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  • Air Force innovation hub launches in Alabama

    September 4, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    Air Force innovation hub launches in Alabama

    By: The Associated Press MONTGOMERY, Ala. — An Air Force innovation hub has opened in Alabama to harness research and technology for the military. “Mission Launch 2018” was meant to introduce the hub's mission to defense and regional leaders, reported. MGMWERX will be operating out of the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce building. MGMWERX is a partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory. The facility is part of a network of WERX hubs and will take ideas generated from nearby Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base to solve technological or efficiency problems faced by the military. Lt. Gen. Anthony Cotton, Air University president, said the hub will take concepts and "incubate them" to solve difficult Air Force and Department of Defense issues. “This is a direct link to the Secretary of Defense's National Defense Strategy developing a lethal force through evolving innovative operational concepts,” Cotton said. “That critical thinking happens right up the street at Maxwell Air Force Base and will blossom right here.” MGMWERX Director Bill Martin said a team of five will integrate concepts and technology "from the public sector with the broad spectrum of Air Force proposals brought forward by some of the brightest minds in the service." Anna Buckalew, executive vice president of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce said MGMWERX “will be a model for communities around the world, fueling innovation and collaboration that creates solutions for some of the most critical issues the Air Force and our nation faces today.”

  • The US Air Force is asking for hypersonic weapon ideas as a new arms race with China and Russia heats up

    September 4, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    The US Air Force is asking for hypersonic weapon ideas as a new arms race with China and Russia heats up

    Ryan Pickrell The US Air Force put out an open-ended request Thursday for hypersonic weapon concepts and development programs from qualified vendors with experience related to hypersonic platforms. The call comes amid an escalating arms race with China and Russia, both of whom have been actively testing new hypersonic systems. A hypersonic weapon is decidedly dangerous because its speed coupled with its unpredictable flight patterns make it almost impossible for existing air and missile defense systems to effectively intercept. "The homeland is no longer a sanctuary," Air Force Gen. Terrence O'Shaughnessy, head of US North Command, saidrecently. With rivals China and Russia rapidly developing hypersonic weapons able to penetrate defenses to deliver devastating strikes on their enemies, the US Air Force is preparing to enter the arms race in a big way, signaling that the US is not yet ready to cede its competitive advantage in advanced weaponry to adversarial competitors. The Air Force posted a contracting announcement online Thursday calling for qualified vendors experienced in hypersonic aerodynamics, aerothermal protection systems, advanced hypersonic guidance, navigation and control, solid rocket motors, and so on to assist the service in research on "hypersonic weapon rapid development, production and sustainment." The multi-award contract, as The Drive first reported, appears to be an open-ended request for any and all hypersonic concepts and development programs. The Air Force awarded Lockheed Martin a contract in August for an Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), a hypersonic weapon and the second such contract offered by the Air Force this year. The service awarded a contract to Lockheed in April for a Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW). The Air Force reportedly has four different hypersonic weapons programs in the works for the B-52, according to The Drive, as well as submarine-launched and ground-launched systems in development. And, there could certainly be more. The newfound interest in hypersonic weaponry comes after repeated warnings from senior military officers suggesting that the US was losing its edge to peer competitors. "China's hypersonic weapons development outpaces ours... we're falling behind," Adm. Harry Harris, the former head of US Pacific Command (now called Indo-Pacific Command), said in February. The head of US Strategic Command warned in March that the US needs to bolster its defenses, explaining to the Senate Armed Services Committee that the US does not "have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us." The recently-signed 2019 National Defense Authorization Act approves investments in America's missile defense capabilities in the face of certain emerging threats from US rivals. "The homeland is no longer a sanctuary," Air Force Gen. Terrence O'Shaughnessy, head of US North Command, said recently. "We're in a changing security environment. We used to think about the sanctuary we had with oceans and friendly countries to our north and south, but that's changing with adversaries that are actually able to reach out and touch us now." In the beginning of August, China tested the Xingkong-2 (Stary Sky-2) hypersonic experimental waverider vehicle able to fly at speeds as high as Mach 6. The hypersonic aircraft reportedly has the potential to be used as a hypersonic strike platform capable of carrying conventional and nuclear payloads and evading modern air and missile defenses. China, which has made the development of hypersonic systems a national priority, called the test a "huge success." Russia has also been experimenting with advanced hypersonic systems. For instance, Russia is expected to deploy its Avangard hypersonic boost-glide vehicle on the country's Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile within the next year or so. The Russians are also developing the hypersonic Kinzhal (Dagger) cruise missile, which could be ready for combat by 2020. While the weapon has only been tested on a MiG-31 fighter, Russia reportedly intendsto mount the weapon on a strategic bomber.

