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October 30, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

L'industrie américaine de la Défense profite à plein de l'effet Trump


Les principaux acteurs du secteur voient leur carnet de commandes grimper. Et les dépenses militaires américaines devraient continuer d'augmenter.

Si les observateurs sont encore divisés sur l'existence d'un « Trump bump » pour l'économie américaine, le secteur de la Défense est, sans conteste, l'un des premiers bénéficiaires de la politique de la Maison-Blanche. La vague de résultats trimestriels de ces derniers jours en a encore apporté la preuve. Boeing , porté par ailleurs par ses activités dans le transport aérien, a ainsi relevé ses prévisions annuelles, après avoir publié des...

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On the same subject

  • UK: Defence and Security Accelerator funding competitions

    November 1, 2018 | International, Aerospace, Naval, Land, C4ISR, Security

    UK: Defence and Security Accelerator funding competitions

    Details of our current, future and past funding competitions. Published 8 December 2016 Last updated 30 October 2018 — see all updates From: Defence and Security Accelerator and Ministry of Defence Contents Events and market interest activities (Open) Themed competitions (open now for application) Themed competitions (opening for applications soon) Past events and market interest activities (closed) Past themed competitions (closed) You can submit a Defence and Security Accelerator proposal either to our Open Call for Innovation or in response to the technical challenges in a specific themed competition, as detailed below. You can submit your themed competition proposal online once the full detailed competition document is published. Summary competition documents may be published a few weeks in advance of full competition document releases. Events and market interest activities (Open) Maximising Human Performance - Market Exploration 18 October 2018 DASA dial in event: many drones make light work competition 18 October 2018 Themed competitions (open now for application) The competitions below are in order of closing date, earliest at the top. Competition: predictive cyber analytics 6 September 2018 Competition: Biosensing across wide areas 31 August 2018 Competition: stopping it in its tracks 28 September 2018 Competition: Don't Blow It! Safely eliminating chemical and biological munitions on the battlefield 9 October 2018 Competition: many drones make light work phase 3 18 October 2018 Competition: Behavioural Analytics for Defence and Security 11 October 2018 Themed competitions (opening for applications soon) Please note we publish these summary documents ahead of publishing the full detailed competition documents to give potential applicants early information on the competition. Full documents are typically published within a couple of weeks of the summary documents. The competitions below are in order of closing date, earliest at the top. Competition: Tackling Knife Crime in the UK 30 October 2018

  • Les industriels qui vont livrer les 313 véhicules de combat commandés par les armées françaises sont....

    September 23, 2020 | International, Land

    Les industriels qui vont livrer les 313 véhicules de combat commandés par les armées françaises sont....

    HASSAN MEDDAH MADE IN FRANCE Trois industriels français seront les principaux bénéficiaires du programme de renouvellement des capacités de combat de l'armée de Terre. Au total, le programme Scorpion représente un plan de charge de près de 2000 emplois industriels qualifiés Le ministère des armées a officialisé ce 22 septembre 2020 la commande de 313 véhicules blindés à l'industrie française. La commande passée par la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) le 15 septembre, marque une étape importante du programme Scorpion de renouvellement des capacités de combat de l'armée de Terre. Elle porte sur 271 véhicules blindés multi-rôles, les Griffon et 42 engins blindés de reconnaissance et de combat, les Jaguar.

  • State clears $1.5 billion in arms sales for Egypt, South Korea and Canada

    July 31, 2019 | International, Aerospace, Land

    State clears $1.5 billion in arms sales for Egypt, South Korea and Canada

    By: Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON — The U.S. State Department today cleared a trio of weapon sales for Egypt, South Korea and Canada, which could net American firms more than $1.5 billion in revenues. Announcements for the three deals were published online by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. DSCA announcements are not final sales; if cleared by Congress, contract figures can change during future negotiations. The largest of the three agreements is with South Korea, which was ok'd to receive contractor logistics support for its fleet of RQ-4 Block 30 unmanned systems. That comes with an estimated cost of $950 million. Northrop Grumman will be the prime contractor on the work, with offset requirements to be determined later. For more on the state of the defense industry, check out the Defense News Top 100 Northrop's work order will cover “program management; training for pilots maintenance, logistics and communications personnel; depot and organizational level maintenance; minor modifications and upgrades; spares and repair/return parts; operational flight support; program analysis; publications and technical documentation; U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics services; and other related elements of logistics and program support,” per the DSCA. Egypt's deal involves follow on technical support for a variety of ships in its navy. Work will cover Egypt's fleets of Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates, fast missile craft, coastal mine hunter ships, and 25 meter and 28 meter fast patrol craft. The prime contractor will be the Virginia-based VSE Corporation, with an estimated price tag of $554 million. Finally, Canada is looking to buy 152 American-made radios, for $44 million. Known formally as the Multifunctional Information Distribution System - Joint Tactical Radio System, the radio is Link 16 enabled, an important capability for the NATO ally. “Canada intends to upgrade its current inventory of CF-18 aircraft, CC-130J, and the Royal Canadian Air Force's ground stations with the purchase of these MIDS JTRS (5) terminals to be fully interoperable with U.S. and allied forces to support and compliment joint operations in a net-enabled environment; have modernized electronic protection and secure, jam-resistant wave forms; and be capable of improved Link 16 message exchange and information fidelity including support to advanced weapon employment,” the DSCA announcement says. Primary vendors are Viasat and Data Link Solutions, and some form of industrial offset is expected.

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