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  • Canada: Defence Procurement Canada: Is It ‘Back To The Future' For Defence Procurement?

    January 6, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Canada: Defence Procurement Canada: Is It ‘Back To The Future' For Defence Procurement?

    Article by Marcia Mills and Paul Burbank Capital Perspectives Last Updated: January 3 2020 The issues surrounding defence acquisition took a backseat in the run up to the 2019 federal election. As noted by the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, this occurred despite the fact that two of the largest defence procurements in Canadian history – the Canadian Surface Combatants (warships) project and the Future Fighter Capability Program (fighter jets) – are in active procurement mode, spending is falling short of forecast and roughly 70 per cent of the approved projects under the 2017 implementation of the Strong, Secure, Engaged Defence Policy have seen schedule delays 1. Canadian defence procurement is a many-layered affair. Spread across three departments and a central agency (the Department of National Defence; Public Procurement and Services Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development; and Treasury Board, respectively), the need to coordinate and align this much bureaucracy is often viewed as one of the significant problems in defence procurement. The two main political parties offered very different solutions to these issues during the election, but provided few details. The Platforms The Conservatives focused on the need to "de-politicize" the procurement process, which would in turn deliver greater value for money and better resources for the Canadian military. To accomplish this, new oversight mechanisms, both in Cabinet and in the Privy Council Office, would be created. 2 Major defence procurements are already subject to oversight by the Defence Procurement Secretariat, a Deputy Ministers Governance Committee and a Ministers Working Group. It is not entirely clear how additional layers of oversight would reduce delay and improve efficiencies, unless the new mechanisms replaced all or some of the current oversight layers. The Liberal platform included a portion on defence procurement that pointed to the creation of "Defence Procurement Canada," to ensure defence projects were delivered on time and with greater transparency. The structure of Defence Procurement Canada was not explained. A bit of speculation is now in order as to what this could mean for defence procurement. The New Cabinet The Liberals formed a minority government and announced their new Cabinet on Nov. 20. While the Ministers of Defence (Harjit Sajjan) and Innovation, Science and Economic Development (Navdeep Bains) remain the same, Treasury Board has a new President and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has a new Minister – Jean-Yves Duclos and Anita Anand, respectively. Treasury Board President Duclos moves from a smaller, specific portfolio within Employment and Social Development Canada to now preside over one of the federal government's most powerful central agencies and cabinet committees. He will have a considerable role in ensuring effective financial management and government spending. Minister Anand is a new face in Cabinet and a first-time Member of Parliament for the riding of Oakville, Ont. She is assuming responsibility for, amongst other things, the two single largest purchasing organizations in the federal government (PSPC and Shared Services Canada (SSC)). Going Forward Defence procurement in Canada follows a general ebb and flow – resources are increased during times of conflict and are reduced in times of peace. Restructuring occurs in response to these influences, as well as perceived redundancies, desired efficiencies and the odd scandal or two. Various Minsters and departments have been responsible for defence procurement and production over the past 100 years, including boards or commissions set up during times of war. A new independent department for defence procurement would result in three different departments (SSC, PSPC and the Defence Procurement Canada) managing the vast majority of federal acquisition. This approach would be similar to the stand up of the Department of Defence Production in the '50s. The DDP had a short life. Established in 1951, it was expanded to become the central purchasing organization in 1963 as an interim measure, then disbanded in 1969 with the establishment of the Department of Supply and Services. The amalgamations of various entities continued until 1993, with the creation of the Department of Public Works and Government Services (a.k.a. PSPC). PSPC operates as a central purchasing agent for the government, with exclusive authority under the Defence Production Act to acquire defence supplies for DND. If Defence Procurement Canada is to exist as a departmental corporation or agency, the government would want to launch this new entity early in its mandate so that it can lay claim to any degree of efficiency or success achieved. If so, the new entity would likely remain within PSPC, as the Minister has existing statutory authority to create a supporting departmental corporation or agency under the Defence Production Act. Creating this entity outside of PSPC's current authority would require a significant reorganization of the public service and change to the operations of government of a magnitude greater than that required to establish Shared Services Canada – this would include deciding whether to maintain or decentralize the functions of defence procurement and defence production, as well as significant statutory amendments to provide or reduce, as required, the authority of all Ministers involved. Ministerial mandate letters, which were released in mid-December, shed no additional light on the specific operational structure or corporate identity that Defence Procurement Canada is expected to take. Notable in these letters, however, is a prevailing theme: Minister Anand has the clear responsibility for bringing forward options to Cabinet, but that effort will be supported by a host of respected, senior ministers, including Minister Sajjan (National Defence), Minister Jordan (Fisheries & Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard), and Minister Bains (Innovation, Science and Industry). As all of these Ministries are already involved in defence procurement, their continued support is not surprising. Throughout the history of defence acquisition and production in Canada, large-scale reorganization has been predicated by one of three events: war, post-war reconstruction or scandal. Absent one of these triggers, a minority government may have little appetite (or be able to drum up support from any other party) to stand up a wholly new department, or even a departmental corporation or agency within PSPC itself, on the basis of efficiency and economy alone, particularly in light of the on-going Phoenix debacle and the continued issues at Shared Services Canada. As no new Minister for Defence Procurement Canada was named in the new Cabinet nor were any Additional Ministers within PSPC named for defence or Defence Procurement Canada, it appears that, at least for now, any defence acquisition reorganization is likely to remain on the backburner. Marcia Mills is procurement counsel with the Fasken Ottawa office and has 20+ years of private and public sector experience. She provides clients with legal and strategic advice for all aspects of government procurement, as well as advice on government policies and procurement processes. Paul Burbank is an associate with the Fasken Ottawa office. He works with the Communications Law group to provide advice on telecommunications and broadcasting in Canada. Paul also works with Fasken's Government Relations and Political Law group on strategy and compliance matters. Footnotes 1 The Defence Procurement Outlook for Canada's 43rd Parliament by David Perry, The Global Exchange, 2019 Volume XVII, Issue III; Canadian Global Affairs Institute 2 Global News: With billions at risk, federal parties promise to fix defence, procurement