  • Defense Department Seeks ‘Rapid Cloud Migration’ Ideas for MilCloud

    September 4, 2018 | International, C4ISR

    Defense Department Seeks ‘Rapid Cloud Migration’ Ideas for MilCloud

    BY FRANK KONKEL MilCloud 2.0 is about to host a lot more data, and the Defense Department wants ideas for how to get it there faster. The Defense Department's technical arm wants to see what capabilities exist in the marketplace to improve the migration of data and applications to milCloud 2.0, the Pentagon's on-premise cloud. On Wednesday, the Defense Information Systems Agency issued a request for informationto industry seeking input on “rapid cloud migration” as it aims to understand capabilities relevant to “automated cloud migration techniques.” The RFI, which does not constitute a solicitation but could lead to one-on-one discussions with vendors, comes three months after Pentagon memo directed all “fourth-estate” defense agencies to migrate all data and applications to milCloud 2.0 by 2020. In the interim, the Office of the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer had planned to coordinate with affected agencies, including DISA, to plan their cloud migrations. MilCloud 2.0 went live earlier this year as part of a three-year, $500 million contract won by CSRA, which has since been purchased by defense contractor General Dynamics. The RFI makes clear the Pentagon's current migration strategy, which includes “manual cloning and conversion of server images, which are then provisioned, into the new cloud environment, or provisioning, building and configuring applications on virtual servers from scratch,” is not sufficient. “This RFI seeks migration solutions that can accurately duplicate the suite of servers used with an application from their current environment into a cloud environment built on Apache CloudStack technology and KVM hypervisor,” the RFI states. “The scope of duplication includes all applications used with the system, configuration of network and network security controls when proper APIs are exposed, and identification of interactions within the application system and to external systems when needed network traffic is made available for analysis.” Options, the RFI says, could include the “use of vendor-provided tools or analytic capabilities if packet captures, or other network monitoring information.” Industry responses must be received by Sept. 10.

  • Le missilier MBDA et Soitec reprennent Dolphin Integration, un spécialiste français des circuits intégrés

    September 4, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    Le missilier MBDA et Soitec reprennent Dolphin Integration, un spécialiste français des circuits intégrés

