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March 25, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

Podcast: What COVID-19 Portends For Defense, Now And In The Future

Jen DiMascio Michael Bruno

Will the coronavirus pandemic completely change how the defense budget is prioritized nationally? Steve Grundman, principal of Grundman Advisory, joins Aviation Week editors.

On the same subject

  • DoD Budget Cuts Likely As $4 Trillion Deficit Looms

    April 28, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    DoD Budget Cuts Likely As $4 Trillion Deficit Looms

    By THERESA HITCHENSon April 27, 2020 at 5:02 PM WASHINGTON: With the federal deficit expected to balloon to over $4 trillion in fiscal 2020 due to spending to pump the economy in the face of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, downward pressure on the US defense budget is inevitable, several experts believe. “I think the budget comes down sooner rather than later,” Mackenzie Eaglen, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said bluntly in a webinar today. The best-case scenario is for flat defense budgets for the foreseeable future, but if history is a guide, the smart money is on defense budget cuts, explained Todd Harrison, DoD budget guru at the Center for Strategic and International Security (CSIS). “What has historically happened is, when Congress's fiscal conservatives come out and get serious about reducing the debt, reducing spending defense is almost always part of what they come up with for a solution,” he said. “So, we could be looking at a deficit-driven defense drawdown coming. ... At least history would suggest that that is a real possibility.” Indeed, even as Congress is pulling out all the stops trying to assist DoD and the defense industrial base to weather the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, DoD already is being eyed as the future deficit bill-payer, Eaglen told the webinar. “DoD is at the top of the list,” she said. Eaglen added that, at a more macro-level, the budget crunch could force DoD to re-look the goals of the 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) with an eye to downsizing. “There's going to be an impact across the board,” she said. “There probably will be a total relook — at even the NDS fundamentals, and what mission is going to have to go — in response to this.” Harrison noted that already DoD has been looking at flat budgets through 2021, which has caused it to have to take some risks as it tries to juggle divesting in high-maintenance legacy systems with investing in future programs while maintaining readiness to handle a possible peer conflict with Russia and/or China. “Just to divest legacy systems and invest in new ones and try to maintain, or slightly grow, force structure, DoD was already saying that it would need three to five percent real growth each year in the defense budget, going forward, just to fully execute that,” he said. This means that DoD leadership is going to face even more difficult decisions in the future, Harrison explained. “Now we're looking at an environment where the budget might be flat at the best case or trending down over time. Something's gonna have to give. And so, if DoD really wants to protect these key modernization programs, not only is it going to have to divest legacy systems, it's going to have to divest them faster, and it's going to have to make some reductions in force structure that's going to incur risk.” More immediately, Harrison said, as Congress moves over the next few months to pass a fourth, or even a fifth, economic stimulus package DoD already is signaling that it hopes to see a number of its “unfunded requirements” stuffed into those bills. “DoD is saying: ‘hey, if you want to fund more things for DoD to help stimulate the economy, and help the defense industry, well, here's a list you already have that you can pick from.” DoD's unfunded priorities list — the annual wish list of programs it would like to fund if only there was more money in the top-line — for 2021 includes a total of $35.9 billion for programs across the military services and the combatant commands. The Pentagon might also petition Congress for greater authority to use operations and maintenance funds appropriated but not spent due to work slowdowns to short up programs facing cost overruns because DoD paid contractors for work supposed to be done, but not actually done, while employees are home-bound due to the pandemic, Harrison said. “DoD has implemented the CARES Act implementation, saying that they would pay for paid leave for employees of defense industry firms that are unable to report to work. And so that cost is covered,” Andrew Hunter, who works on defense industrial base issues at CSIS, explained. “Those folks aren't necessarily going to be laid off; they will be kept on the payroll and paid. And again, that will create some costs down the road to then pay those folks to do the actual work that they're originally scheduled to do.” Most of the nearly $10.5 billion in the CARES Act, signed by President Donald Trump on March 27 to help DoD protect itself from the impacts of the pandemic goes into O&M accounts, according to CSIS. That said, some $1 billion goes to procurement funding, with an eye on health-related equipment. Further, it includes some $1.5 billion in the Defense Working Capital Fund, which allows DoD to make investments in things like depot maintenance, transportation and supply management in the near term and recoup the costs through future year pricing deals. However, the bill grants DoD a good deal of flexibility to move money around — with the exception of banning any funding for Trump's southern border wall construction.

  • DARPA Invites Proposals For Active-Flow-Control X-Plane

    August 15, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    DARPA Invites Proposals For Active-Flow-Control X-Plane

    By Graham Warwick DARPA has formally launched a program to build and fly an X-plane designed around active flow control (AFC), potentially eliminating the need for moving control surfaces. Designing from the ground up around AFC, rather than modifying an existing aircraft, is expected to yield performance and operational benefits. A broad agency announcement (BAA) was released on Aug. 12 for the first two of four planned phases of the Control of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effectors (Crane) program. A proposers' day is scheduled for Aug. 26 and proposals are due to be submitted by Nov. 8. A budget of $21 million is available for multiple awards under the 12-month Phase 0, which will focus on the aircraft design process and understanding the trade space. DARPA expects performers to enter this phase with multiple candidate configurations and flow-control approaches. Each Phase 0 contract will end with a conceptual design review for one or more configurations. Phase 1 will continue to mature up to two concepts and is expected to involve component-level testing and demonstrations to inform a system requirements review. This nine-month phase is planned to culminate in a preliminary design review for the proposed X-plane. DARPA plans to downselect to one performer at the end of Phase 1 in second-quarter fiscal 2022 and award a contract for Phase 2 detailed design. This is planned to conclude in a critical design review and lead to a go/no-go decision in the second quarter fiscal of 2023 for Phase 3 building and flying of the X-plane. First flight is planned for the third quarter of fiscal 2024. DARPA wants a “tactically relevant scale aircraft,” the BAA says. This may include a “clean-sheet design or modification of an existing aircraft.” The agency expects substantial use of off-the-shelf components for the flight demonstrator so that program resources can be focused on AFC development and testing. AFC modifies the flow field around the aircraft using mechanical or fluidic actuators. The BAA specifically excludes using large external moving surfaces, mechanical vectoring of engine exhaust or other traditional moving aerodynamic control surfaces. AFC applications identified in the BAA include eliminating moving control surfaces for stability and control and improving takeoff and landing performance, high-lift flight, thick-airfoil efficiency and high-altitude flight. Proposers may identify additional applications and benefits. A NATO technical study involving Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and academic institutes in the U.S. and UK identified that an unmanned combat aircraft with AFC could have stealth and other potential performance benefits during the ingress and egress phases of a strike mission.

  • Poland MND finalises offset agreements for PAC-3 WISLA Phase II

    August 28, 2023 | International, Land, Security

    Poland MND finalises offset agreements for PAC-3 WISLA Phase II

    Poland has signed offset agreements for elements of medium-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems, under WISLA Phase II programme.

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