défense (AID), dans le cadre du plan gouvernemental de lutte contre le COVID-19, vise à disposer de propositions pour lutter contre la pandémie de COVID-19. Il porte sur la recherche de solutions innovantes, qu'elles soient d'ordre technologique, organisationnel, managérial ou d'adaptation de processus industriels, qui pourraient être directement mobilisables afin de : protéger la population, soutenir la prise en charge des malades, tester la population, surveiller l'évolution de la maladie au niveau individuel et l'évolution de la pandémie, ou aider à limiter les contraintes pendant la période de crise.

Important : les projets devront être d'une maturité technologique suffisante pour être employables pendant l'actuelle pandémie. Ces solutions innovantes devront être facilement et rapidement reproductibles et s'appliquer à l'échelle de l'ensemble du territoire national dans l'enveloppe budgétaire définie.

Un budget de 10 000 000€ TTC est prévu pour cet appel à projets, qui vise à financer un à plusieurs projets d'intérêt.

Pour permettre le soutien d'un maximum de projets prometteurs, sauf exceptions dûment justifiées, les projets retenus par cet appel à projets ne seront pas cumulables avec les financements flash mis en place par l'UE ou l'ANR :

  • Appel à projets de l'Agence nationale pour la recherche (ANR) :


  • Appel à projets de la Commission européenne :


Les propositions de réponse sont attendues et évaluées au fil de l'eau jusqu'au 12 avril 2020. Les propositions déposées tardivement, jusqu'au 12 avril inclus, pourront être étudiées mais leurs chances d'être retenues seront fortement réduites.

Ce que nous recherchons

Nous avons identifié un certain nombre de domaines et de situations concrètes pour lesquels nous pressentons des améliorations possibles :

  • Protections individuelles ou collectives, soignants et populations (e.g. masques, « hygiaphones de fortune », concepts innovants de protection, de barrières, techniques de recyclage, Do It Yourself, etc.) ;
  • Gestion de la distance de sécurité entre individus ;
  • Automatisation de t'ches pour le prélèvement, le nettoyage du matériel ou des salles ;
  • Facilitation du déploiement d'hôpitaux de campagne en soutien aux populations ;
  • Gestion de crise, aiguillage, structuration/modularité des chaînes de prise en charge (e.g. gestion logistique, RH, etc.) ;
  • Production de nouvelles solutions de décontamination pour tout type de surface, pour petits et grands matériels, pour les espaces de vie, etc. ;
  • Capacité de production en masse de solutions de décontamination ;
  • Soutien à la prise en charge médicale (production du matériel ou traitement manquant, concept de recyclage, de détournement ou autre idée permettant de pallier ces manques) ;
  • Détection du virus dans l'environnement ;
  • Diagnostic et autodiagnostic rapide et conduite à tenir associée - dépistage massif - dépistage participatif ;
  • Gestion de l'impact psychologique individuel et sociétal (communication et sensibilisation sur la crise et l'épidémie, amélioration de la perception du risque d'épidémie, gestion de l'après crise, etc.) ;
  • Facteurs de limitation des déplacements et lutte contre la transgression ;
  • Amélioration du travail à distance (outils de continuité numérique, sécurisation, etc.) ;
  • Amélioration de la vie en isolement à domicile (numériques mais aussi hors solutions numériques) ;
  • Autres thèmes dûment argumentés.

NOTE IMPORTANTE aux producteurs de masques de protection :

Dans le contexte de la crise sanitaire du COVID-19, les autorités gouvernementales ont sollicité l'appui de la direction générale de l'armement (DGA) du ministère des armées afin d'aider à identifier et caractériser des solutions permettant d'accroître la disponibilité de masques de protection face au virus.

Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec la direction générale des entreprises (DGE) du Ministère de l'économie et des finances.

Devant le succès de cette initiative, deux adresses m.él dédiées ont été créées et nous demandons aux entreprises d'adresser toute correspondance à ces deux adresses pour en accélérer le traitement.

