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June 22, 2018 | International, C4ISR

The US made the wrong bet on radiofrequency, and now it could pay the price


WASHINGTON – The Pentagon's belief in its technology drove the Department of Defense to trust it would have control over the electromagnetic spectrum for years to come, but that decision has left America vulnerable to new leaps in technology from China and Russia, according to a top military official.

Gen. Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs, has now concluded that the Pentagon needs to ensure it is keeping up with those near-peer nations, let along reestablishing dominance of electronic warfare and networking.

“I think we assumed wrongly that encryption and our domination over the precision timing signals would allow us to evade the enemy in the electromagnetic spectrum. I think that was a bad assumption,” Selva said Thursday at the annual Center for a New American Security conference.

“It's not that we disarmed, it's that we took a path that they have now figured out,” Selva said. China and Russia instead focused on deploying “digitally managed radio frequency manipulation, which changed the game in electronic warfare.”

He added that a DoD study looking at the next decade concluded “We have some work to do.”

Specifically, the United States needs to discover what Selva dubbed “alternative pathways” for communications and command and control systems.

“It doesn't have to be a [radiofrequency] game. It's an RF game because we choose to make it so. And we're going to have to do some targeted investments in expanding the capacity of the networks that we use for command and control and battle management,” he said. “If we fail to do that, we're going to kick ourselves into the force-counterforce game inside the electromagnetic spectrum for the balance of the next couple of decades.

“We have to adapt to that, and adapt quickly. The work has been done to characterize the problem, and the problem is, we're locked in this point-counterpoint fight with two potential competitors who have taken alternative paths. So we have to unlock a different way to do that work.”

On the same subject

  • US Army begins experimenting with new network tools

    July 28, 2020 | International, C4ISR

    US Army begins experimenting with new network tools

    Andrew Eversden WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army's combat capabilities development team kicked off a monthslong experiment last week to test emerging technologies that could be added into the service's tactical network. The third annual Network Modernization Experiment at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey started July 20 and ends Oct. 2. NetModX provides an opportunity for the Combat Capabilities Development Command's C5ISR Center — or Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center — to perform field tests with emerging capabilities that have largely been tested in the lab. Field tests with simulated threat environments, as opposed to lab tests, are important because technologies react in unexpected ways due to realities like different types of trees or terrain. This year's theme for NetModX is mission command and command-post survivability, which means participants will focus on technologies that could be fielded in the Army's Integrated Tactical Network Capability Set '23 and Capability Set '25 — future iterations of network tools that the Army plans to deliver to soldiers every two years. In this year's test, the C5ISR Center is testing communications capabilities that allow for distributed mission command systems across the battlefield “and wider area,” said Michael Brownfield, chief of the future capabilities office at the C5ISR Center. “We've learned by watching our enemies fight, and we know that to survive on the battlefield, No. 1, they can't be able to see us,” Brownfield told C4ISRNET in an interview. “And No. 2, we have to distribute our systems across the battlefield to give them multiple targets and multiple dilemmas in order to survive.” NetModX is also testing network resiliency capabilities that could be delivered as part of Capability Set '23. Preliminary design review for the capability set is scheduled for April next year. To test the effectiveness of the resiliency projects the center developed in the lab, the C5ISR Center created a “state-of-the-art red cell” that attacks the network using enemy's tactics, techniques and procedures, according to Brownfield. The goal is to make sure the technology can withstand electronic attacks and allow for continuous operations in contested environments when in the hands of deployed soldiers. “What resiliency means to us is the network bends, it doesn't break,” Brownfield said. “And the commanders have the information they need and the coordination that they need to fight the battle.” A modular radio frequency system of systems is undergoing tests, and Brownfield says it will “revolutionize” the fight on the battlefield. The system automatically switches between primary, alternate, contingency and emergency, or PACE, radios by sensing if radio frequencies are being jammed. The system then responds by automatically switching radio channels to allow for seamless communications in a contested environment. Currently, “it's kind of hard to switch to alternate comms when the person you're talking to is on their primary, not their alternative comms,” Brownfield said. “And the process is very slow. It's human-driven.” Now, the automatic PACE system senses the environment in milliseconds, he said. At last year's experiment, which focused on network transport capabilities to support precision fires for multidomain operations, the center experimented with radios that could flip to new channels on their own, while launching brute force and other more sophisticated attacks against the radios to see how much stress they could handle before passing data became impossible. This year will be a little different. “This year, we're pairing different radios together and see how they can work to actually change the type of modulation schemes that we use to maneuver in cyberspace around for continuous operations while under enemy attack and under contested electronic warfare conditions,” Brownfield said. One of the top priorities for this year's experiment is allowing for projects leaders to bring their technology into to the field, no matter what stage of development they are in, to be tested in an “operationally relevant environment,” Brownfield said. The team then collects data on how the technology performs and puts it into a database where it can be queried to answer specific performance questions. “So we can ... ask the database questions like, ‘What was my latency with these two radios at this point in time,' and start to understand the true metrics of how the systems performed in the field,” Joshua Fischer, acting chief of systems engineering, architecture, modeling and simulation at the C5ISR Center, told C4ISRNET. He added that those involved are also looking at network throughput.

