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November 15, 2018 | International, Aerospace

With plans for drone sidekicks, Europe’s futuristic jet program slowly comes into focus


BERLIN — Germany may be committed to a project with France aimed at building a new aircraft for Europe by 2040, but don't expect anything drastic or sudden to happen out of Berlin.

That was the principal message delivered here to defense industry leaders by German Air Force Brig. Gen. Gerald Funke, who oversees Germany's planning for the Future Combat Air System, or FCAS.

“Don't trust anyone who says they can make predictions about the characteristics of an air system in 2040,” Funke said at the International Fighter industry conference on Wednesday. That attitude means Germany is expected to wait as long as possible before closing the design phase of the envisioned weapon and moving toward production.

“We need [a] sensible starting point that's worth spending money on,” Funke told Defense News on the sidelines of the conference. “The time pressure is not as acute as industry presents it.”

Funke expects money to start flowing toward the project in 2019, when initial concept studies begin to refine plans for the weapon. He said it remains to be seen whether the initial investment will exceed €25 million (U.S. $28 million), the cutoff for parliamentary approval in Germany.

Exactly what the new combat jet will look like is still up in the air. But a set of key “design drivers,” as Funke called them, has emerged and are meant to shape the types of questions analysts will pose as they forge a collection of actual capabilities.

Autonomy will be a key feature for the jet and its accompanying drones, though never to a degree that humans are no longer involved in striking targets. Officials want it to be highly interoperable with allied aircraft and weapons, even older ones, and able to easily pass data between them. Costs, both for buying the system and operating it, also will be key considerations, especially in Germany, Funke said.

The catchphrases “modularity” and “software” also are on the forefront of requirements developers. That means the Air Force eventually wants to have a base aircraft configuration that can be programmed on the fly for specific missions, like strike, reconnaissance or inflicting some sort of cyber damage to future foes.

For Germany, a high degree of “tailorability” is a must-have feature, Funke said.

Airbus, meanwhile, has some ideas about the physical appearance of the system and its associated components. According to the company, a typical FCAS fleet includes so-called command aircraft of varying configurations, surrounded by autonomous “remote carrier” drones that work in swarms to do anything from attack to surveillance. Additional, smaller unmanned flying sensors provide yet another layer of eyes and ears for the group, with support aircraft for aerial refueling or transport and even space assets counted as part of the FCAS family.

The most important component is something called the “combat cloud ecosystem,” a kind of brain connecting all FCAS nodes through secure data arteries.

Airbus project lead Bruno Fichefeux argued time is of the essence in developing the program, even though the envisioned fielding time is still decades away.

“The technology needs time to mature,” he said. “If we mean the program seriously,” France and Germany should soon begin spending money on it.

The Spanish military, meanwhile, is keeping an eye on the FCAS program and will decide at a later point whether to join.

While Germany appears eager to pave a path for Madrid's participation, Spain is still keeping its options open, a Spanish defense official said.

On the same subject

  • Austal Expanding Yard In Alabama as It Eyes New Unmanned, Amphibious Shipbuilding Programs

    September 16, 2020 | International, Naval

    Austal Expanding Yard In Alabama as It Eyes New Unmanned, Amphibious Shipbuilding Programs