Adresse mél DGA : dga.Masques-Contact.fct(a)intradef.gouv.fr

Adresse mél DGE : masques.dge(a)finances.gouv.fr

Une fois l'accord préalable de la DGE obtenu pour la mise en test d'un prototype, les échantillons sont à envoyer à :

DGA Maîtrise NRBC

5 rue Lavoisier


Nous ne sommes pas seulement intéressés par des technologies nouvelles ; le caractère innovant des propositions pourra consister à réorienter des technologies ou des processus industriels existants (par exemple détourner une usine de production de parfum pour en faire du gel hydroalcoolique).

Nous acceptons les propositions provenant de tous types d'opérateurs : académiques, petites, moyennes entreprises, entreprises de taille intermédiaire, grands groupes. Des groupements constitués de ces différents types d'opérateurs seront possibles. En fonction du vecteur de financement ou d'acquisition utilisé, des restrictions sur l'origine ou la taille des opérateurs économiques pourront être appliquées.

Les propositions internes des personnels civils et militaires du ministère des Armées sont également les bienvenues.

Ce dont nous ne voulons pas

Votre proposition ne doit pas proposer une innovation en cours de maturation qui n'a aucune chance d'être employée pour lutter contre l'actuelle pandémie.

Contenu de la proposition

Compte tenu de l'urgence du projet, la présentation et les justificatifs devront être les plus concis et précis possibles. La proposition doit contenir les documents suivants :

  • le descriptif technique de la solution proposée et le cas d'usage (utilisateur, situation d'emploi) auquel cette solution répond.
  • le plan projet comprenant :
    • Un planning des développements et de la mise en service identifiant les jalons et les livrables permettant de suivre l'avancement du projet ;
    • Une décomposition du prix de la proposition, en distinguant le cas échéant la part financée par le ministère des Armées et d'autres sources de financement. Le déposant pourra utilement proposer des éléments optionnels dans sa proposition.
  • Un document de justification explicitant l'apport du projet pour chacun des 3 critères d'évaluation infra (impact, crédibilité, calendrier).

Le dossier total ne dépassera pas 30 pages.

Sélection des projets d'intérêt

Critères obligatoires

Les propositions seront analysées au regard des critères obligatoires ci-dessous :

  • La solution proposée s'inscrit dans le périmètre de l'appel à projets (cf. « Ce que nous recherchons » et « Ce dont nous ne voulons pas ») ;
  • La proposition contient un plan projet ;
  • La proposition justifie l'intérêt du projet pour chacun des trois critères d'évaluation présentés infra.

Seules les propositions remplissant l'ensemble des critères obligatoires seront analysées au fil de l'eau lors de la sélection des projets.

Critères d'évaluation

Un comité d'évaluation impliquant différents experts du ministère des Armées évaluera les propositions au fur et à mesure de leur réception. Les évaluateurs, pourront, s'ils le jugent nécessaire, entrer en contact avec les déposants afin de leur demander des clarifications sur leur proposition. Les évaluateurs ne pourront utiliser les informations contenues dans les propositions qu'aux seules fins de l'évaluation.

Cette évaluation sera fondée sur les 3 critères suivants :

  • Impact : les bénéfices anticipés (pour la population, les cycles de décision, les personnels de santé...) ;
  • Crédibilité : tout élément de preuve, scientifique ou technique, permettant de confirmer la faisabilité du projet ;
  • Calendrier : délai de mise en œuvre de la solution.

Le choix de financer une proposition est fondé sur les résultats d'évaluation, sur le coût de chaque proposition vis-à-vis du budget disponible et sur des considérations d'ordre stratégique pour la personne publique.

Les déposants dont la proposition n'aura pas été retenue pourront demander un avis synthétique sur leur proposition.

Modalités pratiques

Budget et contractualisation

L'AID prévoit un budget total de 10 000 000 € TTC, visant à financer entre un et plusieurs projets.

Date limite de remise des propositions

Les propositions de réponse sont attendues et évaluées au fil de l'eau jusqu'au 12 avril 2020. Les propositions déposées tardivement, jusqu'au 12 avril inclus, pourront être étudiées mais leurs chances d'être retenues seront fortement réduites.

