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September 9, 2019 | Local, Land

Petawawa soldiers to test new camouflage for Canadian Forces


Some 600 soldiers at Petawawa will be involved in testing what could be the new camouflage uniform pattern for the Canadian Forces.

Known as “Prototype J” the new camouflage pattern is being examined as a possible replacement for both the current arid (tan) and temperate woodland (green) camouflage.

Six hundred soldiers at Petawawa will receive the new camouflage pattern uniforms but that could eventually be expanded to around 1,000 personnel. The uniforms are initially being issued to soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, for a series of trials and tests in the fall.

“The trials will kick off in two weeks,” explained Lt. Col. Ray Corby, who is with the Army's Director Land Requirements' Soldiers Systems section. “We've put the whole battalion into the uniforms. In the next week or so they'll be wearing them.”

Various camouflage patterns were examined as part of the SOCEM (Soldier Operational Clothing and Equipment Modernization) Project but this is the first to be taken out to the field for a large-scale test.

On the same subject

  • Un nouveau commandant pour le Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada

    June 15, 2018 | Local, Aerospace

    Un nouveau commandant pour le Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada

    Le Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada (COIC) a officiellement changé de mains au cours d'une cérémonie tenue aujourd'hui à Ottawa. Le lieutenant-général Michael Rouleau a pris le commandement du lieutenant-général Stephen Bowes au Manège militaire de la place Cartier, en présence des membres des Forces armées canadiennes de l'organisation et d'invités d'honneur. Présidée par le général Jonathan Vance, chef d'état-major de la défense, la cérémonie d'aujourd'hui marquait la fin du mandat de trois ans du lieutenant-général Bowes à titre de commandant de l'organisation des opérations interarmées du Canada. Plus tôt aujourd'hui, une cérémonie de passation des fonctions a eu lieu, au cours de laquelle le COIC a salué le départ de l'adjudant-chef du Commandement Denis Gaudreault et accueilli le premier maître de 1re classe Gilles Grégoire. Citations « Une cérémonie de passation de commandement est plus qu'un simple changement de leadership. C'est une déclaration publique par laquelle je confie la t'che et la responsabilité d'un haut commandement à certains officiers généraux. En choisissant et en promouvant le Lgén Rouleau au commandement du COIC, j'affirme à la population canadienne qu'un officier général hautement compétent est à la tête des opérations des FAC. Il remplace un leader tout aussi accompli, le Lgén Bowes, dont la nouvelle mission sera de venir en aide à nos anciens combattants. Aux lieutenants généraux Rouleau et Bowes, je vous souhaite la meilleure des chances dans toutes vos entreprises futures. » Général Jonathan Vance, chef d'état-major de la défense « Je suis reconnaissant de la confiance que le général Vance me porte, et d'avoir le privilège de commander et de diriger les prochaines opérations interarmées du Canada. Je remercie le général Bowes de son travail acharné et je compte bien faire tout mon possible, avec l'aide de mon partenaire le premier maître de 1re classe Gilles Grégoire, pour m'assurer que les hommes et femmes des FAC continuent de fournir un rendement exceptionnel au nom des Canadiens dans le cadre des opérations au pays et à l'étranger. » Lieutenant-général Michael Rouleau, commandant, Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada « Commander les membres des Forces armées canadiennes dans le cadre d'opérations partout dans le monde a été extrêmement valorisant. Surtout, le professionnalisme et le dévouement dont font preuve tous les jours nos militaires, hommes et femmes, ne cessent de m'étonner et de me rendre fier. Ils sont la raison pour laquelle les Forces armées canadiennes sont très respectées par nos alliés. Je suis impatient de commencer mon prochain travail, qui consistera à mieux servir nos vétérans. » Lieutenant-général Stephen Bowes Faits en bref · Le lieutenant-général Rouleau commence sa carrière militaire en 1985 à titre d'officier d'artillerie. Son parcours est divisé à peu près également entre l'Armée canadienne, les Forces spéciales et le Quartier général de la Défense, où il gère les portfolios de l'État‑major stratégique. Son service au sein des Forces d'opérations spéciales commence en 1994, au sein de la Force opérationnelle interarmées 2. En 1999, il prend sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes pour faire partie du Service de police régional d'Ottawa‑Carleton, comme agent d'intervention d'urgence. À la suite des évènements du 11 Septembre, il s'enrôle à nouveau en 2002. Depuis, il met continuellement à profit ses diverses compétences et expériences, en commandant des troupes à différents niveaux au Canada et à l'étranger. Il a dirigé le Commandement des Forces d'opérations spéciales du Canada depuis 2014. · Le lieutenant-général Bowes se prépare à être détaché auprès d'Anciens combattants Canada à Charlottetown, à compter de juillet 2018. Durant son mandat au COIC, il commande des forces déployées au pays et ailleurs dans le monde. Voici quelques exemples des opérations auxquelles l'organisation participe : recherche et sauvetage, et soutien en cas de catastrophe naturelle dans l'ensemble du Canada; lutte contre le commerce illicite dans les Caraïbes; programmes de renforcement des capacités dans différentes parties du monde; soutien des mesures de dissuasion et d'assurance de l'OTAN en Europe; et lutte contre Daech au Moyen‑Orient. · Le commandant du COIC dirige la plupart des opérations des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) au Canada, en Amérique du Nord et ailleurs dans le monde. Il dirige également les missions des FAC, de leur planification à leur clôture, afin d'atteindre les objectifs stratégiques nationaux et internationaux. · Le COIC, dont le quartier général se trouve à Ottawa, comprend des forces opérationnelles et des éléments employés dans le cadre d'opérations; les quartiers généraux des forces opérationnelles interarmées régionales permanentes à Yellowknife, Victoria, Edmonton, Toronto, Montréal et Halifax; le Groupe de soutien opérationnel interarmées, qui dispose d'un quartier général à Kingston et d'unités dispersées dans l'ensemble du Canada; et un réseau mondial d'officiers de liaison et de points de commandement et contrôle. Le COIC exerce le contrôle opérationnel sur le commandement de composante aérienne ou maritime de forces interarmées, le Quartier général de la 1re Division du Canada et l'Élément de coordination des opérations spéciales.