  • What AIAC’s Vision 2025 could mean for smaller sized enterprises

    January 6, 2020 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    What AIAC’s Vision 2025 could mean for smaller sized enterprises

    by Chris Thatcher; Skies Magazine Posted on December 24, 2019 When the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada in June released its blueprint for the next five years, Vision 2025: Charting a New Course, support for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was one of its core themes. Small companies make up over 90 per cent of the sector and the report argued for greater government support to help them scale up, generate more jobs, and enhance their global competitiveness. That could include new funding to pursue digital business transformation, a reduction in the complexity of government contracting, and greater priority in the value propositions of prime contractors chasing defence procurements. “If our small- and mid-sized companies are left at risk, the negative impacts will be felt across Canada's aerospace industry as a whole,” according to the report, prepared by Jean Charest, a former premier of Quebec and deputy prime minister of Canada. Small companies are viewed as the prime creators of aerospace jobs and, in a sector buffeted by changing technology and new players, many may be more agile and better able to adapt than larger counterparts that must answer to corporate headquarters outside of Canada. But support from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and governments is essential to their survival, according to a panel of SMEs at the Canadian Aerospace Summit in November. There is no one-size-fits-all to helping SMEs scale up. Companies at different stages of growth require different types of support, they noted. But help with skilled labour shortages and easier access to government programs are common challenges for all. A solid position on a major platform is critical to initial success, but long-term growth requires diversification, observed Barney Bangs, chief executive officer of Tulmar Safety Systems. Located between Ottawa and Montreal in the small community of Hawkesbury, Ont., the company manufactures protective and safety equipment, associated components and in-flight training products. Traditionally, its focus has been 80 per cent defence — Tulmar has been a supplier to a military platform for over 25 years and benefitted from a strong aftermarket. In recent years, though, the company has sought a better balance between military and commercial customers. “As of last year, we were 65 per cent defence and 35 per cent (civilian) aerospace,” he said. Tulmar has also become more of what he called “a solution provider,” integrating components from other suppliers to provide an OEM with a final, certified piece of equipment such as an aircraft seat rather than just the safety harness or seatbelt. “We are doing more in-house and saving customer-costs for the OEM,” said Bangs. Diversification has also been a priority for Apex Industries, a machining, components, subassembly and structures manufacturer in Moncton, N.B. Twelve years ago, its aerospace business was five per cent defence and 95 per cent civil, much of it geared to Bell Helicopter and Bombardier. “We made a conscious effort to diversify into the military side a lot more,” said vice-president Keith Donaldson. “We are very conscious of not allowing our sales to go too high on one platform or with one customer.” Challenged by cost-savings pressures in commercial aviation contracts, military platforms offer a company like APEX “good visibility,” he said. However, militaries have long been trading quantity for technological superiority, meaning fewer platforms and a relatively short production cycle. And ramping up quickly with people and equipment to meet tight delivery schedules is a challenge for small businesses that need other options to justify and sustain the investment when the contract ends. “It is very tough for a SME like ourselves to invest.” However, defence procurement and government programs can go a long way to supporting the scale-up of SMEs, said Patrick Mann, president of Patlon Aircraft & Industries, a technical sales force for global manufacturers of custom components and systems. The scale-up program must be run by single entity within government committed to the Canadian SME community that would be “funded, independent and have the authority to make decisions.” Mann suggested coping what has worked well in other jurisdictions, noting the success of the United States Small Business Administration's set-aside program. “Within that, there is a small business innovation research program which has been highly successful in scaling up SMEs,” he said. The Vision 2025 report called for a federal scale-up program to “provide advice, coaching, networking, value proposition development and consortium-building support to incentivize growth and build capacity–helping firms expand their global footprints and giving them the means and maturity to support OEMs effectively.” The report recommended the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME) within Public Services and Procurement Canada shoulder that responsibility. “Having OSME at the table as a contributor to the development of government procurement strategies and as a champion of small and medium-sized business interests will help ensure government policies and programs recognize the unique characteristics of small firms,” it stated. “We are a pretty good example of a scale-up of an SME using competitive bid government procurement as a mechanism,” said Mann. However, developments over the past 10 years such as single point of accountability and bundling, where multiple small contracts are combined in one larger procurement that is awarded to one contractor, have been “devasting” to smaller suppliers. “It has been a real issue for us. Again, it is an issue where (OSME) can play a role.” OEMs can bolster government programs by mentoring small companies within their supplier base on management and production processes, especially around digitization, added Donaldson. “OEMs have a lot of that knowledge ... [but] I don't think [they] do enough of that.” He and Bangs both cautioned that the ability to scale up will be contingent on resolving talent shortages. Developing and attracting skilled labour is a chronic problem affecting the entire sector, but it is particularly acute for SMEs in more remote locations that don't have the resources to recruit as widely or navigate the immigration system. “Before we launch a scale-up program with support for financing and working capital, we have to make sure we have our skills done first,” said Donaldson. However the Liberal government opts to respond to the Vision 2025 report, the value of investing in SMEs should be clear. Viking Air, KF Aerospace or IMP Aerospace & Defence were once small companies and are “now thriving global participants,” said Mann. “That is the reason why todays SMEs are an important part of our industry.”