Les propositions émises par les opérateurs économiques (personnes morales ou personnes physiques) doivent être déposées à l'adresse suivante :


Les propositions émises par les personnels civils et militaires du ministère des Armées (personnes physiques) doivent être déposées à l'adresse suivante :


Un accusé sera transmis dès réception de la proposition.

Important : en remettant son dossier, le déposant accepte sans réserve les conditions de l'appel à projets.


Vous pouvez poser toute question relative à l'appel à projets via l'adresse suivante :


Protection des données à caractère personnel

Les données à caractère personnel portées en réponse aux formulaires de dépôt de projet font l'objet d'un traitement mis en œuvre par le directeur de l'Agence de l'Innovation de Défense.

Nous traitons vos données dans le but unique de permettre l'évaluation des projets et leur concrétisation éventuelles suite à l'évaluation.

Les données seront conservées pendant une période de 6 mois après la date de clôture de l'appel à projet. Pendant cette période, nous mettons en place tous moyens aptes à assurer la confidentialité et la sécurité de vos données à caractère personnel, de manière à empêcher leur endommagement, effacement ou accès par des tiers non autorisés.

Conformément à la loi « Informatique et Libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée et au Règlement Général sur la protection des données (RGPD) en vigueur depuis le 25 mai 2018. Vous bénéficiez d'un droit d'accès et de rectification sur vos données que vous pouvez exercer en contactant l'Agence de l'Innovation de Défense à l'adresse suivante : agenceinnovation.dir.fct(a)intradef.gouv.fr

Mise à disposition des moyens du GENCI

Les chercheurs académiques et industriels travaillant sur le sujet peuvent avoir accès immédiatement aux moyens de calcul et de stockage de la TGIR GENCI. Créée en 2007 par le MESRI, le CNRS, le CEA, la CPU et Inria, GENCI met à disposition des chercheurs français des moyens de calcul (supercalculateurs) et de stockage, souverains, opérés en France au TGCC (CEA), IDRIS (CNRS) et CINES (Universités) afin d'accélérer les travaux de recherche en modélisation/simulation, traitement de données massives et usage de l'intelligence artificielle (GENCI est une des composantes du plan français AIForHumanity avec la machine Jean Zay qui dispose notamment de 1300 GPU et 35 Po de stockage haut débit).Ces moyens et les services de support des centres sont accessibles gratuitement par le biais d'une procédure accélérée, pour plus d'information sur les moyens mis à disposition par GENCI vous pouvez vous référer ici : http://www.genci.fr/fr/node/1036 ; ou contacter directement Stéphane Requena, Directeur Technique & Innovation : stephane.requena(a)genci.fr

Droits : AID

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  • xTechSearch: Army Picks Top 10 Tech Innovators

    23 mars 2020 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    xTechSearch: Army Picks Top 10 Tech Innovators