  • Canada and the U.S. reach 11th-hour trade deal

    October 1, 2018 | Local, Naval

    Canada and the U.S. reach 11th-hour trade deal

    By Kelsey Johnson After almost 14 months of tough bargaining, Canada and the United States have settled their trade differences and reached an agreement on a new North American free trade agreement. This one won't be called NAFTA, however. The trilateral deal will now be known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The new name seems to be a nod to U.S. President Donald Trump, who has said he didn't like the name NAFTA. The federal cabinet met at 10 p.m. Sunday for about an hour to discuss the agreement and, after it ended, the prime minister said it was “a good day for Canada” as he left the building. He said he'd have more to say on Monday. Officials from the Prime Minister's Office said there will be another cabinet meeting in the morning and likely a news conference, too. A joint statement was released by Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. “Today, Canada and the United States reached an agreement, alongside Mexico, on a new, modernized trade agreement for the 21st Century: the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA),” it stated. “USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region. It will strengthen the middle class, and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half billion people who call North America home.” The two lead negotiators added: “We look forward to further deepening our close economic ties when this new agreement enters into force.” They thanked their Mexican counterpart, Economy Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo, for his work on the deal. On Twitter, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said “a good NAFTA deal is critical to Canada's economy.” “Millions of Canadian jobs rely on having free trade with the U.S. and Mexico. We will take a close look at the agreement's provisions as soon as they're available to evaluate the deal Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have signed.” Perrin Beatty, the president and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, said that with a deal like this, it's important to see all the elements, but details are still scarce. “However, if the broad lines are as reported, @cafreeland and the Canadian negotiating team have managed to preserve the most important elements of #NAFTA under very challenging circumstances,” he said on Twitter. Canada and the United States have been working hard to resolve their NAFTA differences since the end of August, after American and Mexican officials reached a bilateral agreement of their own. However, the prime minister has said throughout the process that his government would not sign a modernized NAFTA just to get a deal. Issues at the table have included the automotive industry, dairy, dispute resolution, cultural industries and intellectual property. Canada's dairy industry, in particular, has been in American crosshairs for months, with the United States demanding more access to this country's market, as well as changes to parts of Canada's domestic milk-pricing system. The U.S. has wanted access to about 3.5 per cent of Canada's dairy market, which is similar to what Canada granted under the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership. There were strong indications this was also part of the deal reached Sunday night. Media reports say farmers will be compensated. The Americans have also asked for changes to several dairy classes. iPolitics has learned that the contentious Class 7 has been eliminated in this deal. Class 7 is a domestic pricing class that governs milk ingredients such as skim milk powder and milk proteins. The difficult politics of the trade deal were immediately on view with Parti Québécois Leader Jean-François Lisée saying on social media that Quebec dairy farms had been sacrificed by Trudeau. Quebec voters will elect a new government on Monday, with all parties saying the new trade deal could not touch Canada's dairy market. The Toronto Star is reporting that Canada has been able to preserve the dispute-resolution mechanism known as Chapter 19. The federal government had wanted to hold onto that to avoid having disputes settled in U.S. courts. Other reports say Canada has been able to maintain its exemption for culture. Ministers had arrived for the cabinet meeting Sunday amid strong indications the end was in sight for a renewed NAFTA. Freeland and Ambassador to the United States David MacNaughton had spent the day in Ottawa, taking part in an aggressive, long-distance, last-minute push to get Canada into a free trade deal. Trudeau arrived at his downtown office, located directly across from Parliament Hill, around 7:30 p.m. He did not comment as he headed into the building, but media reports from the U.S. capital were indicating a deal was near. While most ministers also stayed mum, Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay said he's “always concerned about the agriculture industry.” He was joined in the meeting room by his deputy minister Chris Forbes. With files from the Canadian Press

  • General Dynamics Warns Trudeau Over Exit Penalties in Saudi Deal

    December 18, 2018 | Local, Land

    General Dynamics Warns Trudeau Over Exit Penalties in Saudi Deal

    By Josh Wingrove Canada is looking for a way out of a $13 billion deal to export armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia -- a move the company warns could leave the government liable for billions. In a television interview Sunday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the government was looking for a way to halt the sale of armored vehicles manufactured by a unit of U.S.-based General Dynamics Corp. “We are engaged with the export permits to try and see if there is a way of no longer exporting these vehicles to Saudi Arabia,” Trudeau told CTV, without elaborating. Full article:

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