    Posté dans Technologie par Laurent Lagneau Alors que l'industrie française de l'armement cherche à limiter autant que possible le recours à des composantes relevant de la Réglementation américaine sur le trafic d'armes au niveau international [ITAR] afin d'éviter toute restriction à l'exportation, il aurait été dommage de voir l'entreprise iséroise Dolphin Integration, spécialisée, avec ses 130 ingénieurs, dans la conception de circuits intégrés et de composants dits virtuels analogiques et numériques, fermer ses portes. D'autant plus que cette PME, créée en 1985, avait été sélectionnée par l'Agence européenne de défense [AED] dans le cadre du programme SOC – System on Chip [.pdf], visant à permettre aux industriels européens de l'armement d'accéder à des technologies « ITAR Free » pour « des petits et moyens volumes à des prix compétitifs. » En outre, elle a mené des projetspour le compte de la Direction générale de l'armement [DGA], via le dispositif RAPID Or, en juillet, faisant face à d'importants problèmes de trésorerie et à un chiffre d'affaires en recul, Dolphin Integration a été placé en redressement judiciaire. Et l'entreprise avait jusqu'à la mi-janvier 2019 pour trouver une solution pour assurer la poursuite de ses activités. Cette mésaventure lui est arrivée alors qu'elle avait l'ambition de devenir un acteur mondial de « la conception et de l'optimisation de circuits intégrés dédiés à la très faible consommation d'énergie » et de s'intéresser aux marchés de l'Internet des objets (IoT), de l'automobile et de la défense. Mais il n'aura pas fallu attendre bien longtemps pour voir la situation de Dolphin Integration s'éclaircir étant donné que le missilier MBDA et Soitec, le spécialiste français de la production de matériaux semi-conducteurs, se sont associés pour reprendre la PME iséroise. Dans le détail, le capital de Dolphin Integration sera détenu à hauteur de 40% par MBDA et de 60% par Soitec. Les deux industriels ont pris l'engagement d'investir 6 millions d'euros ensemble. De quoi permettre d'acquérir « la plupart des actifs de Dolphin Integration », de payer « certaines dettes » et d'opérer une « importante injection de liquidités destinée à financer les besoins en fond de roulement. » Étant déjà un client « stratégique » de Dolphin Integration pour les « applications liées à l'armement depuis 2004 », MBDA va accentuer la coopération industriel avec la PME tout en lui « offrant une perspective commerciale à long terme en matière de circuits ASIC (circuits intégrés propres à une application spécifique) et systèmes sur puces. » « L'investissement de MBDA va renforcer la base industrielle de Dolphin Integration dédiée à l'armement français. Il va en effet lui apporter une source plus stable de revenus liés à la défense ainsi qu'une coopération technologique plus étroite ouvrant à son offre microélectronique spécialisée l'accès à l'ensemble de l'industrie de l'armement française et européenne », a expliqué Antoine Bouvier, le Pdg du missilier.

  • Inde: conclu il y a deux ans, l'achat de «Rafale» à la France fait polémique

    September 4, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    Inde: conclu il y a deux ans, l'achat de «Rafale» à la France fait polémique

    L'accord sur la vente de 36 avions de chasse français « Rafale » à l'Inde fait polémique dans le pays, deux ans après sa conclusion. Le principal parti d'opposition accuse le gouvernement Modi d'avoir payé trop cher pour l'achat des « Rafale » et d'avoir favorisé un industriel réputé proche du Premier ministre. Le gouvernement accuse à son tour l'opposition de compromettre la sécurité nationale en cherchant à rendre public des détails précis sur l'accord. Avec notre correspondant à New Delhi, Antoine Guinard « Une corruption mondialisée ». C'est en ces termes que Rahul Gandhi, président du Congrès, le principal parti d'opposition, a décrit vendredi l'accord sur les Rafale. Une députée appartenant elle aussi au parti du Congrès a également fustigé les termes de l'accord dans la presse, accusant le gouvernement de Narendra Modi de « copinage », aux dépens du secteur public. Le Congrès affirme en effet que l'Inde a conclu l'achat des 36 Rafale à la France à un prix par avion trois fois supérieur au prix négocié en 2012, lorsque le parti de Rahul Gandhi était encore au pouvoir. La raison de cette différence, selon ce dernier : le gouvernement Modi a choisi le conglomérat Reliance, dont le PDG est réputé proche du Premier ministre, comme partenaire indien avec l'avionneur français Dassault dans l'accord. A la place du groupe aéronautique public indien HAL prévu au départ. Selon la presse indienne, le groupe Reliance aurait également signé en janvier 2016 accord pour co-produire le film Tout là-haut avec l'actrice et productrice Julie Gayet, compagne de Francois Hollande à l'époque. Deux jours plus tard, le président Français signait à New Delhi un protocole d'accord sur la vente des 36 Rafale à l'Inde.