    From throwable cameras to magnetic brakes, from disease prevention to battlefield networks, these small businesses have technologies the Army really wants. Read on to find out why. By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. WASHINGTON: Miniaturized electromechanical compasses so you can still find your way when the enemy's jammed GPS. 360 degree cameras you can throw into a building before you storm it. 60-minute screening for pathogens like COVID-19. Those are just three of the winning ideas in the latest round of the Army's Expeditionary Technology Search program, the service's push to get high tech out of small biz. This week, 20 small businesses made their pitches to a panel of Army judges — and in a suitably 21st century touch, it was all done via the web, since the AUSA Huntsville conference where the pitches were originally to take place was canceled because of the coronavirus. (Click here for all our virtual and surrogate AUSA coverage). Yesterday, in a brief webcast, xTechSearch program manager Zeke Topolosky read out the 10 semifinal winners, who'll receive $120,000 each and – even more important for many of the competitors – access to Army expert mentors to help refine their pitch and their product for military use. One final winner will be picked to receive $250,000 this fall, hopefully at AUSA's grand annual meeting in October if the coronavirus permits. Topolosky spoke to me at length by phone after the announcement. What follows, in his own words (edited for brevity and clarity), is what excited the Army about each of the 10 winners. Zeke Topolosky, Program Manager, Army xTechSearch: It's 20 semifinalists that presented the last two days. This is a selection of all of the top technologies from all of the different technology areas. All that is evaluated by 28 judges over the past two days, from all different fields, very senior technical experts, acquisition experts, end users, and soldiers. We had to come to a consensus agreement on the ten that would move on to the finals. Bounce Imaging, they've made a tactical throwable camera, but it's not just throwable. It can be used mounted on a canine, on a person, on a vehicle, and it gives you a complete 360 degree spherical view. They're working on this in both color and IR [infrared]. And they were working on continuing to miniaturize that technology. And it stabilizes at all times. Imagine a body-worn camera [on someone] running through a building: You can't really follow that video. This device kept the video always oriented in one direction that the users requested, and stabilized, at all times. So it really had a lot of immediate use in things like breaching buildings, subterranean investigation, where they could just toss this into a building and get complete 360 degree situational awareness, day and night. GeneCapture, a very strong company, lots of amazing expertise on their staff. Obviously, they made some references to coronavirus [testing]. What they can do is detect infections and pathogens from a deployable, portable system, and do it rapidly. They have the ability to test for multiple things at once. Most detection systems like this, they're testing for one pathogen at a time, and it has to be done in a laboratory. They were pitching the ability to do this downrange, and to test for multiple things. When you have a soldier downrange, not in a hospital or in a medical station, who may have some illness, you have to sort of guess on treating them, or not treat them at all till they get proper testing, which could lead to administering the wrong medication, or no medication. This would allow a field medic to do those tests, real time, and know exactly what they're dealing with. Inductive Ventures. This is a magnetic braking technology. Now, this company pitched numerous use cases for magnetic brakes versus the carbon brakes that we normally use, but for the xTech competition, they focused on braking for helicopters. Right now, when you land a helicopter, you have no way of moving that machine without either turning on the engine or towing by other vehicles. With this technology, you would enable helicopter operators, if they were to land in an emergency, or have to move their vehicle without it fully functioning, they can do that with this magnetic braking. We did have several helicopter pilots in our judging panel who were saying, “This is revolutionary for us.” We even had an example of somebody having to do an emergency landing on a soccer field with a Huey overseas, due to mechanical failure. And then once they landed, they literally had no way of moving that helicopter. They left it. This would have enabled them to be able to move it around and work on it. IoT/AI, these guys kind of blew the socks off the judges. Essentially, they had a device that was hardened against cyber attacks and other interference. They're also able to do all this on an edge device, in this black box that you can take to the field, as opposed to having to send data back to a server. It's just one less vulnerability. Everything can be done there on the edge. It's kind of the golden nugget for deploying AI for the Army, where it's going to be done in forward deployed areas, without infrastructure, without these computing resources that are power draining, in vulnerable areas where the enemy is trying to mess them up. Deploying artificial intelligence in the Army is going to be way more difficult than all the things we see being developed on the commercial side, from self-driving cars to Alexa. Lots of people are developing algorithms, but we don't necessarily have the hardware to make that a reality for the Army, that's really sort of missing right now. IOT/AI, what they're providing is some of the hardware solutions to make that a reality. LynQ Technologies, this