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October 9, 2019 | International, Aerospace

What A California Drone Manufacturer is Crafting in Greater OKC

The unassuming, sparsely-furnished manufacturing warehouse adjacent to Oklahoma City's Will Rogers International Airport may not exactly communicate “bustling unmanned systems manufacturer,” but looks can be deceiving.

“Are we the coolest business in Oklahoma City? I think we're the coolest business in the world,” says a confident Steven Fendley, Unmanned Systems Division President of San Diego-based Kratos Defense & Security Solutions. A closer look at what the company is building in the Sooner State—which will soon have that 101,000 square foot warehouse bursting at its seams—might just have you convinced.

In April, as the defense company unveiled its first six unmanned aerial MQM-178 Firejets produced at the same facility, it also announced the coming of the 30-foot Valkyrie, an unmanned aircraft resembling a fighter jet that is capable of long-range flight at high sub-sonic speeds.

“Our target aircraft, jet aircraft, unmanned are used for our military to test their defensive systems and their offensive systems against what otherwise would be an enemy aircraft,” Fendley explains. “Title Ten of the U.S. Code states that there's a requirement to operate any of our development systems against a true threat representative system, not just simply a simulation. These aircrafts are representative threats, from a fighter aircraft perspective, from a bomber aircraft perspective, from a cruise missile perspective. They can replicate any of those threats very effectively and provide a realistic training scenario.”

Currently at just 20 employees, the Oklahoma City venture will scale to 350-550 during the next three-to-five years, from engineering and design functions to manufacturing. The startup operation is focused on integration, assembly, testing, and client delivery for now, but will produce 350 Firejets per year, including all its parts, as early as the end of the year.

For the Valkyrie, its maiden flight was successfully launched in March, signaling the next evolution for Kratos' unmanned aerial tactical systems. "It's basically a manned-aircraft size," Fendley told The Oklahoman. "It has a bomb bay. It can carry ordnance. It can carry sensor systems that allow you to locate the enemy. It's intended to be a wing man."

While Kratos develops its own advanced technology, the aircraft must integrate with several other systems for effective deployment and testing, so the company works closely with the likes of Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, all of which have operations in Greater Oklahoma City (OKC) as well.

“Oklahoma has a very, very high and supportive focus on the aerospace and defense industry,” Fendley says. “There are a lot of elements of the defense industry and the aerospace industry that exist here. What this really does, I think for us, and we're really proud of this at Kratos, I think we're the first to actually bring the integration and production of a complete aircraft system that will roll out and be produced in Oklahoma. We're very proud of that. We're very excited about that. And what it allows us to do is take advantage of all the technologies that exist here.”

An added advantage for Kratos is the proximity to Tinker Air Force Base, the largest single-site employer in Oklahoma with 26,000 military and civilian employees, and home to the nation's largest aircraft and jet engine repair center. The composite work, integration of systems and overall aircraft technology is a shared function between military and private industry, allowing Tinker to cover any overflow capacity for Kratos should the firm need it. Altogether, along with a lower cost structure and more take-home pay for its workers, the combination made the decision to grow in Greater OKC a no-brainer.

But can the same be said for Fendley's boast about his company? Can a manufacturer—one with significant work for the U.S. government—really be considered cool, let alone the “coolest in the world?”

“You know the old saying, an extrovert engineer looks at your shoes, an introvert looks at his own shoes. So it's always hard for engineers to talk about what they do,” Fendley explains. “It's not hard in this case. Look at it, these are jet, unmanned aircraft that look cool, that sound cool, that are fun to build, that are fun to design, and are really, really important to the community, and to the country at large.”

It's hard to argue with that.

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    June 22, 2023 | International, Other Defence