  • German Cabinet approves new cybersecurity agency

    September 4, 2018 | International, C4ISR

    German Cabinet approves new cybersecurity agency

    By: Sebastian Sprenger COLOGNE, Germany – Germany is one step closer to getting its own version of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, as officials here seek to bolster the country's cybersecurity posture. The Cabinet of Chancellor Angela Merkel this week approved the new organization, to be headed jointly by the Defense and Interior ministries. The outfit is slated to get a budget of €200 million ($230 million) between 2019 and 2022. The new “Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity” will eventually have 100 employees. The German parliament, the Bundestag, will debate the proposal in the upcoming months. Once the funding is cleared, analysts will begin their work in earnest next year. While the Pentagon's DARPA served as a model in creating the new organization, the American agency's funding and personnel commitment dwarfs that of new German effort. But the move is still a major step forward here because it shows a political commitment to cyberspace in the context of defense and security that officials said was previously lacking. Notably, one of the explicit goals is to speed up the acquisition cycle for cybersecurity technology. That puts Germany in the same boat as many governments around the world, where officials have found themselves perennially lagging behind sophisticated attack schemes employed by hackers. Full article:

  • 'Five Eyes' allies urge digital industry to stop child pornographers, terrorists

    September 4, 2018 | International, C4ISR

    'Five Eyes' allies urge digital industry to stop child pornographers, terrorists

    Kathleen Harris · CBC News Canada and security allies say illicit material is flourishing and easily accessible on the web Canada and its "Five Eyes" intelligence allies are calling on the digital online industry to take urgent action to stop child pornographers, terrorists and violent extremists from finding a platform on the internet. After meetings in Australia, ministers from that country, Canada, New Zealand, the U.S. and U.K., issued a statement claiming the group is as determined to counter the "grave threats" online as they are to dealing with them in the physical world. "Our citizens expect online spaces to be safe, and are gravely concerned about illegal and illicit online content, particularly the online sexual exploitation of children. We stand united in affirming that the rule of law can and must prevail online," reads the joint communique issued Wednesday. Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen and Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould attended the meetings. 'New vectors for harm' The joint statement says the anonymous, instantaneous and networked nature of the web has magnified threats and "opened up new vectors for harm." It also notes that the evolution of digital technology has created new opportunities for transmitting child exploitation material and perpetrating the most abhorrent acts, such as live streaming abuse. The statement says illicit material is not relegated to the recesses of the dark web, but is accessible through most common top‑level domains. Mobile technology has enabled offenders to target children using apps to recruit and coerce children. "The low financial cost, and the anonymized nature of this criminal enterprise, is contributing to a growth in the sexual exploitation of children. We must escalate government and industry efforts to stop this," it reads. Lianna McDonald, executive director of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection welcomed the joint statement. "Our organization has been engaging directly with survivors of child sexual abuse who endure lifelong impacts from the recording and sharing of their abuse on the internet," she said in an emailed statement "Collaboration across borders and with all sectors, including industry, is essential if we are to make meaningful progress in this space and address this heinous crime." Tackling terrorist fundraising The communique also pledges to do more to prevent terrorists and violent extremists from spreading materials designed to radicalize, recruit, fundraise and mobilize. Actions urged by the Five Eyes group include: Developing and implementing capabilities to prevent illegal and illicit content from being uploaded, and to execute urgent and immediate takedown measures when there is an upload. Deploying human and automated capabilities to find and remove legacy content. Investing more on automated capabilities and techniques, including photo DNA tools, to detect, remove and prevent reupload of illegal and illicit content. Building user safety into the design of all online platforms and services. Allen Mendelsohn, an internet law specialist and lecturer at McGill's law faculty, said because child porn is universally deemed reprehensible, he expects mounting governmental and public pressure could prompt tech companies to act. But, he said in past, they have resisted any steps to remove content, citing the "slippery slope" argument. "They are loathe to take any sort of action that would be seen as removing or not displaying any particular content that has been uploaded by users," he said. "They have taken the longstanding position that user content is the user's responsibility, not the platform's responsibility." Mendelsohn said the issue is complicated because there are differing laws and views internationally on what constitutes crossing the line for the internet.

