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March 27, 2023 | Local, C4ISR

Overview of Quantum 2030

The Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) Quantum Science and Technology Strategy Implementation Plan, known as Quantum 2030, is a roadmap to ensuring DND/CAF is better prepared for the disruptive potential of quantum technologies for defence and security over the next seven years.

Examples of the military potential of quantum technologies include positioning, navigation and timing where Global Positioning Systems (GPS) don’t work; sensors to detect chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats; secure communication and code-breaking; and advanced materials and medical research.

Research and development into emerging technologies and countermeasures will ensure DND/CAF is prepared to be an early adopter, work with allies and stay ahead of potential adversaries.  

The implementation plan includes five calls to action for DND/CAF:

  • Identify who is expected to use quantum technologies within DND/CAF;
  • Train personnel for a base level of understanding of quantum, known as quantum literacy;
  • Harmonize quantum investments across DND/CAF;
  • Access state-of-the-art technology through innovation programs; and,
  • Engage industry and academia.

Quantum 2030 identifies four promising quantum technologies with defence and security applications and lays out a seven-year plan to develop prototypes ready to be tested in the field by the year 2030.

  1. Quantum-enhanced radar
  2. Quantum-enhanced light detection and ranging (LiDAR)
  3. Quantum algorithms for defence and security
  4. Quantum networking

The seven-year plan is divided into three phases including recruiting and training personnel, scientific development, and field testing and demonstrations.

Quantum 2030 builds on the DND/CAF Quantum Science and Technology Strategy, which was published in January 2021, and aligns with the Government of Canada’s National Quantum Strategy, released in January 2023.

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