  • Too many cooks in the DoD: New policy may suppress rapid acquisition

    January 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Too many cooks in the DoD: New policy may suppress rapid acquisition

    By: Eric Lofgren In 2015, Congress passed middle tier acquisition, or MTA, authorities for rapid prototyping and rapid fielding. Lawmakers expected detailed guidance to follow shortly after. By June 2019, the Government Accountability Office found little clarity on documentation and authority. Congress reacted by threatening to withhold 75 percent of MTA funding in 2020 until the Pentagon released guidance. Dangle the purse strings and compliance follows. The undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment, or USD(A&S), released Department of Defense Instruction 5000.80 on Dec. 30, 2019. The MTA guidance, however, is more likely to pump the brakes on rapid acquisition than propel it forward. Programs designated “middle tier” do not have to follow regulatory processes for requirements and milestone reviews. That can shave years off a program schedule. In return, the prototype must be completed — or system fully fielded — within five years. As of March 2019, there were 35 middle tier programs. The term “middle tier” is perhaps misleading considering nearly half of them exceed the cost thresholds for major weapon systems — roughly $200 million for prototyping or $1 billion for fielding. Many questions remained unanswered until the new policy. How big was a middle tier? What documentation does it require? What is the role of oversight and USD(A&S)? Authority For several years, acquisition authority had been delegated down to the services. While the services only managed 48 percent of major programs in 2014, the figure grew to 90 percent in 2019. DoDI 5000.80 reverses the trend. While the services can approve MTA for non-major programs, only USD(A&S) may approve major programs. Moreover, major programs have far more entrance documentation than non-majors, including approved requirements, an acquisition strategy and a cost estimate. The services may avoid some documentation by disaggregating major systems into multiple MTA programs. For example, two of the Navy's non-major programs are components to Standard Missile-6 Block 1B. The same is true of the Air Force's Airborne Warning and Control System. USD(A&S), however, can still disapprove any MTA program, whether major or non-major. With advisers from all around the Office of the Secretary of Defense, there will be will numerous potential veto points. Each official may extract concessions from MTA programs managed by the services. Even though 31 out of 35 MTA programs are rapid prototyping efforts, the undersecretary for research and engineering, or USD(R&E), has been relegated to a secondary position. All MTA authority rests with USD(A&S). Almost as an affront to USD(R&E), he was given control over a rapid prototyping fund that Congress stopped funding. The outcome reflects a broader weakening of USD(R&E). Congress has reacted negatively to the undersecretary's effort to move fast and reallocate funds to higher value uses. USD(R&E) may lose control of the Missile Defense Agency to USD(A&S). Documentation While MTA exempts programs from traditional requirements and milestone processes, documentation abounds. Each service must create its own requirements process with approval in six months. Joint service requirements are discouraged from using MTA pathways. MTA requirements, however, must still meet the needs determined by four-star generals in the Joint Chiefs of Staff and combatant commands. This may in effect bring the same approvals from the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System process back into MTA. Many of the DoDI 5000.02 processes also apply. Still required are system analyses, sustainment plans, test strategies, cybersecurity, risk assessments, cost estimates and more. Contractors performing on MTA programs must still report cost data. No exemption was made for earned value management systems. Sidestepping many contract regulations — for example, with other transactions authorities — remains a separate process. Most importantly, Congress requires detailed justification in the budget for every MTA program. That means the services must start justifying MTAs at least two years in advance of funding receipt. Many of today's MTA programs spun off existing, budgeted line items. New programs may find a hard time finding funds. The present situation is reminiscent of the time David Packard attempted rapid acquisition between 1969 and 1971. A couple years later, new layers of bureaucracy descended. Similarly, MTA has built within it the seeds of another slow-paced bureaucratic order. Adm. Hyman Rickover's skepticism to the reforms nearly 50 years ago rings true today. As Rickover wrote to Packard in a memo: “My experience has been that when a directive such as the one you propose is issued, most of the effort goes into the creation of additional management systems and reports and the preparation of large numbers of documents within the Service to ‘prove' that the requirements of the directive are being met in order to justify funds for the Service. “So long as the bureaucracy consists of a large number of people who consider that they are properly performing their function of approval and evaluation by requiring detailed information to be submitted through the bureaucracy, program managers will never be found who can in fact effectively manage their jobs.”