    Megan Eckstein Austal USA is expanding the capacity and capability of its Alabama shipyard, doubling down on investing in its future in a way reminiscent of 2009, just before it won the block buy of Littoral Combat Ships that secured the yard a spot in the U.S. shipbuilding industrial base. The Mobile yard this month closed on the purchase of a ship repair facility formerly owned by World Marine of Alabama, an indirect subsidiary of Modern American Recycling and Repair Services of Alabama. It includes a 20,000-ton Panamax-class floating dry dock, 100,000 square feet of covered repair facilities and 15 acres of waterfront property along the Mobile River and Gulf of Mexico, according to a company statement. Shipyard President Craig Perciavalle told USNI News this week that the expansion fits in with its desires to continue building aluminum ships and to expand into building steel ships – manned or unmanned – as well as a desire to take on more repair work for the Navy and other customers. “We feel we're putting ourselves, and we've put ourselves, in a very good place to continue to provide very capable but lower-cost ships to the Navy,” he said of the yard that today builds Independence-variant LCSs and Expeditionary Fast Transit (EPF) ships. “I have had some discussions with [Defense Secretary Mark] Esper, we are encouraged by the plan for, the need and the requirement for 355 ships or more maybe. And I think there's plenty of opportunities for us to help the Navy grow the fleet, and we're putting ourselves in a very good position to help the Navy do that long-term.” The yard expansion gives Austal ownership of a dry dock it was leasing to launch its ships into the Mobile River, eliminating any schedule problems the yard had to worry about in the past if its desired timeline didn't match up with the dry dock's availability to be leased. “We'll just have complete control over it, and then we can have the priority for the dry dock be supporting our business, first and foremost,” Perciavalle said. He added that the rest of the facility, on the other side of the river and just south of Austal's property, could be refurbished or upgraded in the future to support ship construction or repair activities as needed, giving Austal some flexibility as its future workload becomes clearer. Many in the Navy and industry have expressed concern about Austal's future, with the company's LCS construction coming to an end in a couple years – four ships are in construction at Austal and four more are in pre-construction – and its future with the EPF program still uncertain, as the Navy and Congress haven't made any firm decisions about continuing the hot production line to build an ambulance ship variant of the hull. Austal competed to build the Navy's FFG(X) frigate program and lost, leaving many wondering what would happen to the yard, its workforce and its suppliers. Perciavalle said he's not worried about the yard's future. “It's no secret that we're focused on the unmanned side of the business, we think there's obviously plenty of opportunities there and we're going to, hopefully – our plan is to be a major player in that side of the market,” he said. Austal is one of six companies selected to conduct industry studies on the Navy's Large Unmanned Surface Vessel, and Austal also participated in the LUSV precursor by converting a vessel to an unmanned ship through the Pentagon's Overlord USV prototype effort. “We are encouraged by discussions around additional EPFs going forward. EPF-15 has been in and out of the budget, and the latest discussions show that there might be some opportunities for that to get back in. I think it's no secret that we've been looking at expeditionary medical ships that have been discussed, and we feel we're in a pretty good place to support those needs to the Navy,” he continued, with the Congress this current fiscal year appropriating money to give EPF-14 a greater medical capability. “And then from a steel shipbuilding perspective, there's certainly opportunities from that medium-sized type vessel: [Light Amphibious Warship] is one that we've been participating in. We have participated in some of the industry studies on [the Coast Guard's Offshore Patrol Cutter]. And without getting into much more detail beyond that, there's opportunities that exist across the board that we're going to continue to look at and to pursue. “ Asked by USNI News if the range of work – from unmanned vessels to amphibious ships to Military Sealift Command support ships to Coast Guard cutters – spurred Austal to take a leap of faith and expand the shipyard now, Perciavalle said, “this is something that Austal's done in the past, so been there done that. We leaned into the facility that we have today, committing much of those funds before (LCS) block buys were even awarded back in the ‘09 and 2010 time period. We have seen where the Navy looks like they're going, and we're leaning into those requirements going forward. There seems to be opportunities both on the steel ship side of things as well as aluminum, and we're going to leverage our strength and what we've been able to do from an aluminum perspective, and take those same strengths and transition adding the steel capabilities.” “So yeah, it's pretty interesting times, it's pretty exciting. We've proven in the past that we're pretty darn good at building lots of ships in a relatively short period of time. I think we've delivered 23 surface ships to the Navy over the last just over seven and a half years,” he continued. “We believe there's value in that for the Navy and trying to expand to 355 in a reasonable timeframe, and I think leveraging the industrial base that we have here in Mobile is going to be important to the Navy's ability to do that.” In addition to the physical expansion of the yard through the recent acquisition, Austal and the Defense Department are spending $100 million to bring a steel shipbuilding capability to the yard that today only builds aluminum ships. DoD offered its half under the Defense Production Act Title III (DPA) Agreement “to maintain, protect, and expand critical domestic shipbuilding and maintenance capacity,” according to a DoD announcement. The money, appropriated as part of the coronavirus pandemic relief bill passed by Congress in the spring, will not only help the Navy industrial base but will “accelerat[e] pandemic recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast region” by supporting the economy. Perciavalle said the yard decided to match the contract with its own $50 million investment in the steel shipbuilding capability. Perciavalle said another growth area for Austal is likely to be ship repair, though the Navy has not made its intentions public yet. Austal is somewhat challenged in that every single LCS it has built is stationed in San Diego, which is a Panama Canal transit away. The San Diego ship repair industrial base is under pressure to keep up with the Navy's growing surface ship maintenance and modernization needs, and although Austal has a support office in San Diego and can contribute to pier-side work at the naval base, it cannot take on maintenance availabilities on its own yet. “The Navy's aware of our interest in expanding our service business, and I think given the fact that they're looking for increased capacity in that regard, I think it's welcome,” he said. “And then we'll just see how things go both here in Mobile, obviously continuing to support efforts on the West Coast, and then in Singapore,” where Austal has an office to support forward-deployed LCSs operating in the Indo-Pacific region. USNI News previously reported that Austal was trying to conduct some LCS work in Mobile after sea trials and ship delivery, but before the ships headed through the canal and onto San Diego. Perciavalle said that has continued, but that the ships are coming out of the yard with very little work waiting to be done during the post-shakedown availability. He said he hopes the Navy and the yard can find a way to bring more repair work to Mobile, to ease the strain in San Diego and to fully leverage the dry dock the yard now owns. Additionally, while his focus is maintaining the ships that Austal built, Perciavalle said “the sky is the limit” in terms of the yard taking on repair and modernization work for Military Sealift Command ships, Coast Guard ships or commercial vessels. “The facility has been in the past supporting various markets and will continue to do that going forward,” he said of the newly purchased property that also includes deep-water berthing space for in-water repairs in addition to the dry dock for out-of-water repairs. He noted that the team operating out of Singapore had contributed to the success of overlapping USS Montgomery (LCS-8) and USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS-10) deployments there and that Austal planned to maintain or grow its presence in Singapore. “Our game plan is there will be at least two ships there going forward, we are fully prepared to support having two ships in Singapore or more,” as well as sending flyaway teams or setting up offices anywhere else the Navy chooses to hub the LCSs or EPFs around the globe.

