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September 9, 2021 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

Reminder: the deadlines to apply for Competitive Projects’ six newest challenges and Green Heat Test Drive//Rappel: dates limites pour postuler aux six nouveaux défis des Projets compétitifs et le Banc d’essai Énergie verte

Reminder of the deadlines to apply for Competitive Projects' six newest challenges and the Green Heat Test Drive

We wish to remind everyone of the deadline to apply to the six new challenges under Competitive Projects on Thursday, September 16, 2021:

And the deadline to apply for the Green Heat Test Drive Call for Proposals (CFP) has been extended to Tuesday, September 28, 2021.

We look forward to receiving all submissions and exploring new solutions to these important challenges.

To learn more about what our Program offers, visit the IDEaS website.

The IDEaS Team


Rappel des dates limites pour postuler aux six nouveaux défis des Projets compétitifs et le Banc d'essai Énergie verte

Nous souhaitons rappeler à tous la date limite pour postuler aux six nouveaux défis des projets compétitifs le jeudi 16 septembre 2021 :

Et la date limite pour postuler à l'appel de propositions du Banc d'essai Énergie Verte a été prolongée jusqu'au mardi 28 septembre 2021.

Nous avons bien h'te de recevoir toutes les soumissions et d'explorer de nouvelles solutions à ces défis importants.

Pour en savoir plus sur ce que propose notre programme, visitez le site Web IDEeS.

L'équipe IDEeS

On the same subject

  • Government launches open and transparent competition to replace Canada’s fighter aircraft

    December 12, 2017 | Local, Aerospace

    Government launches open and transparent competition to replace Canada’s fighter aircraft

    News Release From Public Services and Procurement Canada December 12, 2017 - Ottawa, Ontario - Government of Canada Acquiring the aircraft that Canada's military needs to help ensure the safety and security of Canadians, while ensuring economic benefits for Canada, is a top priority for the Government of Canada. The government is delivering on its promise to hold an open and transparent competition to permanently replace Canada's fighter fleet. As outlined in the Strong, Secure, Engaged defence policy, Canada will purchase 88 advanced fighter aircraft. This is the most significant investment in the Royal Canadian Air Force in more than 30 years, and is essential for protecting the safety and security of Canadians, and meeting international defence obligations. Through this competition, the Government of Canada will ensure it gets the right aircraft at the right price, and maximizes economic benefits for Canadians. The government will ensure that the Canadian aerospace and defence industries and manufacturers are consulted and engaged in this process. Proposals will be rigorously assessed on cost, technical requirements and industrial, technological and economic benefits. As it is important to do business with trusted partners, the evaluation of bids will also include an assessment of bidders' impact on Canada's economic interests. When bids are assessed, any bidder responsible for harm to Canada's economic interests will be at a distinct disadvantage. This new assessment, as well as guidelines for its application as an ongoing procurement tool, will be developed through appropriate consultations. In addition, the Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy will apply to this procurement, requiring the winning supplier to make investments in Canada equal to the value of the contract. Until permanent replacement aircraft are in place and fully operational, Canada must ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces has the equipment it needs to continue to deliver its missions, and meet its international obligations. As such, the Government of Canada will pursue the purchase of 18 supplemental jets from the Australian Government. Quotes “As we promised, our government is launching an open and transparent competition to replace our fighter fleet with 88 advanced jets. We are also supplementing our CF-18 fleet by pursuing the purchase of jets from Australia while we complete this important and complex procurement. Today's announcement is about ensuring that our women and men in uniform continue to have the equipment they need to protect Canadians. At the same time, we will use this procurement to strengthen our aerospace and defence industries, create good middle-class jobs and support our economic interests.” The Honourable Carla Qualtrough Minister of Public Services and Procurement “Our women and men in uniform are entrusted with the enormous responsibility of ensuring the safety of Canadians every day. Today's announcement is a key step toward making sure that they have the equipment they need to fulfill this responsibility and meet our commitments to our partners and allies around the world.” The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan Minister of National Defence “This project represents a significant opportunity to support the long-term competitiveness of Canada's aerospace and defence industries, which together contribute more than 240,000 jobs to the Canadian economy. We are committed to leveraging the procurement of the future fleet to support innovation, promote the growth of Canadian suppliers, including small and medium-sized businesses, and create middle-class jobs for Canadians.” The Honourable Navdeep Bains Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Quick Facts Today's announcement marks the official launch of the open, competitive process to replace Canada's fighter jet fleet. The government will begin by establishing a list of suppliers, comprised of foreign governments and fighter aircraft manufacturers that have demonstrated their ability to meet Canada's needs, as defined in the Suppliers List invitation. All companies are welcome to participate in the process. Extensive planning and stakeholder engagement will take place throughout 2018 and 2019. A contract award is anticipated in 2022 and the first replacement aircraft delivered in 2025. The government will engage with foreign governments, fighter aircraft manufacturers and the Canadian aerospace and defence industries to ensure they are well-positioned to participate. The purchase of 88 aircraft represents an increase in fleet size of more than a third of what was planned prior to the Strong, Secure, Engaged defence policy (65 aircraft). Together, Canada's aerospace and defence industries contribute over 240,000 quality jobs. Aerospace is one of the most innovative and export-driven industries in Canada and adds $28 billion annually in gross domestic product to Canada's economy. The Canadian defence sector includes over 650 firms employing highly skilled workers in high-quality jobs. Associated Links Replacing and supplementing Canada's CF-18 fleet CF-18 replacement State of Canada's Aerospace Industry: 2017 Report

