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June 17, 2022 | International, Aerospace

US Air Force's 'flying car' coming to an exercise near you

The Air Force is gearing up for Agility Prime's first procurements in 2023, and is getting ready to start fielding the innovative eVTOL aircraft.

On the same subject

  • Leonardo eyes enhanced firefighting configuration for its C-27J aircraft

    March 26, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    Leonardo eyes enhanced firefighting configuration for its C-27J aircraft

    The 16th Aerial Firefighting Europe event is returning to Nimes, France, March 19 to 20 with a new entry, Leonardo's C-27J aircraft in firefighting configuration. The C-27J firefighter with roll-on/roll-off Fire Attack System (FAS) made by Simplex Aerospace–a leader of advanced aerial application systems–represents an effective solution in airborne firefighting technology and capability. This enhanced firefighter configuration is a flexible solution, ideal for enhancing the capabilities of the C-27J multi-mission aircraft with significantly lower acquisition and operating costs than a dedicated firefighting platform. The Simplex Fire Attack System can be easily installed or removed by a small team in approximately 60 to 90 minutes via the aircraft's rear loading ramp. No major structural modifications are required to the airframe. The main tank has a maximum capacity of 10,600 l (2,800 US gallons); 568 litres (150 US gallons) of foam retardant can also be added. The firefighting system is one of the options that C-27J customers can add to the C-27J Spartan new baseline configuration, which incorporates a brand new avionics system designed to comply with Next Generation Air Traffic Control requirements, new cockpit control panels and LED aircraft lights. Operators will enjoy improved operational cost and performance within the aircraft flyaway price. The firefighting capability and the new baseline configuration are also being offered as a retrofit to current operators that want to upgrade their C-27J fleet. While offering the C-27J firefighter with the Simplex Aerospace roll-on/roll-off Fire Attack System, Leonardo, in collaboration with the European SCODEV Consortium, is also studying and testing a further innovative solution to enhance the C-27J's firefighting potential. The SCODEV scooping device will provide increased operational flexibility by allowing the water tank to be filled from a stretch of water, without the need to return to base. The system will provide a scooping device for the safe loading of water (sea, lakes, rivers) from around 30 metres above the surface, with a roll-on / roll-off approach to allow the aircraft different roles between firefighting, emergency support (medevac) and transport. Eighty-five C-27J Spartans have already been ordered by the air forces of Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, United States, Mexico, Australia, Peru, Kenya, Morocco, Chad and Zambia.

  • Former Air Force acquisition boss joins drone maker Volansi

    March 4, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    Former Air Force acquisition boss joins drone maker Volansi

    Roper will help the Volansi grow its business in the defense market, the company said.

  • French defense industry plays catch-up as lockdown partially lifts

    May 22, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    French defense industry plays catch-up as lockdown partially lifts

    By: Christina Mackenzie PARIS — As France slowly emerges from an almost complete industry shutdown imposed March 16 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, defense company executives are considering their next steps. Stephane Mayer, Eric Trappier and Herve Guillou — respectively presidents of the groups of French industries for land and air-land (GICAT), air and space (GIFAS), and naval (GICAN) systems — were witnesses at an April 23 hearing by the National Assembly's Defence Committee. They said that despite the partial return of employees to work, the supply chain is still experiencing problems. The three industry leaders explained that following discussions with unions and the implementation of modifications in the workplace that enable employees to work while maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter between each other, about 30 percent of the workforce on production sites was back by April 23. Those able to work from home are doing so, they added. More employees returned to work on May 11 when the lockdown was eased, but personnel who can continue to work from home are being urged to do, they said. Meanwhile, shifts are being modified to ensure workers don't arrive and leave at the same time, they added. However, all three agreed that the supply chain had been interrupted, most notably in the aeronautical sector because of its dual military-civilian role and the near-total halt in air traffic, which negatively affected imports. They explained that during the lockdown, defense industry leaders and the French procurement office DGA jointly set out priorities for programs and established what activities must be maintained to ensure the military continues its missions within France and in foreign theaters. How are exports performing? All three were also unanimous in their analysis that the French defense sector could take a hit in the export market, noting that German companies never completely stopped their activities; China was quick to reconnect with potential export clients; and the American defense sector benefits both from the continuation of much of its production capacity and massive support from the federal government. This was later repeated by Guillou at a video conference organized this week by the Foundation for Strategic Research think tank. “None of us can survive unless we have 50 percent of our order intake from the export market," Guillou said. "Even if the French market returns to normal, we still have that 50 percent export segment to worry about. If we want to remain competitive on the world export market, keeping in mind that the Chinese ramped up before we did, that the Russians, Germans and Dutch never stopped, we will have to restore our competitivity extremely quickly ... to stay in the race and not lose a part of this market forever.” He also stressed that the need to catch up is a major concern of the French defense industry. What about the supply chain? The supply chain in France is largely made up of small and medium-sized enterprises. Eric Beranger, CEO of European missile-maker MBDA, told French Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly on May 6 that some of the 1,200 French suppliers that work for the company are now very fragile due to the developing economic crisis. Guillou remarked during the video conference that the “terrific solidarity” among the supply chain and subcontractors, as well the prime contractors in the naval sector, is something he'd never come across in his 40-year career. But he added that the small and medium-sized enterprises serving the aeronautical sector are suffering more. The Armed Forces Ministry began slowly ramping up on May 7 based on two principles: preserving the health of staff and their families (all personnel, civilian or military, have been given masks, which must be worn by those who work in confined spaces such as workshops, restaurants or vehicles); and continuing with the ministry's essential mission. This includes programs meant to keep fielded weapons and equipment in operational condition, but it also concerns the delivery of new materials. “The reversibility of the procedures means that were the epidemic to break-out again within the ministry we would be able to handle it,” a May 7 ministry statement said.

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