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December 6, 2023 | International, Naval

OSI’s INTS to be Embedded in PGZ SW Miecznik Ship Offering

The Miecznik Class takes its design from the Arrowhead-140PL frigate, similar to the Royal Navy’s Type 31 frigates but optimized for Polish Navy requirements.

On the same subject

  • Key lawmaker says DoD shouldn’t get funding boost in next coronavirus stimulus package

    April 30, 2020 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    Key lawmaker says DoD shouldn’t get funding boost in next coronavirus stimulus package

    By: Joe Gould and Leo Shane III WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Wednesday he doesn't think upcoming economic stimulus packages related to the coronavirus outbreak should include more money for defense, saying other public health needs are more pressing. “Without question, with the pandemic and the needs of national security and the Defense Department, we're going to have to spend a lot of money,” said Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., in a teleconference with reporters. “The good news is we have a lot of money. “The defense [budget] bill last year was $738 billion. I'm not saying that there aren't needs within the Department of Defense, I'm saying they have a lot of money and ought to spend that money to meet those needs.” Smith's comments come as the Pentagon is readying a request for billions in a future economic package under consideration by Congress, which has already passed nearly $3 trillion in emergency funding bills in recent weeks. Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Ellen Lord said last week that the Pentagon is working with the White House budget office on a package to aid defense contractors hit by closures or other effects of the coronavirus pandemic. DoD has already announced it would make $3 billion in expedited “progress payments" to increase cash flow to primary contractors and more vulnerable, smaller subcontractors. But Smith said his priority in the next stimulus bill is public health, not the defense industry. “Of all the needs that we face in this country, [my priority is not] to spend more money on basic DoD to go buy more planes or ships or boats or anything like that,” he said. In an emergency spending package approved earlier this month, lawmakers gave the Defense Department about $10.5 billion in funding for defense health programs and Tricare response to the public health threat, as well as money for National Guard deployments to help state prevention efforts. Smith has been an advocate of military personnel taking a larger role in conducting and processing coronavirus tests for the general public, saying the Defense Department's logistical expertise and infrastructure could dramatically speed that work. He said he would back more money for those efforts, but “I have not seen an argument that makes sense to me [for putting] more money into defense to manufacture things.” The Senate is scheduled to return to Washington next week, but House lawmakers have postponed any votes for the near future. No timeline has been announced for when the next stimulus package could be completed.

  • SCAF : la phase du démonstrateur est lancée

    February 13, 2020 | International, Aerospace

    SCAF : la phase du démonstrateur est lancée

    Les gouvernements français et allemands ont notifié à Dassault Aviation, Airbus, MTU Aero Engines, Safran, MBDA et Thales le contrat cadre initial de démonstrateur du Système de combat aérien du futur (SCAF) Les gouvernements français et allemands ont notifié ce jeudi 13 février le contrat cadre initial de démonstrateur du Système de combat aérien du futur ou SCAF aux industriels français et allemands associés au programme. En l'occurrence, Dassault Aviation, Airbus et leurs partenaires MTU Aero Engines, Safran, MBDA et Thales. Cette notification était attendue à l'occasion du dernier salon du Bourget en juin 2019, puis avait été repoussée pour l'automne. En parallèle aux discussions serrées entre partenaires industriels sur la répartition du rôle de chacun, les gouvernements français et allemand devaient trouver un accord concernant l'exportation des systèmes, dont le SCAF. Un véritable enjeu pour les industriels impliqués dans ces programmes car leur permettant de trouver des débouchés commerciaux et de pérenniser leurs activités. Et le 16 octobre 2019, Florence Parly, ministre des Armées, pouvait annoncer : « Décision fondamentale qui acte une confiance mutuelle : un accord a été conclu aujourd'hui entre France et Allemagne. Il permet l'exportation d'équipements issus de nos coopérations. Etape essentielle pour construire sereinement une Europe de la défense ambitieuse ». Florence Parly indiquait également que le contrat visant à lancer de démonstration pour le NGF ou "New Generation Fighter" devait être signé "dès janvier 2020" et que "le premier vol devant ensuite être réalisé en 2026". « Cet avion de combat du futur et les drones qui l'accompagneront entreront dans nos forces à l'horizon 2035/2040 », avait précisé Florence Parly. Le contrat cadre notifié aujourd'hui porte sur une première phase (Phase 1A) de 18 mois et lance donc les travaux qui mèneront au développement d'un démonstrateur du NGF avec pour rappel Dassault Aviation associé à Airbus pour le NGF, Airbus et MBDA sur les "remote carriers" à la fois drones et missiles et dont le rôle sera de saturer les défenses ennemies, mener des missions de brouillage, désigner des cibles ou même larguer des missiles; Airbus et Thales sur le "combat cloud" (mise en réseau informationnelle et opérationnelle de tous les éléments du SCAF), et Safran et MTU Aero Engines sur la motorisation du SCAF. "Les entreprises concernées développeront conjointement un environnement de simulation visant à garantir la cohérence des différents démonstrateurs".

  • The Air Force will need terminals that work with more than GPS

    December 26, 2019 | International, Aerospace

    The Air Force will need terminals that work with more than GPS

    By: Nathan Strout Congress wants the Air Force to develop a prototype receiver capable of using navigation signals provided by other countries, which could increase the resilience of the military's position, navigation and timing equipment. The primary source of the military's PNT data is the Global Positioning System, a satellite system operated by the Air Force. But with adversaries developing GPS jamming technology and anti-satellite weapons that could potentially knock out one or more of those satellites, Congress wants a receiver capable of utilizing other global navigation satellite systems. The annual defense policy bill, which was passed by both chambers of the legislature this week, calls on the Air Force to develop a prototype receiver capable of utilizing multiple global navigation satellite systems in addition to GPS, such as the European Union's Galileo and Japan's QZSS satellites. The belief is that if the GPS signal is degraded or denied, war fighters could switch to one of those other systems to get the PNT data they need. According to Brian Weeden, director of program planning at the Secure World Foundation, the provision represents an evolution from the Department of Defense's stance on foreign GNSS signals from 15 years ago. “When Galileo was first announced, there was a big debate within the Pentagon about whether to cooperate with the Europeans or try and kill it,” Weeden wrote to C4ISRNET in a Dec. 18 email. “The big driver there was that the Europeans were going to park their protected signal on top of M-code and then sell their service as being unjammable by the Americans (assuming that the US couldn't jam the protected Galileo signal without also interfering with M-Code).” Efforts to kill Galileo ultimately died, Weeden noted, although the EU did move their protected GNSS signal off of M-Code, a more secure military version of the GPS signal that is in development. That concession and the subsequent development of GPS jamming capabilities by Russia and China has changed the thinking on Galileo and other GNSS signals. “It seems the Pentagon has decided that leveraging Galileo will make their PNT capabilities more robust as Russia or China would need to jam both of the separate military signals,” said Weeden. “There's some engineering and technical wizardry still to be worked out to create a good multi-GNSS receiver but it's doable.” Congress wants the Air Force to report on the benefits and risks of each potential GNSS signal, and it fences 90 percent of the funding for the Military GPS User Equipment Program until lawmakers receive that report.

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