    IDEaS Innovator Update

    Dear Canadian Innovators,   On Monday, 19 June, NATO DIANA launched its first three pilot challenges. Applications are now open to world-class innovators who have exceptional ideas to help solve dual-use critical defence and security problems.   DIANA’s Pilot Challenge call focuses on the following three areas:   Energy Resilience:      In an uncertain and changing world, there is an urgent need for more reliable, resilient, and efficient energy solutions – particularly in the aftermath of natural disasters or in conflict zones. Climate change and its consequences will only make that need greater.   For this challenge, DIANA is therefore seeking technology solutions that enable the modular design of microgrids that can meet supply demands reliably. Of interest are technologies and systems that are capable of scaling and that are interoperable with other similar systems; renewable power generation; power storage; hardware and software for adaptive and intelligent power conditioning and management; and technologies for the detection and protection of the physical system and components from malicious cyber-attack.   Download the Problem Statement here    Secure Information Sharing:     By secure information sharing, we typically mean the ability to exchange documents and other static content with others safely, without the risk of interference by malicious actors. However, while protecting document-based information transfer in an office environment is important, it is a simpler task than securing multiple forms of information flow when working in the field or on the move, as is often the case with first-responders, peacekeeping forces and the military.   For this challenge, DIANA is looking for ways of creating a secure and trusted information environment – with the emphasis on live data streams such as those used to provide near real-time video, augmented reality feeds, digital radio and more. Of particular interest are hardware and software solutions that operate over open networks and that can function in ‘austere’ or ‘disadvantaged’ environments.   Download the Problem Statement here    Sensing and Surveillance:     Coastal waters are vital to the economic and security interests of the countries whose borders they touch, and critical to all who rely on them for commerce, transportation, recreation, and food, for example. Yet, even today, our understanding of the undersea environment is limited – not least because many standard methods of observation don’t work well underwater and because the marine environment is difficult to access and to work in for extended periods.   For this challenge, DIANA is seeking components and systems for sensing and information gathering in subsurface coastal zones. Applications of interest might include, but are not limited to, novel techniques and/or advanced capabilities for seafloor mapping, undersea infrastructure monitoring, manmade object and marine-life tracking, climate-change-effects sensing, and patterns-of-life visualisations.   Download the Problem Statement here The call for proposals will be open until 25 August 2023.  In Phase one of the DIANA accelerator program, approximately 30 innovators will receive grant funding of $150,000 CAD/ € 100,000 EUR starting in late 2023. At the end of Phase One, a smaller number of companies will be offered an additional grant of up to $450,000 CAD/ € 300,000 EUR and be invited to participate in Phase Two of the accelerator programme called ‘Scale’. During this second six months, companies will focus on demonstrating their technological solution, developing transition strategies, and working with investors and end users to identify pathways to adoption. Once DIANA achieves full operating capability in 2025, DIANA will run up to ten challenge programmes per year and have the capacity to interact with hundreds of innovators each year.   The application portal can be accessed via DIANA’s official website.   Through the web link and the DIANA LinkedIn page, you can also find additional information related to the initiative and stay notified on all of DIANA’s publications and updates.   The Department of National Defence is looking forward to seeing our Canadian Innovator Community actively participating in the NATO DIANA program and wishes you luck in this process.    Note – any questions related to DIANA challenges or eligibility should be directed to NATO DIANA via DIANA’s official website, linked here. 

  • Ch'tellerault : pour la société aéronautique TMH-AMS, "le militaire a sauvé la mise" en 2020

    January 18, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    Ch'tellerault : pour la société aéronautique TMH-AMS, "le militaire a sauvé la mise" en 2020

    Depuis le début de la crise, l'État a tenu à soutenir les industriels de défense, en particulier les PME, à la fois en maintenant un niveau important de commandes de matériels et en débloquant des fonds de soutien. Tel est le message adressé hier par Geneviève Darrieussecq, la ministre déléguée à la Mémoire et aux Anciens Combattants, lors de sa visite à TMH-AMS à Ch'tellerault. Cette société aéronautique de 22 salariés conçoit et fabrique des bancs hydrauliques fixes et mobiles pour la maintenance au sol des avions et des hélicoptères civils et militaires. Elle travaille à 70 % pour la défense et à 50 % à l'export. Ses clients ? Les principaux donneurs d'ordre du secteur. TMH-AMS est l'une des cinq entreprises du groupe poitevin Techman-Head. Qui, à l'image de tout l'aéronautique, sort d'une année 2020 « compliquée, dixit le président Jean-Yves Taboni et le directeur général Philippe Jehanno. On a perdu 33 % de chiffre d'affaires. » Les deux dirigeants confirment que l'effort de l'État dans le domaine de la défense a été bénéfique pour leur groupe, dont l'activité militaire pèse 33 % : « Ça a sauvé la mise de nos deux entreprises qui travaillent majoritairement pour le militaire, TMH à Ch'tellerault et Novatec à Poitiers. » L'enjeu de la vaccinationUn autre élément a permis à Techman-Head de passer 2020 sans dommage : « Financièrement, le groupe est sain, solide et rentable. Notre capacité à développer des produits propres, et donc à ne pas dépendre uniquement de donneurs d'ordre, est un point fort. » Techman-Head « ne se fait guère d'illusions sur 2021. On n'attend pas de reprise avec le second semestre. » Cela n'empêche pas le groupe de se projeter déjà sur un redémarrage : « Il y aura des opportunités à saisir, il faudra être prêts, analyse Jean-Yves Taboni. Dans cette compétition internationale, la vaccination est un enjeu majeur. C'est là qu'on va gagner ou perdre la partie. Il ne faudrait pas prendre du retard vis-à-vis des Anglais ou des Allemands. » Le message – à la ministre – est passé.

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