  • Three ministers to work on options for creation of the new Defence Procurement Canada

    December 20, 2019 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Three ministers to work on options for creation of the new Defence Procurement Canada

    DAVID PUGLIESE, OTTAWA CITIZEN Procurement minister Anita Anand has been told by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that she will lead the push to create a new defence procurement organization. That will be done with the support of Harjit Sajjan, the Minister of National Defence and Bernadette Jordan, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard. They will work together “in bringing forward analyses and options for the creation of Defence Procurement Canada, to ensure that Canada's biggest and most complex National Defence and Canadian Coast Guard procurement projects are delivered on time and with greater transparency to Parliament,” according to the mandate letter issued by Trudeau to Anand. “This priority is to be developed concurrently with ongoing procurement projects and existing timelines.” No timelines were provided for when the options for the new organization are needed. In addition, there are no details on when Defence Procurement Canada would be expected to be up and running. The organization is being created to deal with ongoing problems Canada faces in purchasing equipment for the Canadian Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard.

  • Elbit Systems Awarded $35 Million to Equip Montenegro’s 4X4 Vehicles with Remote Control Weapon Stations

    December 18, 2019 | International, Land, C4ISR

    Elbit Systems Awarded $35 Million to Equip Montenegro’s 4X4 Vehicles with Remote Control Weapon Stations

