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  • New features on SDQuébec

    November 17, 2024 | Information, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security, Other Defence

    New features on SDQuébec

    We are pleased to announce the latest changes on SDQuébec in order to better serve you. The daily animation now includes NATO opportunities and opportunities in the American market, which are added to opportunities in the Canadian market. Also, the business directory has been updated. Finally, an artificial intelligence module has been added, allowing us to improve the daily opportunity monitoring service. No action is required on your part.

  • French Diplomatic Entities Targeted in Russian-Linked Cyber Attacks

    June 20, 2024 | Information, Land

    French Diplomatic Entities Targeted in Russian-Linked Cyber Attacks

    Russian hackers target French diplomats in sophisticated cyber attacks. ANSSI warns of ongoing threats to diplomatic entities and IT firms.

  • Canada's Multi-Mission Aircraft Team

    July 10, 2023 | Information, Aerospace

    Canada's Multi-Mission Aircraft Team

    Bombardier Defense & General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada Join Forces to Deliver a Made-in-Canada Solution To deliver the next-generation of multi-mission and anti-submarine warfare aircraft that is the right solution for the Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft (CMMA) program, Bombardier Defense is partnering with General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada. Leveraging their combined extensive expertise, these Canadian-based companies are joining forces as Canada’s Multi-Mission Aircraft Team. DISCOVER WHY CMMA MATTERS The solution offered is based on the Global 6500 aircraft, the right-sized jet for the CMMA with next-generation engines, long-range, high endurance, and coupled with proven reliability and superior fuel efficiency as documented in the jet’s recently published Environmental Product Declaration. The aircraft will play home to General Dynamics’ best-in-class integrated mission systems, drawing directly from experience developing and delivering the newly modernized CP140 Block IV and CH-148 Cyclone.   A truly innovative and flexible Canadian solution, that understands the reality of Canada, is the right choice for CMMA. 

  • Limited Service for Business Opporutnities Monitoring

    April 12, 2023 | Information, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security, Other Defence

    Limited Service for Business Opporutnities Monitoring

    The service for business opportunities monitoring will be limited in the coming days. This situation is beyond our control and involves a system migration on the government side, which makes access to information more difficult. We are currently working on a solution to restore the service. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Information toolkit for suppliers: How to obtain a security clearance

    February 12, 2023 | Information, Other Defence

    Information toolkit for suppliers: How to obtain a security clearance

    This information toolkit provides quick and easy access to resources and tools designed to help your organization obtain a security clearance with Public Services and Procurement Canada's Contract Security Program (CSP). The toolkit goes through the steps that your organization and employees must follow before bidding or working on a federal government contract with security requirements. Under each step, you will find links to online resources, guides, videos and training materials. These resources and tools will give your organization and employees practical advice on how to complete security screening activities and forms, and comply with CSP requirements. Sections Step 1: Security requirements and types of security clearance Understand what are security requirements and which type of security clearance your organization may need to bid or work on a federal government contract. Step 2: Sponsorship Learn how your organization must be sponsored to get security screened by the CSP. Step 3: Organization security screening Learn the main steps and forms your organization will need to complete to be screened by the CSP. Step 4: Personnel security screening Once screened by the CSP, learn how your organization can request the appropriate level of personnel screening for eligible employees. Step 5: Subcontracting Learn how to request security screening for subcontractors to ensure they meet the security requirements of a federal government contract. Step 6: Maintaining compliance Understand what your organization and employees will be required to do to stay compliant with the security requirements of a federal government contract. More information If you have any questions or need one-on-one assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Contract Security Program's client service centre. Find out where to send your completed documentation in the submitting request, forms and other documents for contract security.

  • Seaspan - Upcoming Polar & MPV Work Packages

    October 31, 2022 | Information, Naval

    Seaspan - Upcoming Polar & MPV Work Packages

    Seaspan's Supply Chain Management department is responsible for all supply chain related activities (ie: demand planning, supplier selection, sourcing, negotiation, purchasing management, warehouse management, logistics and distribution management) on behalf of the member group of companies. SCM is a centre-led organization with decentralized access via local supply chain professionals located throughout the operations to leverage centralized strategies while allowing for local specific operational requirements. SCM has the authority, ownership and accountability for the commitment of funds for the acquisition by purchase or lease of all materials and/or services required by Seaspan and its affiliates. The companies included within the SCM scope, includes, but is not limited to: Marine Petrobulk Limited Partnership, Seaspan Ferries Corporation, Seaspan ULC, Vancouver Drydock Company Ltd., Vancouver Shipyards Co. Ltd., Victoria Shipyards Co. Ltd. For more information

  • Investment firm Carlyle to buy ManTech in $4.2B deal

    May 20, 2022 | Information, Other Defence

    Investment firm Carlyle to buy ManTech in $4.2B deal

    The acquisition, if approved by shareholders and the government, is expected to be completed later this year.

  • Podcast: The Next World After This: A&D Enters the Metaverse

    May 20, 2022 | Information, Other Defence

    Podcast: The Next World After This: A&D Enters the Metaverse

  • Leonardo cède à Thales sa part dans la joint-venture AAC

    May 2, 2022 | Information, Naval

    Leonardo cède à Thales sa part dans la joint-venture AAC

    Thales a déclaré dans un communiqué que son unité Thales Defence & Security (TDSI) allait acquérir la participation à parts égales de DRS, l'unité américaine de Leonardo, soit la pleine propriété dans la joint-venture Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC). Le portefeuille d'AAC, spécialisé dans les sonars, lui permettra de renforcer ses activités dans les systèmes sous-marins et la technologie navale. Cette cession fait suite à la vente par DRS, le mois dernier, de son activité de communication par satellite GES à SES pour 450 M$ alors que Leonardo réorganise son portefeuille d'actifs pour se concentrer sur ses activités principales telles que l'électronique de défense et les hélicoptères. « Cette transaction est une nouvelle étape dans l'exécution de notre plan industriel. Nous continuons à nous concentrer sur notre cœur de métier », a déclaré Alessandro Profumo, le directeur général de Leonardo. Challenges et La Tribune du 27 avril

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