was a very strong company, it had strong VC backing, which de-risks a lot for the Army, and they've also been recognized by Techstars, out of the Air Force. It's a very mature product. There's a real near-term win with this, because it's a ready-to-go product that we could be using now to locate injured soldiers in the field, downed pilots, lost cargo, et cetera. It was a very strong company, well-backed on the commercial side. They clearly had a capability that they could deliver the Army now that we don't have. KeriCure – deployable wound care products. Like LynQ, this was a very mature product: You can go on Amazon and buy their product now. It was just a wonder why the Army doesn't have this in their kit. Field medics right now could be using this. Yes, there's some testing that would have to be done with to validate some of the claims, and there is possibly some more development work that has to go into packaging it better for field use. But it's a mature product that can give immediate, lifesaving capability to soldiers now. The Army deals with wounds that can't be dressed properly immediately, that lead to infections. And what this product does, it's a dressing you spray on wounds to prevent those infections from occurring. We had some combat medics in the group, and they all agreed they could use this in their kit right now. MEI Micro, it's a MEMS [Micro Electronic-Mechanical System] IMU [Inertial Measurement Unit]. It's an order of magnitude improvement on position, navigation, and timing capabilities that we have now. When you're GPS-denied, the solutions that are out there — including quantum clocks and gyro [gyroscopic] devices — are very expensive, and they're under development. What they presented showed a leap-ahead capability for a far lower cost. If it can be realized, it's a game changer here for assured position, navigation, and timing, which helps you with things like communications, navigation, et cetera, especially in a congested or a GPS-denied environment. Multiscale Systems, this is a company that competed in a previous round of xTech, when they were a little less mature. They had a meta-material, an engineered material, so you could customize the properties of the material and how you build it. They're able to make materials for air traffic, cargo, and even lining truck beds, much lighter, much stronger than what we currently have, and for cheaper. With the Army where, especially in logistics and transportation, they can have an immediate impact and save a lot of money and a lot of weight, especially when airdropping cargo and containers and things like that. Beyond that, there just seems to be a lot of other applications for these materials. Granted, they will need some work in lowering the cost to produce them, but the product itself could be a huge cost savings for the Army and lighten the load a lot in aircraft and ground logistics platforms. Novaa, that's the next generation SATCOM [satellite communications]. What these guys are proposing is a brand-new way of handling the spectrum. In the Army, we are constantly having to tap into multiple frequencies, so you'll see vehicles, aircraft driving around with lots of antennas on them. If you're on SATCOM, if you have a radar system, if you're doing high frequency, ultra-high frequency, everything requires a different physical antenna — and all of these antennas take up space. Not only that, they stick out, they get snagged, get caught, these antennas break. And worst of all, they are targets. They're highly visible. They stick out like a sore thumb, and they let the enemy know, hey, this is a vehicle of importance, it's got communication gear or sensor gear. What they are offering is an antenna designed to replace all those antennas with one single aperture, with a very low profile. The space savings, the drag savings, and the concealed nature of it, on top of having the complexity and the cost of all these antennas replaced with just one, was very appealing. It was the antenna design, but it was the architecture that goes with it as well, to be able to handle from one aperture, all these other systems that have to tap into that antenna. Really a potentially revolutionary way of approaching the spectrum. Vita Inclinata is the last one. This is another repeat company, they had previously been in the competition and had come back. They make a stabilization system for helicopters that are hoisting up either cargo or gurneys with injured people on them. This is a huge problem in the rescue operations, where a little gust or just the wrong movement can cause a load to spin out of control. There's instances where the Army is dropping expensive cargo because it would bring down the helicopter when they get into a spin, even losing injured people that are being medevac'ed because of these spins. Even rigging these hoist systems is extremely dangerous and requires somebody on the ground. Vita Inclinata, they've developed fully autonomous solution that completely stabilizes any loads, from just a wounded person to tens of thousands of pounds of cargo. They have a ready-to-go, pretty well tested device that could be added on to any helicopter. Since last year, their company has progressed a lot, with lots of interest across the services and the commercial side, landed some good investments and contracts. And this time around, they really understood where the niche was, where the Army needed this the most. Last year, they were trying to talk to the Future Vertical Lift folks about, “your new aircraft could use this.” But it's really all the helicopters, especially the existing ones that we're using now. The Army does not have this capability and it's desperately needed. https://breakingdefense.com/2020/03/xtechsearch-army-picks-top-10-tech-innovators