    Haifa, Israel, December 16, 2019 – Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ:ESLT and TASE: ESLT) ("Elbit Systems") announced today that following a contract signed between the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro, it was awarded approximately $35 million to supply the Montenegrin Armed Forces with Remote Controlled Weapon Stations (“RCWS”) for the new Oshkosh Defense (“Oshkosh”) 4X4 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (“JLTV”). In this contract Elbit Systems will perform full integration of the RCWS onboard, the JLTV over a three-year period and will provide logistic support for a seven-year period. Elbit Systems 12.7mm RCWS is lightweight, low silhouette, dual axis and stabilized, mounted externally onboard armored vehicles. The RCWS offers accurate firing on-the-move and is operated via handles and Smart Displays by the gunner from within the vehicle, providing full protection for the vehicles' crew who are safely located inside. Yehuda (Udi) Vered, General Manager of Elbit Systems Land, commented: “We are very proud to introduce our RCWS to Montenegro's Armed Forces. This recent award further expands our NATO customer base and strengthens our growing cooperation with Oshkosh. We are witnessing a growing demand worldwide for our RCWS, of which many hundreds are already operational onboard a range of land and naval platforms, and we trust that further customers will follow in acquiring our advanced and mature weapon stations”. About Elbit Systems Elbit Systems Ltd. is an international high technology company engaged in a wide range of defense, homeland security and commercial programs throughout the world. The Company, which includes Elbit Systems and its subsidiaries, operates in the areas of aerospace, land, and naval systems, command, control, communications, computers, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance ("C4ISR"), unmanned aircraft systems, advanced electro-optics, electro-optic space systems, EW suites, signal intelligence systems, data links and communications systems, radios and cyber-based systems and munitions. The Company also focuses on the upgrading of existing platforms, developing new technologies for defense, homeland security and commercial applications and providing a range of support services, including training and simulation systems. For additional information, visit: [], follow us on Twitter or visit our official Youtube Channel. This press release contains forward‑looking statements (within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) regarding Elbit Systems Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries (collectively the Company), to the extent such statements do not relate to historical or current fact. Forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations, estimates, projections and assumptions. Forward‑looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks and uncertainties, which are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual future results, performance and trends may differ materially from these forward‑looking statements due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation: scope and length of customer contracts; governmental regulations and approvals; changes in governmental budgeting priorities; general market, political and economic conditions in the countries in which the Company operates or sells, including Israel and the United States among others; differences in anticipated and actual program performance, including the ability to perform under long-term fixed-price contracts; and the outcome of legal and/or regulatory proceedings. The factors listed above are not all-inclusive, and further information is contained in Elbit Systems Ltd.'s latest annual report on Form 20-F, which is on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward‑looking statements speak only as of the date of this release. The Company does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements. Elbit Systems Ltd., its logo, brand, product, service and process names appearing in this Press Release are the trademarks or service marks of Elbit Systems Ltd. or its affiliated companies. All other brand, product, service and process names appearing are the trademarks of their respective holders. Reference to or use of a product, service or process other than those of Elbit Systems Ltd. does not imply recommendation, approval, affiliation or sponsorship of that product, service or process by Elbit Systems Ltd. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right under any patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right of Elbit Systems Ltd. or any third party, except as expressly granted herein. Visit our Press Relations website for background materials and information regarding Elbit Systems fields of activity. David Vaaknin Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications Tel: 972-77-2946691 Cell: 972-52-8000403 E-Mail: Dana Tal-Noyman Manager International Corporate Communications Tel: 972-77-294-8809 Cell: 972-54-9998809 E-Mail:

  • FLIR Awarded $92.9 Million Contract for Logistics Support to U.S. Army Product Manager Force Protection Systems

    December 18, 2019 | International, Land, C4ISR

    FLIR Awarded $92.9 Million Contract for Logistics Support to U.S. Army Product Manager Force Protection Systems

    Arlington, Va., December 16, 2019 ― FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) announced that it has been awarded a five-year, firm-fixed-price Indefinite Delivery, Indefinitely Quantity (IDIQ) contract by the U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The IDIQ vehicle has a ceiling value of $92.9 million, with an initial order of $5.2 million. The award is for repair, refurbishment, and logistics support of electro-optical (EO) and infrared (IR) sensors used by the Army's Product Manager Force Protection Systems programs, including Base Expeditionary Targeting Surveillance System-Combined (BETSS-C), Combat Outpost Surveillance Force Protection System, and Foreign Military Sales. BETSS-C entails a combination of cameras and surveillance equipment mounted on deployable towers and used to monitor wide areas around important military locations and bases. FLIR has been part of the BETSS-C effort since 2004 when it was called RAID, providing long-range EO/IR sensors at the heart of the system. Today, the company supplies high-definition sensors for BETSS-C as well as radars capable of detecting vehicles, people, or other moving objects at range. FLIR has delivered more than a thousand EO/IR sensors to the U.S. Army as part of the BETSS-C program. This latest IDIQ maintains the service partnership and related revenues FLIR has accrued with the Army, while augmenting the company's ability to meet their needs. “BETSS-C is a critical piece of technology that supports the safety of U.S. forces and its allies at locations around the world,” said David Ray, president of FLIR Systems' Government and Defense business unit. “We value this opportunity to support the Army and optimize the capabilities of this vital surveillance system.” The contract covers a five-year period of performance starting in the fourth quarter of 2019. Work will be performed at FLIR's Wilsonville, Oregon site and international repair facilities. About FLIR Systems, Inc. Founded in 1978, FLIR Systems is a world-leading industrial technology company focused on intelligent sensing solutions for defense, industrial, and commercial applications. FLIR Systems' vision is to be “The World's Sixth Sense,” creating technologies to help professionals make more informed decisions that save lives and livelihoods. For more information, please visit and follow @flir. Forward Looking Statements The statements in this release by David Ray and the other statements in this release about the contract and order described above are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about FLIR's business based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements due to numerous factors, including the following: the ability to manufacture and deliver the systems referenced in this release, changes in pricing of FLIR's products, changing demand for FLIR's products, product mix, the impact of competitive products and pricing, constraints on supplies of critical components, excess or shortage of production capacity, the ability of FLIR to manufacture and ship products in a timely manner, FLIR's continuing compliance with U.S. export control laws and regulations, and other risks discussed from time to time in FLIR's Securities and Exchange Commission filings and reports. In addition, such statements could be affected by general industry and market conditions and growth rates, and general domestic and international economic conditions. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and FLIR does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release, or for changes made to this document by wire services or Internet service providers. View source version on FLIR Systems:$92.9-million-contract-for-logistics-support-to-u.s.-army-product-manager-force-protection-systems/

