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October 30, 2019 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security


Aéro Montréal tient actuellement une formation de deux jours sur le marché canadien de la défense. Cette formation permet à une trentaine de participants de mieux comprendre les bases du processus d'approvisionnement du gouvernement du Canada et du ministère de la Défense nationale, la stratégie d'approvisionnement en matière de défense, les outils disponibles, les rôles et responsabilités des différents paliers gouvernementaux...

Le descriptif des thèmes abordés durant les deux jours est disponible ici

On the same subject

  • Defence Procurement’s Effectiveness Dissected at Ottawa Conference

    November 25, 2019 | Local, Other Defence

    Defence Procurement’s Effectiveness Dissected at Ottawa Conference

    By James Careless How well is Canada's defence procurement actually working, and are industry-boosters like ITBs paying off? These and other questions were tackled at the ‘Defence in the 43rd Parliament' one-day conference on November 20, 2019. It was staged by the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) at the Chateau Laurier hotel, before a full house in the Adam Room. During the opening session, ‘Canadian Defence Procurement – The State of the Union', DND Associate Deputy Minister Claude Rochette was cautiously upbeat about the state of Canadian defence procurements. In the last year, DND has signed about 12,000 contracts and spent about $6 billion on procurements, he said. Most of these contracts were on time and on budget. 2019's defence procurement spending is up from $4.9 billion spent by DND in 2016, Rochette noted. In addition, this year DND will “close out its budget” by spending its allocated funds, he said. Despite some criticisms that Canadian defence procurements are not moving fast enough, “we are doing pretty well,” said Claude Rochette. But the process isn't perfect, he admitted. “We have more work to do.” Rochette's positive assessment was echoed by PSPC Associate Deputy Minister Michael Vandergrift. 2019 “has been a very busy time” in Canadian defence procurement, he said, During the past year, the federal government issued an RfP for the Future Fighter Capability project; sole-sourced Light Armoured Vehicles from General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada; and selected Lockheed Martin to built 15 Canadian Surface Combatant ships. Asked which defence procurements are going well and which are posing challenges, Rochette replied that smaller projects that fall within DND's $5 million spending authority are easy to manage. Where issues crop up is in large multi-million dollar projects with long time lines: Trying to cost them accurately and manage them effectively is akin to asking, “I want to have a car and buy it next year, so tell me how much I'll pay for it (right now),” he said. In a later morning session entitled, ‘Offsets – Is the ITB Policy Delivering?', the panel considered the impact of procurement bidders ‘overcommitting' to ITBs (promising financial benefits worth more than the contracts they are bidding for) on the Canadian defence industry. Such ITB overcommittments, which can be worth 300% or more than the contract being sought, are “introducing unnecessary risk” in the Canadian defence industry, said Rich Foster, Vice President of L3 Harris Technologies - Canada. The result of overcommitting is that contractors are “now focussed more on quantity than quality” in making their procurement decisions, he said. The real victims of ITB overcommittments are SMEs, which lack the resources available to large companies to pay for these big ITBs. The choice facing these SMEs is to directly/indirectly seek such contracts – which can run 20-40 years – “or you go out of business,” said Brian Botting, Director of Strategic Offsets at General Dynamics Missions Systems. “It is a terrible dilemma for them to be in.” The CGAI procurement conference ended with the panel discussion, ‘Defence Procurement Canada'. This is the name of the integrated procurement agency the Liberals proposed during the October 2019 election, to replace the multiple ministries currently sharing this responsibility. The common sense reason for having a single defence procurement agency comes down to human nature: “If you ask two of your kids to take out the garbage, it won't get done,” quipped Alan Williams, President of The Williams Group. “If you ask one of your kids, maybe it will get taken out.” He explained that sharing procurement among ministries causes requires agreement between multiple ministers and deputy ministers – which wastes time -- and that Canada's military allies manage their procurements through single agencies. Creating a separate Defence Procurement Canada (DPC) agency would not be easy, said Jim Mitchell, Research Associate with the University of Ottawa's Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. Speaking from his own government experience, Mitchell observed that such changes are “disruptive, costly, difficult, hard on people, and hurt efficiency and effectiveness for a few years.” Mitchell added that creating DPC would not prevent Treasury Board and other ministries from having a role in defence procurement afterwards. CGAI Fellow Gavin Liddy was just as pessimistic about the value of creating DPC when so many defence procurements are underway. If the government wants “to do one single thing to delay the procurement agenda in the next five to seven years,” then they should instruct defence bureaucrats to create the DPC, Liddy concluded. “Nothing would divert their attention more than doing that.”