  • No need to ensure purchased military equipment actually works, government officials argue in procurement dispute

    September 4, 2018 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR

    No need to ensure purchased military equipment actually works, government officials argue in procurement dispute

    David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen Officials admit they have never tested the latest search and rescue gear to be used by the military and coast guard Canada is under no obligation to ensure the military equipment it purchases can actually do the job, federal officials are arguing, as they admit they have never tested the latest search and rescue gear to be used by the military and coast guard. The admission by staff of Public Services and Procurement Canada is among the evidence in a complaint by two defence firms that argue the government's decision to award a contract to a rival company was unfair. The complaint was filed on July 27 with the Canadian International Trade Tribunal by Kongsberg Geospatial of Ottawa on behalf of Critical Software, a Portuguese firm. The complaint centres on the government decision to name MDA Systems the winner of a $5.6 million contract to provide software to help in search and rescue missions. Critical Software, which teamed with Kongsberg to bid on the project, had originally raised concerns with the government about why the two companies' proposal was thrown out on a technicality. The Critical Software system is used by more than 1,000 organizations, such as coast guards, police and military in more than 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. But because Critical Software and Kongsberg didn't provide a percentage figure of how many systems were in use in each region, their bid was disqualified by the government. The two companies questioned that decision and were stunned when federal officials admitted they have never tested the winning system and didn't actually know whether it meets the requirements of the Canadian Forces or the Canadian Coast Guard. Public Service and Procurement Canada officials stated “Canada may, but will have no obligation, to require that the top-ranked Bidder demonstrate any features, functionality and capabilities described in this bid solicitation or in its bid,” according to the federal response provided to Kongsberg/Critical Software and included in its complaint to the trade tribunal. The government noted in its response that such an evaluation would be conducted after the contract was awarded and insisted the acquisition process was fair and open. Full article:


    August 31, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR


    RÉDIGÉ PAR JACQUES MAROUANI L'Agence pour l'innovation de défense sera officiellement créée le 1er septembre. L'Université d'été du Mouvement des Entreprises de France [MEDEF] a été une l'occasion pour la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, a annoncé le lancement officiel de l'Agence de l'innovation de défense, sorte de « Darpa à la française ». La Darpa est l'agence américaine dédiée à l'innovation dans le secteur de la défense. « Rattachée à la DGA, elle sera chargée de fédérer tous les acteurs de l'innovation de défense, piloter la politique de recherche, technologie et innovation du ministère et l'ensemble des dispositifs d'innovation. Elle générera à terme le budget de la recherche et de l'innovation du ministère des armées, qui passera de 730 millions d'euros par an actuellement à un milliard d'euros d'ici à 2022 », avait expliqué Mme Parly, lors de l'annonce de sa création en mars dernier. Devant le Medef, la ministre a précisé la feuille de route de cette agence pour l'innovation de défense. Elle aura à « rassembler tous les acteurs du ministère et tous les programmes de soutien à l'innovation, tout en étant ouverte sur l'extérieur et « tournée vers l'Europe, a-t-elle dit. Emmanuel Chiva a été nommé à la tête de cette Agence pour l'innovation de défense. Normalien, docteur en bio-informatique, entrepreneur à succès (notamment dans la simulation numérique), ancien auditeur de l'Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) et capitaine de frégate de réserve, M. Chiva est un passionné des nouvelles technologies appliquées au monde militaire. En outre, il était jusqu'à présent le président de la commission chargée de la prospective et de la préparation de l'avenir au sein du Gicat et membre du conseil de surveillance de Def'Invest, un fonds d'investissement du ministère des Armées dédié aux PME stratégiques. Par ailleurs, le ministère des Armées va lancer, à l'automne, un « grand forum de l'innovation de défense » qui rassemblera « industriels PME, start-up, chercheurs, investisseurs, acteurs public.

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