  • BAE Systems to Provide Intelligence Analysis for Defense Intelligence Agency

    December 18, 2019 | International, C4ISR

    BAE Systems to Provide Intelligence Analysis for Defense Intelligence Agency

    December 17, 2019 - The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has awarded BAE Systems a prime contractor position on Solutions for Intelligence Analysis 3 (SIA 3), a ten-year multiple award indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) with a combined ceiling value of over $17 billion. Through this contract, the company will provide worldwide coverage, support and assistance to DIA, delivering timely, objective and cogent military intelligence to warfighters, defense planners and policy makers. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: “We are delivering secure, cost-efficient services to maintain and enhance the mission-critical systems DIA relies on every day,” said Peder Jungck, vice president and general manager of the sector's Intelligence Solutions business. “We're excited to continue our longstanding partnership with DIA and bring our next-generation talent to work for their mission.” BAE Systems was the largest provider of analytic services on DIA's prior IDIQ, SIA 2, and has provided intelligence support and related services to the agency for over three decades. The company will continue to bring a workforce of cleared personnel in highly technical fields with an excellent understanding of the customers, their mission, and their environment. BAE Systems delivers a broad range of services and solutions enabling militaries and governments to successfully carry out their respective missions. The company provides large-scale systems engineering, integration, and sustainment services across air, land, sea, space, and cyber domains. BAE Systems takes pride in its support of national security and those who serve. Click here to learn more about career opportunities with BAE Systems. View source version on

  • Interview de fin d’année avec le Ministre de la Défense nationale, Harjit Sajjan

    December 17, 2019 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Interview de fin d’année avec le Ministre de la Défense nationale, Harjit Sajjan