  • New Call for Applications: Corrosion Detection in Ships Sandbox/

    November 18, 2020 | Local, Naval

    New Call for Applications: Corrosion Detection in Ships Sandbox/

    Corrosion Detection in Ships Sandbox: Rust Never Sleeps Test your best solutions to find corrosion trouble spots for the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). The Corrosion Detection in Ships Sandbox, delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is now accepting applications. The Sandbox will take place at the Centre for Ocean Ventures & Entrepreneurship (COVE) facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia in the spring of 2021. Please note that if current COVID restrictions are not lifted in time for the Sandbox to proceed, additional postponement may be required. Participants will get the opportunity to showcase their products in realistic simulations, with successful demonstrations resulting in access to an actual vessel to demonstrate their solution in a real world environment. Apply now to test your technologies at one of the leading collaborative facilities for applied innovation in the ocean sector. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2020. Apply now Test Drives: Bringing a whole new element to the innovation ecosystem With new technology, there is no better way to see if it delivers on its promise then to put it to work. That's why IDEaS will soon be launching Test Drives, an element designed to take a product and put it in the hands of real armed forces members as they put it through its paces. Products will travel through this final stage of the IDEaS innovation pipeline into the real world, unlocking its potential. IDEaS will acquire use of the solutions to be evaluated via a purchase, lease, loan or other arrangement with the innovator. Stay tuned for details! Reminder: CFP4 Call Closing Soon! The deadline to apply for the new Competitive Projects challenges is fast approaching! Don't miss your opportunity to find new ways to support our troops with your logistics solutions, new armour designs and visual and data security. Applications must be submitted by December 10th, 2020. Sincerely, The IDEaS team

  • Sea King disposal underway

    October 4, 2018 | Local, Aerospace

    Sea King disposal underway

    by Lisa Gordon The 55-year reign of the Canadian Sea King is coming to a close. In December, a crew from 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron in Patricia Bay, B.C., will fly the CH-124 Sea King on its last flight for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). Earlier this year, their counterparts at 423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron in Shearwater, N.S., marked the aircraft's final East Coast mission on Jan. 26, 2018. While five helicopters are still operational until the end of the year in B.C., Canada's remaining 23 Sea Kings have been retired and are currently making their way through the fleet disposal process. Administered by the Department of National Defence (DND) and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), this process aims to repurpose, sell or otherwise dispose of the old helicopters in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. While final arrangements for the aircraft are subject to change, DND told Skies on Oct. 2 that eight of the 28 remaining aircraft will be publicly displayed by the Canadian Armed Forces at various military bases and museums across the country. Another airframe will be retained by the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) as a training aid, and one will be displayed at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa. Three aircraft were demilitarized and scrapped due to their poor condition, with components being recycled where possible. The remaining 15 Sea Kings and their associated parts — 12 are currently located at 12 Wing Shearwater and three are at Patricia Bay — are now for sale, a process that is being administered by PSPC. “Essentially, we have a website that is used to source interest for controlled and sensitive assets that are for sale,” explained Josée Doucet, manager of the GCMil group at PSPC, which deals with the disposal of surplus Canadian military goods. “In this case, we put the Sea Kings up for sale. Once we had expressions of interest, we held a bidders' conference on Sept. 26 in Shearwater, to showcase those aircraft. It gave bidders the chance to look at them, ask questions regarding the assets, and gave them an idea of what they are bidding on.” The helicopters are being sold in “as is, where is” condition. Doucet said she was very pleased by the number of potential bidders who attended the Shearwater event. “Now, the interested parties will receive a package from my office and be invited to submit a bid. There will be a timeline as to when we will start reviewing offers.” While Doucet said that timeline has not yet been finalized with DND, she indicated the goal would be to have a purchase agreement in place by the time the Sea Kings cease flying on Dec. 31. “It's a very aggressive timeline, so the offer to purchase dates will respect that.” Preparing for Sale Before the Sea Kings went on the market, controlled goods and military equipment were removed from the airframes wherever possible. Doucet said all Canadian bidders must be registered in the Controlled Goods Program. Interested foreign purchasers must be enrolled in their nation's equivalent program, which allows them to view military assets. “We have a number of processes. We only deal with registered Canadian companies, pre-approved foreign governments or authorized representatives of original equipment manufacturers. Only then would they be allowed to bid.” While Doucet declined to estimate the Sea Kings' worth, she said a myriad of factors are considered when selecting the winning bid. These include single-asset or full-lot bids, depreciation, condition of the fleet, and the costs to DND to maintain the helicopters as they await sale. “We also look to see if a bidder has an approved clear end use for the helicopters. What is the likelihood of obtaining export approval, as well as third-party approval from the country of acquisition — in this case the United States. We look at all that, because we don't want to exert efforts in an area that would not be fruitful.” Ultimately, she said fleet value will be driven by market demand. “I would have to say that from a commercial application perspective, the Sea King fleet has a lot of life left in it. Whether the fleet will be used as a gap measure, or to refurbish and resell, or to convert to commercial applications, the value will be subject to its intended end use.” A Lasting Legacy Canada accepted its first CH-124 Sea King at the Sikorsky plant in Connecticut on May 24, 1963. Since then, the maritime helicopter has earned its legendary status in the Canadian Armed Forces, serving with distinction on Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Bonaventure (the country's last aircraft carrier, retired in 1970), as well as on St. Laurent-class destroyer escorts, Iroquois-class destroyers, auxiliary oiler replenishment ships, and Halifax-class frigates. No other aircraft in Canadian service has ever commanded such a lasting multi-generational legacy. While 15 Sea Kings are destined for new homes, nine will remain on public display to ensure its story will never be forgotten. It's a fitting tribute to a King that ruled the waves for more than half a century.

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