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January 27, 2024 | International, Land

RTXs Raytheon business awarded $154 million to deliver Commanders Independent Viewer units to the U.S. Army

CIV is an electro-optical/infrared sight system utilizing second-generation forward-looking infrared (FLIR) cameras and sensors.

On the same subject

  • Is The World’s Fighter Market Set To Thrive In 2020?

    January 21, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Is The World’s Fighter Market Set To Thrive In 2020?

    This is an abbreviated article based on the 1200+ word article ‘Can Surging Demand For New Fighters Create New-Generation Momentum?' from Aviation Week & Space Technology's Aerospace 2020 issue. The world's fighter market will thrive in 2020. A long-repressed call to replace aging fighter fleets around the globe is finally gaining momentum, as overall defense spending levels continue to rise. A sharp growth spurt in fighter output in 2020 will revive decades-old production models that not long ago either seemed to be winding down or dormant, and will fuel investments in new long-range weapons, offensive electronic warfare, seamless connectivity, improved sensors and other new capabilities. The world's fighter community also will seek to clarify and define a new generation of tactical combat aircraft systems after 2030. As these programs come into sharper focus, the pressure will grow on industry, particularly in the U.S. and UK, to break from the traditional business model. As military officials become impatient with development schedules measured in decades, support is growing for acquisition policies that foster greater levels of competition by transferring ownership of the underlying technology to the government and away from the original equipment manufacturers. More impressively, the growth spurt in 2021 is expected even as the growth rate for the F-35 program begins to slow down, with the single-engine fighter family's share of the Western fighter market falling to 57% in 2021 from 65% in 2020. The slack will be picked up mainly by another U.S. company. Boeing's share of the overall fighter market will rise to 19% in 2021 from 12% in 2020, as the U.S. Air Force revives F-15EX deliveries and the Navy receives the first F/A-18E/F Block III. For the first time in nearly three decades, it is a good time to be in the fighter business. The market for new deliveries shrank dramatically after the Cold War and never regained momentum as production ramp-ups were prolonged and in some cases strangled. The tide has turned since 2017 especially as the market's most dominant player, the Lockheed Martin F-35, finally began a steep climb to full-rate production in 2023.

  • Safran souhaite se renforcer dans la défense

    November 2, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    Safran souhaite se renforcer dans la défense

    La crise du Covid-19 a montré la grande dépendance de Safran à l'aéronautique civile alors que l'activité hélicoptère et la défense sont en croissance. À cet égard, le groupe souhaite se renforcer dans le secteur militaire. « J'aimerais que le groupe se développe dans la défense. Si des actifs sont à vendre, je regarderai avec intérêt », a déclaré Philippe Petitcolin, son directeur général. Les activités militaires représentent 16% environ du chiffre d'affaires du groupe. Il est présent dans les drones avec le Patroller commandé par l'armée de Terre, les boules optroniques, les centrales inertielles, ainsi que les moteurs de l'avion de combat Rafale, de l'Airbus A400M et de plusieurs hélicoptères, notamment le nouveau H160 M qui doit équiper les forces armées dans les prochaines années. Safran bénéficiera aussi du futur contrat Rafale grec. Athènes négocie avec la France pour acheter 18 avions de combat. « Si de nouveaux contrats Rafale sont pris à l'exportation et en France, ils auront un impact positif en 2022 et 2023 », a précisé le directeur général. Le Figaro 30 octobre 2020

  • BAE Systems successfully tests M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer modified with 52-caliber cannon

    October 10, 2023 | International, Land, Security

    BAE Systems successfully tests M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer modified with 52-caliber cannon

    The M109-52 is a significant, low-risk, high-performance upgrade to the current 39-caliber cannon and provides the additional range required in large-scale combat operations. 

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