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July 15, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

Un rapport du Sénat appelle à sauver la BITD

Un rapport du Sénat appelle le gouvernement à maintenir un effort de défense substantiel sous peine de voir disparaître des pans de la base industrielle et technologique de défense, la BITD. Celle-ci « joue dans les cinq ans qui viennent sa survie », estiment les auteurs, deux sénateurs de la commission des affaires étrangères et de la défense, Pascal Allizard (Les Républicains) et Michel Boutant (PS). Le nouveau gouvernement devrait annoncer après l'été un plan de relance. « Il est fondamental que ce plan comporte un volet spécifique pour la BITD, soulignent Pascal Allizard et Michel Boutant. Les entreprises de la BITD qui disparaîtraient faute de relance ne seront pas remplacées ».

La Tribune du 14 juillet 2020

On the same subject

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    January 5, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    New fighter jets to look for in 2021

    While commercial aviation stalled in 2020, many military programs did not so. As a result, 2021 is going to be an eventful year for aviation enthusiasts. Let's see, what new fighter jets are going to see the skies or finish their development cycle in the new year. Shenyang FC-31 A decade ago, China surprised the world with Chengdu J-20, becoming the second nation in the world with domestically-produced fifth-generation fighter jets in operational capability. But J-20s are large and expensive, and just as the United States several years before, China became interested in smaller, cheaper alternatives. One alternative was offered by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. While not much is known about the secretive aircraft, it is likely it was export-oriented at first, and repurposed as a light, possibly carrier-based companion to the J-20 later. The prototype of FC-31 first flew in 2012, but disappeared from the public eye shortly after. The aircraft returned in 2020, much improved, and with the rumors that the mass-production is about to start. We will probably see the resolution of its story in 2021: the aircraft may be officially adopted, deployed, or at least showcased in its primary role on one of China's aircraft carriers. KAI KF-X The first Korean fifth-generation fighter jet entered the development back in 2001. The project evolved, partnering with Indonesian Aerospace and United States' Lockheed-Martin, and gaining more and more government's interest as the geopolitical situation in the region heated up. KAI began building several prototypes in 2019, at least part of them scheduled for completion in mid-2021. According to the developers, the work is going as planned, so, the rollout of the first prototype will likely happen in the coming summer, followed by a round of ground tests. The maiden flight is scheduled for 2022 though, so, we will have to wait another year to see the new jet taking to the skies. Boeing F-15EX

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    February 17, 2021 | International, Land

    Avio confirme son rôle dans la défense italienne

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    August 7, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Land

    Missile Defense Agency Reveals Hypersonic Defense Vision

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