  • CAE wins contract to provide German Navy with comprehensive NH90 Sea Lion training solution

    December 26, 2019 | Local, Naval

    CAE wins contract to provide German Navy with comprehensive NH90 Sea Lion training solution

    Stolberg, Germany, December 19, 2019 – CAE today announced that CAE Elektronik GmbH has signed a contract with the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) to provide the German Navy with a comprehensive training solution for the NH90 Sea Lion helicopter. The German Navy is procuring a fleet of 18 NH90 Sea Lion helicopters to support search and rescue (SAR) operations and replace the venerable Sea King MK41 helicopter, which has been in operation for over 40 years for the German Navy. The German Navy NH90 Sea Lion training solution will be based near German Naval Airbase Nordholz, which is the home of the German Naval Air Command. “CAE has a long history supporting German naval aviation training at Nordholz on platforms such as the Sea King and Lynx helicopters as well as P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft,” said Niels Kröning, General Manager, CAE Elektronik GmbH. “We are honoured to be selected to continue this longstanding cooperation with the development of a world-class training solution for the NH90 Sea Lion helicopter.” Under terms of the contract, CAE will design and manufacture a suite of NH90 Sea Lion training devices for the German Navy, including: NH90 full-mission simulator capable of compliance to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Level D qualification, the highest for flight simulators; NH90 cockpit procedures trainer; NH90 operational tactics trainer for training rear-crew tactical coordinators (TACCO) and sensor operators, and capable of networking with the full-mission simulator to provide full-crew mission training; NH90 winch and hoist operator trainer, which will also be capable of networking to other NH90 training devices for full-crew training. In addition, CAE will construct an interim training facility just outside the main entrance to German Naval Airbase Nordholz and will provide on-site training support and maintenance services upon delivery. The new NH90 Sea Lion training system is expected to be operational by the second half of 2022. “This contract award for the German Navy NH90 Sea Lion further extends CAE's industry-leading position providing comprehensive training solutions for the enduring NH90 helicopter platform,” said Marc-Olivier Sabourin, Vice President and General Manager, Defence & Security International, CAE. “The German Navy will now join the German Army and other countries including Australia, the Netherlands, Qatar, New Zealand and others in partnering with CAE to provide the training systems and support required to prepare their NH90 aircrews.” The NH90 full-mission simulator for the German Navy will feature a range of CAE's core simulation technologies. These technologies include: six degree-of-freedom (DOF) electric motion system; high-performance vibration platform to replicate vibration cues critical to helicopter pilots; and a high-fidelity CAE Medallion-6000 image generator. The NH90 training devices will also feature the Open Geospatial Consortium Common Database (OGC CDB) architecture, an international standard for the creation of synthetic environment databases that has been adopted on a range of German Armed Forces training systems. About NSPA The NATO Support and Procurement Agency brings together in a single organization NATO's logistics and procurement support activities, providing integrated multinational solutions for its customers. NSPA acts as NATO's premier life cycle management (including acquisition) and services provider, effectively and efficiently delivering a broad spectrum of integrated capabilities for NATO, its nations and partners, including support to operations. About CAE CAE's Defence & Security business unit focuses on helping prepare our customers to develop and maintain the highest levels of mission readiness. We are a world-class training systems integrator offering a comprehensive portfolio of training centres, training services and simulation products across the air, land, sea and public safety market segments. We serve our global defence and security customers through regional operations in Canada; the United States/Latin America; Europe/Africa; and Asia-Pacific/Middle East, all of which leverage the full breadth of CAE's capabilities, technologies and solutions. CAE is a global leader in training for the civil aviation, defence and security, and healthcare markets. Backed by a record of more than 70 years of industry firsts, we continue to help define global training standards with our innovative virtual-to-live training solutions to make flying safer, maintain defence force readiness and enhance patient safety. We have the broadest global presence in the industry, with over 10,000 employees, 160 sites and training locations in over 35 countries. Each year, we train more than 220,000 civil and defence crewmembers, including more than 135,000 pilots, and thousands of healthcare professionals worldwide. Follow us on Twitter @CAE_Inc and @CAE_Defence View source version on CAE:

  • New Challenge: Covid-19 on Public Transport / Nouveau défi : Covid-19 dans les transports publics

    September 28, 2021 | Local, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    New Challenge: Covid-19 on Public Transport / Nouveau défi : Covid-19 dans les transports publics

    New COVID-19 Challenge: Make Public Transportation Safer The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and Transport Canada (TC) are seeking retrofit solutions that reduce airborne hazards and improve air quality within the enclosed spaces encountered by bus and rail travelers in order to improve the resilience to airborne infectious diseases. Think you can solve our new COVID-19 transportation challenge? Compete for funding to prove your feasibility and develop a solution! This challenge closes October 25, 2021 at 2:00pm EDT. Apply online Nouveau défi COVID-19 : Rendre les transports publics plus sécuritaires Le Conseil national de recherches du Canada (CNRC) et Transports Canada (TC) cherchent des solutions de modernisation qui permettront de réduire l'exposition aux contaminants aériens et d'améliorer la qualité de l'air dans les espaces clos fréquentés par les usagers des autobus et des trains afin d'améliorer la résistance aux maladies infectieuses qui se propagent par voie aérienne. Vous pensez pouvoir résoudre notre nouveau défi de transport COVID-19 ? Compétitionnez afin de prouver la faisabilité de votre solution et de la développer ! Ce défi se termine le 25 octobre, 2021 à 14h HAE. Postulez en ligne

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