  • Secretary Wilson to lay out ‘Air Force We Need’ at AFA

    September 11, 2018 | International, Aerospace

    Secretary Wilson to lay out ‘Air Force We Need’ at AFA

    By: Stephen Losey The Air Force has a problem. The military is trying to shift its focus from wars against so-called “violent extremists” in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria so it can prepare for a potential war against a major peer or near-peer nation. But the Air Force is currently too small even for the missions it's being asked to do today in the Middle East, let alone a war against China, Russia or North Korea, said Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in an Aug. 28 interview at the Pentagon. The service is going to have to grow, she said. But the big question is where — and by how much? Wilson will attempt to answer that question Sept. 17, when she delivers her keynote address, “The Air Force We Need,” at the Air Force Association's Air Space and Cyber Conference. The secretary will lay out how many operational squadrons — such as fighter, bomber, mobility and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance — are needed, as well as the matching end strength, for the Air Force to project power and carry out its expected missions in the future. “The chief and I were asked in this last testimony on the Hill for the Defense Authorization Act, ‘Well, what do you need to implement the new National Defense Strategy?” Wilson said. “We should know the answer to that question. That's the work that's been going on the last six months or so.” The Air Force now has 312 operational squadrons, not including squadrons doing support activities such as finance, Wilson said. Squadrons are the basic unit of the Air Force, she said, which is why this new plan will focus on the squadron level. The Air Force intentionally didn't consider budgets as it drew up this plan over the past six months, Wilson said. Instead, it focused on what would be required to fight a major war. With that information in hand, she said, the Air Force can better articulate where it's headed — and what the potential risks might be of not funding or underfunding certain elements. Full article:

  • Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - December 11, 2019

    December 12, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Contract Awards by US Department of Defense - December 11, 2019