    Par Nicolas Laffont À l'occasion de la fin d'année et peu après le Discours du Trône, a discuté de l'année écoulée et de ses futures priorités avec le ministre de la Défense nationale, Harjit Sajjan. Processus d'acquisition D'entrée de jeu le ministre Sajjan se dit satisfait cette année des avancées faites dans le domaine de l'approvisionnement. «Nous avons des projets comme celui des navires de combat de surface qui avance très bien, mais on a également le processus en lui-même qui est plus rapide. Le projet des véhicules de soutien devait prendre cinq ans, mais nous avons été en mesure d'annoncer l'attribution d'un contrat cet été». La livraison des premiers véhicules doit intervenir aussi tôt que fin 2020. «Nous avons aussi le nouvel avion de recherche et sauvetage qui s'en vient [le CC-295 d'Airbus], c'est une autre étape importante pour les Forces armées canadiennes». Inconduites et extrémisme Reconnaissant clairement qu'il y a «encore du travail à faire», le ministre de la Défense fait savoir que dès qu'un incident se produit, «il est pris très au sérieux. Les Canadiens doivent comprendre que notre organisation est «focusé» à répondre vigoureusement à ce genre de situation». «Le travail est en cours et pendant que nous faisons tout notre possible pour créer un environnement de travail plus inclusif, nous voulons aussi nous assurer que notre réponse soit toujours en phase avec la situation». Réserve en force Le Canada sera de plus en plus fragile face aux changements climatiques. Déjà les effets s'en font sentir, avec une augmentation sensible d'évènements climatiques de grande ampleur. En raison de ces changements climatiques, les Forces armées canadiennes se déploient de plus en plus au pays, pour combattre les feux de forêts ou les inondations, «et cela ne fait qu'empirer». La présence de la Réserve et de ses réservistes sera donc plus forte à l'avenir, en raison évidemment du lien entre les unités et leur communauté. «À chaque fois que j'ai visité les troupes et que l'on parle de l'intégration des réservistes avec les forces régulières, les opérations LENTUS sortent du lot. Les réservistes amènent en plus leur propre expérience acquise dans le civil. Je me souviens d'un endroit où l'officier commandant connaissait très bien les lieux parce qu'il travaillait dans le coin et il a pu faire des évaluations rapides et efficaces au point où des vies ont clairement été sauvées.» Les Nations Unies oubliées ? En 2018-2019, le Canada a envoyé une force opérationnelle au Mali pour évacuer des blessés et aider le transport tactique et logistique de la mission des Nations Unies (MINUSMA). La mission s'est achevée à l'été 2019 et s'il se dit «très fier» du travail accompli par les hommes et femmes des Forces armées canadiennes dans la région, le ministre Sajjan reste prudent quand on lui parle de contributions supplémentaires (pourtant annoncées!). «Nous sommes en Ouganda quelques jours par mois pour fournir un transport aérien tactique aux Nations Unies. Mais nous devons prendre une décision avec en tête où nous pouvons avoir le meilleur impact», explique Harjit Sajjan. «Avant d'aller au Mali, nous nous sommes posés cette question de où avoir le meilleur impact. N'oublions pas que pour être efficace, il est important que les nations apportent des capacités de haute valeur, comme nos hélicoptères d'évacuation médicale». Le ministre révèle que des discussions sont en cours avec le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies afin de déterminer quelle pourrait être la prochaine contribution canadienne. «Le travail est en cours, et dès que nous en saurons plus, nous informerons les Canadiens. [...] Nous regardons quelles autres capacités nous pouvons fournir, surtout en lien avec l'Initiative Elsie afin d'avoir plus de femmes dans les opérations de paix, et aussi [en lien] avec les Principes de Vancouver initiés par le général Romeo Dallaire, sur la prévention du recrutement et de l'utilisation d'enfants soldats. L'OTAN, les nouveaux engagements L'analyse réalisée pour établir la nouvelle politique de Défense canadienne a permis d'établir les priorités et l'une d'elle était l'OTAN. Le Canada a donc annoncé de multiples opérations et déploiement sous l'égide de l'alliance transatlantique. Dans cette perspective, la nouvelle lettre de mandat du premier ministre au ministre de la Défense cite l'opération IMPACT au Moyen-Orient, la présence avancée renforcée de l'OTAN en Lettonie, et la mission de l'OTAN en Irak. Et, toujours dans le même esprit, le Canada a annoncé le 4 décembre qu'il augmentait son engagement dans le cadre de l'initiative de préparation de l'OTAN en fournissant 6 avions de chasse additionnels et une frégate de plus, à la demande du Secrétaire général. Par conséquent, la contribution canadienne pourra s'élever au total, si besoin, à 12 avions de chasse CF-18, une force opérationnelle expéditionnaire aérienne, un avion de patrouille maritime, trois frégates, un sous-marin, un bataillon d'infanterie mécanisée, un hôpital mobile et un peloton spécialisé en décontamination chimique, biologique, radiologique et nucléaire. Par ailleurs, on apprenait cette semaine que le ministre de la Défense Harjit S. Sajjan, accompagné de deux parlementaires de l'opposition, se rendra en Italie et au Koweït, du 15 au 19 décembre 2019, pour assister à la cérémonie de passation de commandement du 2e Groupe maritime permanent de l'OTAN, dont le Canada assure le commandement, et pour rendre visite aux membres des Forces armées canadiennes en déploiement. Plus de contributions ? Plus d'argent ? Revenant sur le fait que le Président américain Donald Trump demande, dès que l'occasion se présente, à ses alliés d'augmenter drastiquement leurs dépenses en matière de Défense, le ministre Sajjan rappelle qu'en réalité la précédente administration demandait déjà cela. «En fait, c'est ce que la précédente administration demandait déjà lorsque j'ai effectué ma première visite en tant que ministre de la Défense lorsque le président Obama était là. C'est d'ailleurs pour cette raison que nous avons réalisé une étude approfondie pour étonner même quelque peu nos alliés avec notre plan, cette première politique de Défense qui avait enfin de l'argent attaché avec elle». Même si le président Trump répète à outrance que le Canada est «un peu délinquant» en ne respectant pas sa promesse d'atteindre les 2% de son PIB consacré à la Défense, il est clair pour nos voisins du sud que l'argent ne fait pas tout. «Nous n'avons même pas à leur dire, ce que nous apportons concrètement comme contributions», indique M. Sajjan. «Ils le savent déjà, parce qu'on le fait avec eux. Comme par exemple commander le groupement tactique en Lettonie ou la mission de l'OTAN en Irak. Et n'oublions pas non plus nos contributions en dehors de l'OTAN comme l'Opération NEON où nous aidons au renforcement des sanctions contre la Corée du Nord, avec l'aide des États-Unis. Ils savent aussi la contribution que nous apportons avec l'Opération CARIBBE, cette opération d'interdiction de drogues avec la Garde côtière américaine. Je sais que c'est quelque chose qui est immensément apprécié vu tout ce que est saisi et qui aurait fini aux États-Unis». Finalement, le ministre Sajjan rappelle de nouveau que même si les chiffres ne font pas tout, ils y sont cependant. La nouvelle politique de Défense promet ainsi une augmentation de 70% d'ici 20 ans du budget de la Défense nationale, et ce, sans inclure le coût des opérations qui vient en plus. «La politique de Défense porte strictement sur les politiques et l'approvisionnement dont ont besoin les Forces armées canadiennes. Les opérations ne font pas parties de la politique de Défense et sont une dépense séparée, en plus de ce que nous avons déjà promis». Une chose est sûre cependant, «le seul focus qui est et ne changera jamais pour moi est l'emphase à mettre sur nos hommes et nos femmes en uniforme. Les soutenir eux et leurs familles», de conclure le ministre de la Défense.