  • Security and defence cooperation: EU will enhance its capacity to act as a security provider, its strategic autonomy, and its ability to cooperate with partners

    26 juin 2018 | International, Aérospatial, Naval, Terrestre, C4ISR, Sécurité

    Security and defence cooperation: EU will enhance its capacity to act as a security provider, its strategic autonomy, and its ability to cooperate with partners

    Today, foreign affairs ministers and defence ministers discussed the implementation of the EU Global Strategy in the area of security and defence. The Council then adopted conclusions which highlight the significant progress in strengthening cooperation in the area of security and defence and provide further guidance on next steps. Permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) The Council adopted today a common set of governance rules for projects within the PESCO framework. The sequencing of the more binding commitments undertaken by member states participating in PESCO is expected to be defined through a Council recommendation, in principle in July 2018. An updated list of PESCO projects and their participants, including a second wave of projects, is expected by November 2018. The general conditions for third state participation in PESCO projects are expected to be set out in a Council decision in principle also in November. Capability development plan and coordinated annual review on defence (CARD) The Council approved the progress catalogue 2018, which provides a military assessment of the prioritised capability shortfalls and high impact capability goals to be achieved in a phased approach. It forms a key contribution to the EU capability development priorities. These priorities are recognised by the Council as a key reference for both member states' and EU defence capability development initiatives. The aim of CARD, for which a trial run is being conducted by the European Defence Agency, is to establish a process which will provide a better overview of national defence spending plans. This would make it easier to address European capability shortfalls and identify new collaborative opportunities, ensuring the most effective and coherent use of defence spending plans. European defence fund The European Defence Fund is one of the key security and defence initiatives by the Commission, reaffirmed in its proposal for the future multiannual financial framework (2021-2027), with a proposed envelope of €13 billion. The European Defence Fund aims to foster innovation and allow economies of scale in defence research and in the industrial development phase by supporting collaborative projects in line with capability priorities identified by Member States within the CFSP framework. This will strengthen the competitiveness of the Union's defence industry. Under the current financial framework, with the same objectives, the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) was agreed by the representatives of the co-legislators on 22 May 2018. The Council welcomes this agreement. The EDIDP should aim at incentivising collaborative development programmes in line with defence capability priorities commonly agreed by EU member states, in particular in the context of the capability development plan. European peace facility The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy proposed the creation of a European Peace Facility in the context of the future multiannual financial framework, an off-EU budget fund devoted to security and defence. The aim of the facility would be: funding the common costs of military operations under the Common Security and Defence Policy (currently covered by the Athena mechanism); contributing to the financing of military peace support operations led by other international actors (currently covered by, for example, the African Peace Facility); and providing support to third states' armed forces to prevent conflicts, build peace and strengthen international security. The Council takes note of the proposal and invites the relevant Council preparatory bodies to take the work forward and present concrete recommendations on the proposed facility. Military mobility The aim of improving military mobility is to address those obstacles which hinder the movement of military equipment and personnel across the EU. The High Representative and the Commission presented a joint communication on improving military mobility in the EU on 10 November 2017 and an action plan on 28 March 2018. The Council welcomes this action plan and calls for its swift implementation. As a first step in this direction, the Council approves the overarching high-level part of the military requirements for military mobility within and beyond the EU. The Council also stresses that improvement in military mobility can only be achieved with the full involvement and commitment of all member states, fully respecting their national sovereignty. The conclusions also touch on other strands of work in the field of EU security and defence, including strengthening civilian CSDP, developing a more strategic approach for EU partnerships on security and defence with third countries, and increasing resilience and bolstering capabilities to counter hybrid threats, including further developing the EU's strategic communication approach together with member states. Background On 14 November 2016, the Council adopted conclusions on implementing the EU Global Strategy in the area of security and defence. These conclusions set out three strategic priorities in this regard: responding to external conflicts and crises, building the capacities of partners, and protecting the European Union and its citizens. Since then, the EU has significantly increased its efforts in the area of security and defence. Progress was noted and further guidance provided through Council conclusions on 6 March 2017, on 18 May 2017 and 13 November 2017. Council conclusions on strengthening civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) were adopted on 28 May 2018. At the same time, the EU has also increased its cooperation with NATO, on the basis of the joint declaration on EU-NATO cooperation signed by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission and NATO Secretary-General on 8 July 2016 in the margins of the Warsaw summit. http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2018/06/25/security-and-defence-cooperation-eu-will-enhance-its-capacity-to-act-as-a-security-provider-its-strategic-autonomy-and-its-ability-to-cooperate-with-partners/

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