    ARMY Galveston Coastal Services JV, Houston, Texas, was awarded a $228,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for architect and engineering services. Bids were solicited via the internet with four received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 10, 2027. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston, Texas, is the contracting activity (W912HY-20-D-0001). Lockheed Martin Corp., Grand Prairie, Texas, was awarded a $22,441,319 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to design, develop and validate system prototypes for a combined arms squad. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Grand Prairie, Texas, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 31, 2021. Fiscal 2019 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency funds in the amount of $11,323,800 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the contracting activity (W912CG-20-C-0005). NAVY Ahtna-CDM JV,* Irvine, California (N62473-20-D-0026); R. A. Burch Construction Inc.,* Ramona, California (N62473-20-D-0027); Bristol Design Build Services LLC,* Anchorage, Alaska (N62473-20-D-0028); Insight Pacific LLC,* Brea, California (N62473-20-D-0029); I.E.-Pacific Inc.,* Escondido, California (N62473-20-D-0030); Patricia I. Romero Inc., doing business as Pacific West Builders,* National City, California (N62473-20-D-0031); and Heffler Contracting Group,* El Cajon, California (N62473-20-D-0032), are each being awarded an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiple award design-build construction contract for construction projects located primarily within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southwest area of operations (AO). The work to be performed provides for, but is not limited to, new construction, renovation, alteration, demolition and repair work by design-build or by design-bid-build of commercial and institutional facilities, administrative and industrial facilities, housing facilities, child care centers, lodges, recreational/fitness centers, retail complexes, warehouses, offices, community centers, medical facilities, operational airfield facilities, hangars, armories, fire stations, auditoriums, religious facilities and manufacturing facilities. The maximum dollar value including the base two-year performance period and one three-year option period for all seven contracts combined is $99,999,000. No task orders are being issued at this time. All work on this contract will be performed primarily within the NAVFAC Southwest AO which includes California (55%); Nevada (40%); Arizona (1%); Colorado (1%); New Mexico (1%); Utah (1%); and remainder of the U.S. (1%), with an expected completion date of December 2024. Fiscal 2020 operations and maintenance (Navy) (O&M,N) contract funds in the amount of $35,000 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Future task orders will be primarily funded by O&M,N. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with 33 proposals received. These seven contractors may compete for task orders under the terms and conditions of the awarded contract. NAVFAC Southwest, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity. Etolin Strait Partners LLC,* Norfolk, Virginia, was awarded a $30,000,000, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, firm-fixed-price job order contract for minor construction projects located primarily within the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Washington, District of Columbia, area of responsibility (AOR). The work to be performed provides for the accomplishment of various maintenance, repair, alteration and minor new construction projects to government facilities located primarily within the NAVFAC. The contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, engineering, materials, equipment, tools, parts, supplies and transportation to perform all work described in the task order's request for proposal. Work will be performed primarily in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, and is expected to be completed by September 2020. Fiscal 2019 operations and maintenance, Navy (O&M) funding in the amount $10,000 and will expire at the end of fiscal 2019. Future task orders will be funded primarily by military construction (Navy); O&M (Navy); O&M (Defense Logistics Agency); and Navy working capital funds. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with 11 proposals received. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity (N40080-19-D-0007). (Awarded Sept. 30, 2019) AIR FORCE Nightingale Corp., Tonawanda, New York (FA8003-20-A-0001); Great Journey West LLC, Saint Charles, Missouri (FA8003-20-A-0002); SCS Integrated Support Solutions LLC, Manassas, Virginia (FA8003-20-A-0003); Feigus Inc., Wall, New Jersey (FA8003-20-A-0004); Govsolutions Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia (FA8003-20-A-0005); SLM Contract Furniture Inc., San Diego, California (FA8003-20-A-0006); Workplace Solutions Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia (FA8003-20-A-0007); NxVet LLC, Woodbridge, Virginia (FA8003-20-A-0008); Seating Inc., Nunda, New York (FA8003-20-A-0009); and Trade Products Corp., Fairfax, Virginia (FA8003-20-A-0010), have been awarded an $80,000,000 multiple award blanket purchase agreement for executive, task, conference room and side chairs. This agreement provides for delivery of office chairs at a discount off General Services Administration Federal Supply Schedules pricing to Air Force offices in