  • Getting Brexit Done Brings Defense Challenges

    December 17, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Getting Brexit Done Brings Defense Challenges

    Tony Osborne Boris Johnson's election landslide on Dec. 12 makes Brexit on Jan. 31 a certainty. But as the chants of “Get Brexit Done”—a slogan used by the Conservative party in their election messaging—fade away, Britain's place in the world appears infinitely more vulnerable. Johnson's parliamentary majority means he can now sweep aside any opposition to pursue his vision of Brexit. But he was not the only victor. The Scottish National Party secured 48 of Scotland's 59 seats, which the party says is a mandate for a second independence vote. If it were to succeed, there would be far-reaching consequences to Britain's national defense capability. Scotland is home to strategically important air bases and, most significantly, the UK's Trident-based nuclear deterrent. Johnson is unlikely to approve such a referendum at least in the short-term, but the Scottish nationalists could make life difficult for his government, and preventing a referendum could be seen as undemocratic. The complexities of having Northern Ireland as the only part of the UK to share a land border with an EU country, the Republic of Ireland, mean that after a Brexit there will be a border in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. This, too, could have security implications and lead to renewed violence from unionist groups, as they see their political influence being eroded. Nationalists see an opportunity for a united Ireland once again. There is also uncertainty about the futures of Gibraltar and Diego Garcia. Exiting the EU means British security forces no longer will be linked to EU databases on criminals, organized crime and terror. Questions also have arisen about Russia's influence in the British democratic process, with Johnson suppressing publication of an intelligence report on Russian infiltration in British politics during the election run-up. And there is a fiscal aspect as well. Since the Brexit vote in 2016, Britain's GDP has begun to stagnate as economic output and investments fall away. National debt also is rising. The British Parliament's own analysis suggests GDP could be 7% lower over the next 15 years than without Brexit, and even with a free-trade agreement established with Europe. Questions then would arise about whether Britain could afford to maintain military spending. Currency fluctuations will affect big-budget programs such as the ongoing purchase of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). Britain is one of a handful of NATO countries with defense spending at or above NATO's target of 2% of GDP. The Conservative manifesto published in the run-up to the election calls for this to increase by at least 0.5% above inflation every year. Britain's defense budget for 2019-20 was £39.5 billion ($52.7 billion), and this will rise to £41.3 billion for 2020-21. The government will maintain and renew the Trident nuclear deterrent but also support the defense industry with “ambitious global programs,” including local construction of Type 31 frigates and local production of the Boxer armored vehicle. In December, the Royal Navy commissioned the second new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier, HMS Prince of Wales, in a further step toward restoring the country's carrier capability. Following operational trials in the fall off the Eastern U.S., more are planned around the UK during 2020, paving the way for the first operational deployment in May 2021. The UK plans to have 35 F-35s in service by the end of 2022, and the government has committed to buying all of the 138 F-35s it planned to purchase when it joined the JSF program in the early 2000s. Whether that commitment is met and if the UK will purchase additional variants could be determined in a strategic defense and security review planned for 2020. With the retirement of the Panavia Tornado last March, the Eurofighter Typhoon fleet has become the heavy-lifter of the UK's air defense mission and is continuing air strikes against Islamic State group sites in Iraq and Syria along with the UK's MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aircraft systems. The UK now is stepping up development of a Typhoon replacement for the mid-2030s with the Tempest future combat air system, supported by Italy and Sweden. More nations could join in 2020, with Japan a key target. And with delivery of the first of nine Boeing P-8 maritime patrollers, the UK is back in the long-range antisubmarine-warfare business, with an initial operating capability expected in April.

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