  • Vers une commande massive de F-16 Block 70/72 par le Pentagone ? Lockheed perd... et gagne

    February 8, 2021 | International, Aerospace

    Vers une commande massive de F-16 Block 70/72 par le Pentagone ? Lockheed perd... et gagne

    Yannick Genty-Boudry Alors que le Pentagone n'a eu de cesse d'expliquer que les avions de 4e génération étaient dépassés, il semble que ceux-ci n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot. A l'instar du F-15EX qui a effectué son premier vol le 2 février 2021, le F-16 dans sa nouvelle version Block 70/72, attire de nouveau l'œil des aviateurs américains. LE F-35 DANS L'IMPASSE Plus de 47 ans après son premier vol (2 février 1974) le F-16, qui équipe plus de 29 forces aériennes dans le monde et a été produit à plus de 4588 appareils, pourrait connaitre une nouvelle carrière au sein de l'US Air Force. Et ce plus de 16 ans après la livraison du dernier appareil. En effet, son remplaçant programmé, le F-35 accumule les échecs et les retards, avec 871 défaillances selon les auditeurs du Pentagone. Une situation qui provoque l'explosion des coûts d'exploitation, au point que l'US Air Force envisagerait de réduire sa commande à 1050 appareils au lieu des 1765 prévus. EN ATTENDANT LE NGAD Aussi pour ne pas pénaliser son ordre de bataille, les Américains sont en quête de solutions palliatives au F-35. A savoir des aéronefs fiables, aux coûts maitrisés et à l'architecture ouverte en attendant l'arrivée à partir de 2040-50 de l'avion de 6e génération, le NGAD (Next Generation Air Dominance), qui vient d'effectuer ses premiers essais. C'est la même logique qui a présidé au programme F-15EX dans le domaine de la supériorité aérienne, pour suppléer au faible nombre de F-22 en service. SOLUTION SUR ETAGERE Et il s'avère que Lockheed et ses équipementiers General Dynamics et Northrop poussent progressivement le Pentagone vers l'acquisition d'une nouvelle version F-16 Block 70/72, destinée à l'origine aux marchés exports (neuf et modernisation), au moment où le budget 2021 prévoit une enveloppe de 56,9 G$ pour l'acquisition d'avions de combat. D'ailleurs les marchés anticipent d'ores et déjà la hausse du titre des industriels concernés. Produit depuis novembre 2019 à Greenville, et après plusieurs succès commerciaux (Taiwan, Bahrein ...), le F-16 Block 70/72 intègre plusieurs technologies directement empruntées aux appareils de cinquième génération. Comme le radar AESA APG-83 SABR (dérivé de l'APG-77 du F-22, et de l'APG-81 du F-35) qui équipe également les B1-B modernisés, et les F/A-18C des Marines basés à Miramar. Mais il dispose également de nouvelles aérostructures à la furtivité accrue (réservoirs conformes), d'un nouveau système de guerre électronique apte au combat collaboratif, et d'une avionique offrant des fonctionnalités de fusion de données (radar, pod de désignation) pour l'attaque au sol, avec le Center Pedestal Display (CPD). Cette version qui permettrait donc d'intégrer des capacités de 5e génération sur des appareils de 4e génération, à l'image du prochain standard F4 du Rafale de Dassault, intéresse de plus en plus l'état-major américain, en quête d'un aéronef omni rôle capable de soutenir efficacement et à bas couts les forces américaines alors que Russes et surtout Chinois se sont engagés dans une stratégie d'attaque par saturation et de systèmes de contre furtivité, pour déborder les F-22 et les F-35.

  • L3Harris, Raytheon win phase 2 contracts for next-gen ISR aerial sensors

    September 14, 2022 | International, C4ISR

    L3Harris, Raytheon win phase 2 contracts for next-gen ISR aerial sensors

    The sensors under development will integrate onto the Army's well-known HADES aerial ISR program, designed to conduct "deep" intelligence gathering and target tracking.

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