the continental U.S. Work will be performed at Tonawanda, New York; Hawthorne, California; Buena Park, California; Bryan, Texas; Hillsboro, Oregon; and Nunda, New York, and is expected to be completed by December 2024. This award is the result of a 100% small business set-aside competitive acquisition and 26 offers were received. Current fiscal year operations and maintenance funds will be obligated with each order and no funds are being obligated at the time of award. The 771st Enterprise Sourcing Squadron, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity. DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY Thomas Scientific LLC, Swedesboro, New Jersey, has been awarded a maximum $49,000,000 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for laboratory supplies. This was a competitive acquisition with 15 responses received. This is a five-year contract with no options. Location of performance is New Jersey, with a Dec. 18, 2024, performance completion date. Using customers are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2025 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DE-20-D-0006). KaVo Dental Technologies LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina, has been awarded a maximum $45,000,000 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for hospital equipment and accessories for the Defense Logistics Agency electronic catalog. This was a competitive acquisition with 101 responses received. This is a five-year contract with no option periods. Location of performance is North Carolina, with a Dec. 10, 2024, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2025 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DH-20-D-0026). Duck Delivery Produce Inc.,* Portland, Oregon, has been awarded a maximum $26,000,000 firm-fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for fresh fruits and vegetables. This was a competitive acquisition with one response received. This is a 48-month contract with no option periods. Locations of performance are Oregon and Washington state, with a Dec. 10, 2023, performance completion date. Using customers are Department of Agriculture schools and reservations. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2024 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE300-20-D-S740). Chemring Sensors and Electronic Systems Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina, has been awarded a maximum $12,141,494 firm-fixed-price, definitive type contract for Biological Agent Warning System 4 Plus Assembly units. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is a one-year contract with one one-year option period being exercised at the time of award. Location of performance is North Carolina, with an April 30, 2021, performance completion date. Using military service is Army. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2021 Army working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Warren, Michigan (SPRDL1-20-C-0014). KBRwyle Technology Solutions LLC, Rockville, Maryland, has been awarded a maximum $9,690,076 cost-plus-fixed-fee, bridge contract for hydrant fueling automation maintenance. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S. Code 2304 (c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is a 17-month base contract with one three-month option period. Locations of performance are all 50 states, Japan, Wake Island, South Korea, Guam, Diego Garcia, Portugal, Crete, Spain, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the United Kingdom, with a May 12, 2021, performance completion date. Using customers are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, National Guard and Coast Guard. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2021 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Contracting Services Office, Columbus, Ohio (SP4702-20-C-0006). KBRwyle Technology Solutions LLC, Rockville, Maryland, has been awarded a maximum $7,936,316 cost-plus-fixed-fee, bridge contract for automated tank gauging, independent alarm system, and overfill protection equipment maintenance. This was a sole-source acquisition using justification 10 U.S .Code 2304 (c)(1), as stated in Federal Acquisition Regulation 6.302-1. This is a 21-month base contract with one three-month option period. Locations of performance are Belgium, Djibouti, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom with a Sept. 12, 2021, performance completion date. Using customers are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, National Guard and Coast Guard. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2020 through 2021 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Contracting Services Office, Columbus, Ohio (SP4702-20-C-0005). U.S. TRANSPORTATION COMMAND Marine Terminals Corp., San Pedro, California, has been awarded a firm-fixed-price contract, HTC711-20-D-R003, in the amount of $34,025,191. The contract provides stevedoring and terminal services at Port Naval Base Ventura County-Port Hueneme and the Port of San Diego. Work will be performed at Port Naval Base, Ventura County-Port Hueneme and the Port of San Diego, California. The contract base period of performance is from Feb. 7, 2020, to Feb. 6, 2025. Fiscal 2020 transportation working capital funds were obligated at award. U.S. Transportation Command, Directorate of Acquisition, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, is the contracting activity. *Small Business

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